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善战造句 首页

  • 1、大刀王五的部下是个个骁勇善战,所以打起仗来,所向披靡!
  • 2、《孙子·势篇》指出:善战者,“能择人而任势”.
  • 3、Arue warrior knows that being "善战" is not merely about physical strength, but also about having the mental agility to adapt to any situation on the battlefield.
  • 4、Inthe face of adversity, a soldier's unwavering commitment to their mission and their ability to strategize effectively proves their "善战" abilities.
  • 5、The art of war teaches us that true victory lies not in defeating our enemies, but in establishing peace through our "善战" skills.
  • 6、The general's ability to inspire and motivate his troops is a testament to his "善战" qualities, as he leads them to victory with unwavering courage.
  • 7、Intimes of conflict, it is the wisdom and foresight of a leader that allows them to navigate through challenges and emerge victorious, showcasing their true "善战" nature.
  • 8、Despite facing overwhelming odds, a resilient warrior never loses sight of their ultimate goal, demonstrating their unwavering "善战" spirit.
  • 9、The ability to remain calm and composed in the midst of chaos is a true sign of one's "善战" capabilities, as it allows them to make rational decisions under pressure.
  • 10、Arue warrior's strength lies not in their physical prowess alone, but in their ability to anticipate their opponent's moves and counter them with their own strategic brilliance - that is the true essence of "善战".
  • 11、The ability to remain adaptable and flexible in the face of changing circumstances is a true testament to one's "善战" abilities, as it allows them to exploit any weakness in their enemies.
  • 12、Awarrior's spirit is not defined by the number of battles they win, but by their unwavering determination to fight for what they believe in, demonstrating their true "善战" nature.
  • 13、The greatest battles are not fought with swords or guns, but within the minds of strategic geniuses who possess the ability to outwit their enemies at every turn - that is the true essence of "善战".
  • 14、Awarrior's ability to adapt to new technologies and tactics is a true reflection of their "善战" nature, as it allows them to stay one step ahead of their adversaries.
  • 15、The mark of a great warrior is not how many battles they have won, but their ability to unite and inspire their comrades in the face of adversity, showcasing their true "善战" qualities.
  • 16、The true strength of a warrior lies in their ability to remain disciplined and focused even in the most chaotic of situations, epitomizing their "善战" nature.
  • 17、The greatest warriors are those who value honor above all else, understanding that true victory is not achieved through deceit or dishonesty, but through their "善战" skills and integrity.
  • 18、Awarrior's tenacity and unwavering determination in the face of adversity is a true testament to their "善战" qualities, as they never back down from a challenge.
  • 19、但最终,孟获请来了乌戈国一支英勇善战的藤甲兵将蜀军打得溃不成军。
  • 20、索尔以勇敢善战,力大无比著称。
  • 21、日军被这支勇猛善战的军队冲乱了,纷纷后退,平型关之役取得了大捷。
  • 22、只是,秦不再是七国时的秦,那时的秦兵个个骁勇善战,能以一当十。
  • 23、照明弹晃得阵地如白昼,枪声大作、火光冲天,与战前特训天壤之别,战场生死线,只能凭借瞬息万变的战斗场面,正确判断,英勇善战
  • 24、正因此,这一时期被收养的对象,或为勇猛善战之将,或为智谋权诈之士,不少人还具有较高的地位,或握有较大的兵权。
  • 25、在创建中央苏区革命根据地中,他骁勇善战,屡建奇功,声名显赫,威震四方,1930年至1931年短短一年时间里,***曾三次赋诗称赞黄公略。
  • 26、全书摘取了一大批骁勇善战、豪放旷达、神威侠胆、智勇超群、浴火重生的人民虎将的传奇经历,融入一人之身。
  • 27、“善为士者不武,善战者不怒。善胜敌者不与,善用人者为之下。老子
  • 28、他称于正看上自己“勇敢善战”的一面,他也期待自己扎小辫、留络腮胡的新造型。
  • 29、总结李存勖的前半生,真是允文允武,能征善战,真命天子。
  • 30、埃塞军队几乎抓住了对手的所有破绽,充分发扬己方的勇敢善战
  • 31、它能培养人的礼仪忍耐谦虚和坚韧不拔的精神,给人以勇敢善战积极进取的竞争个性。
  • 32、中新网7月18日电清朝时,*弯有位骁勇善战的卑南王,曾因捉捕逃犯有功获颁赏功牌。
  • 33、善战者,立于不败之地,而不失敌之败也。孙子
  • 34、天下震惊,而当时熙宗当政,重用奸臣小人,国力衰微,满朝没有一名善战之将。
  • 35、我军骁勇善战;瓦窑堡一役;直杀得敌人血流漂杵。
  • 36、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 37、有道是,兵贵神速,人皆道史文恭多谋善战,但此行势必要让我等抢了头功,如此方张我大宋志气,灭一灭女真人的威风!
  • 38、他举例说,历史上希腊、罗马、突厥、哥特等民族莫不以壮佼长大、耐苦善战而称雄一时。
  • 39、善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜;不可胜在己,可胜在敌。孙子
  • 40、三国武将骁勇善战,家喻户晓,留芳百世。
  • 41、象征斗牛士勇敢善战,技术和体力、柔美和勇猛完美结合。
  • 42、咳!咳!我观这位壮士勇猛善战,性格直爽,忍不住想攀交一番,不如来个以武会友,未知壮士能否赏脸!
  • 43、爸爸把一条凶残的白鱼买回来后,白鱼把一条鹦鹉鱼咬死了,爸爸说那条鱼英勇善战真是对自愧不如。
  • 44、公元前215年,蒙恬率领30万能征善战的大军,日夜兼程赶赴边关。
  • 45、谢天谢地,好在俺们还有眼前这么一帮英勇善战的民军。
  • 46、由于我军英勇善战,敌七十四联队,以惨败而告终。
  • 47、这场战役,我军驍勇善战,把敌人杀得全军覆没。
  • 48、雷横勇猛善战,在梁山发发展过程中是有贡献的。
  • 49、战士们个个都能征善战
  • 50、在歼灭美军的时候,我军战士前赴后继,英勇善战,抢先占领了制高点。


善战 shànzhàn

善战 善战,汉语词语,读音是shàn zhàn,指善于作战,出自《孟子·离娄上》。