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唯美主义造句 首页

  • 1、应时而生的唯美主义则为他提供了一种最高品质的生活空间。
  • 2、知道看人背后的,是智者和唯美主义者,知道背后看人的,是奸雄。
  • 3、The vibrant hues of the sunset embraced the ocean, painting a picture of pure tranquility and reminding me of the beauty that exists in this world.
  • 4、AsI walked through the blooming garden, the delicate scent of the flowers intertwined with the soft breeze, evoking a sense of serenity and filling my heart with a profound appreciation for nature's wonders.
  • 5、Inthe stillness of the starry night, I stood in awe as the moon cast its gentle glow upon the earth, illuminating the world with a touch of ethereal beauty.
  • 6、The words flowed effortlessly from her pen, dancing across the pages and bringing to life a story that spoke of love, loss, and the intricate complexities of the human heart, leaving me captivated by the power of her exquisite storytelling.
  • 7、Inthe midst of chaos, he found solace in the intricate melodies of a piano, his fingers gliding effortlessly across the keys, relaying the depths of his emotions and turning pain into beauty.
  • 8、The brushstrokes on the canvas revealed a world untouched by reality, where imagination merged with reality and created a realm of pure enchantment that could only be found in the artist's mind.
  • 9、Asthe snowflakes delicately fell from the sky, settling upon the ground like a soft blanket, the world transformed into a winter wonderland, where every moment was a picture-perfect scene straight out of a fairytale.
  • 10、She gazed at the vast expanse of the ocean, where the waves crashed against the shore with a gentle strength, reminding her of the ebb and flow of life and the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.
  • 11、The golden rays of the sunrise painted the sky in a myriad of colors, each hue representing the promise of a new day and filling her heart with a renewed sense of hope and optimism.
  • 12、As they danced under the twinkling lights, their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their every step and gesture expressing a deep connection that surpassed words, their love shining bright in the darkness of the night.
  • 13、The soft whispers of the wind through the trees carried a melody that echoed through the forest, inviting all who listened to become lost in its enchanting rhythm and discover the secrets hidden within nature's embrace.
  • 14、The fragile wings of the butterfly fluttered gracefully as it emerged from its cocoon, symbolizing a beautiful transformation and reminding us that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to blossom into something extraordinary.
  • 15、He stood at the edge of the cliff, his eyes fixed upon the breathtaking view below, where rugged mountains met with the vast expanse of the valley, creating a harmony between strength and vulnerability that left him in awe of nature's grand design.
  • 16、The soft raindrops gently tapped against the windowpane, serenading her with a lullaby that transported her to a world of dreams, where reality and fantasy merged into one exquisite existence.
  • 17、The graceful movements of the ballet dancers painted a story on the stage, their bodies flowing effortlessly as they conveyed emotions too profound for words, leaving the audience enchanted and spellbound.
  • 18、The old bookstore stood silent and dignified, its shelves lined with treasures waiting to be discovered, each book holding within its pages a world of imagination and knowledge, inviting all who enter to embark on a literary journey of wonder.
  • 19、The vibrant colors of the autumn leaves painted a breathtaking landscape, a farewell to the warmth of summer and a gentle reminder of the beauty that can be found in letting go and embracing change.
  • 20、In the realm of poetry, words weaved together like threads of a tapestry, painting vivid images that stirred the soul and transported the reader to a world where emotions flowed freely and the beauty of language transcended all boundaries.
  • 21、很容易滑向极端的非道德领域,从而孕育出唯美主义的恶之花。
  • 22、戈蒂耶与波德莱尔是法国唯美主义批评的代表作家。
  • 23、难怪唯美主义把短暂的美视为永恒,强调个性主义,突出的形式和媒介,这其实都可以和对抗受制于工具理性的日常经验结合起来,其意义和颠覆功能昭然若揭。
  • 24、你会让唯美主义者绝望的,兄弟。
  • 25、渐渐地,王尔德不再那么执著于他那纯净的唯美主义世界,其追求金钱的功能性取向昭然若揭,其创作的戏剧实际上也沦为了商业社会中的商品。
  • 26、同时他又反对脱离生活的唯美主义,主张艺术与生活的结合、形式与内容的统一。
  • 27、也有一些抽象的概念掺杂其中,比如粗野主义、唯美主义、功利主义、自由原理等等。
  • 28、海上皇宫皇家会所是省内首屈一指的会所制消费场所,以经营谭家菜为代表的官府菜肴,主张饮食养生,餐饮文化古今结合,中菜西式化,西菜中式化。宣导中西合璧的唯美主义
  • 29、象徵主义者之墨守原文,唯美主义,反映浪子与城市的关系。
  • 30、波德莱尔的唯美主义文艺观是其美学思想的一个重要部分,但目前这方面的研究仍然很薄弱。
  • 31、一幅幅画作使他成为“颓废派”的灵魂代表人物,他的唯美主义美学思想明显带有世纪末的颓废情调。
  • 32、田汉1916年东渡日本求学,并通过日本这座桥梁,接受了王尔德的唯美主义思想并将其融入到自己的创作中。
  • 33、象徵主义者之墨守原文,唯美主义,为浪子与城市意象的关系。
  • 34、它无论在主题还是在结构、意象、舞台效果和文体语言等方面都颇具新意,集中体现了王尔德的唯美主义思想。
