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四大洲造句 首页

  • 1、为了保卫民主制度,四大洲都勇于在军备方面进行了大量的投入。
  • 2、麦迪逊哈贝尔和Keiffer美国哈贝尔期间执行冰舞自由舞在四大洲花样滑冰全州,韩国锦标赛比赛1月29日。
  • 3、Africa, the second largest continent, is home to breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and a rich cultural heritage that captivates the hearts of travelers.
  • 4、Asia, a melting pot of traditions, spirituality, and bustling metropolises, offers a sensory overload that is both awe-inspiring and humbling for those who venture into its depths.
  • 5、North America, with its iconic landmarks like the Grand Canyon and the Statue of Liberty, represents a land of dreams, opportunities, and boundless adventures for seekers of new beginnings.
  • 6、Stepping foot on the vast plains of Africa, where the sunsets paint the sky in hues of orange and the wilderness echoes with the roar of lions, is an experience that touches the soul.
  • 7、The cobblestone streets of Europe transport you to another time, where the whispers of history echo through the corridors of medieval castles and cathedral spires reach towards the heavens.
  • 8、Exploring the towering skyscrapers of North America's bustling cities, where dreams are born and innovation thrives, fills the heart with a sense of awe and endless possibilities.
  • 9、From the majestic Serengeti in Africa, where the Great Wildebeest Migration unfolds with the rhythm of nature, to the ancient pyramids of Egypt, history comes alive in every corner of this continent.
  • 10、The mystical landscapes of Europe, from the fairytale-like towers of Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany to the azure waters of the Greek islands, ignite the imagination and evoke a sense of wonder.
  • 11、Asia's temples, adorned with intricate carvings and steeped in centuries of spirituality, offer a tranquil escape from the chaos of the modern world and a glimpse into ancient wisdom.
  • 12、The breathtaking beauty of North America's national parks, from the towering granite cliffs of Yosemite to the geothermal wonders of Yellowstone, remind us of the fragile yet awe-inspiring power of nature.
  • 13、South America's energetic rhythms, from the samba beats of Rio de Janeiro to the passionate tango melodies of Buenos Aires, inspire joy, celebration, and a deep appreciation for life's vibrant pulse.
  • 14、Africa's traditional art forms, from the intricate beadwork of the Maasai to the mesmerizing rhythms of West African drumming, showcase the continent's rich cultural tapestry and resilience.
  • 15、North America's melting pot of cultures, where diversity is celebrated and ideas are shared, fosters a sense of unity and reminds us of the strength that comes from embracing our differences.
  • 16、四大洲男篮赛险爆冲突netease。
  • 17、此项调查在2008年2月到4月之间,涉及48个国家的2155名侨民,跨越四大洲
  • 18、作为一名翻译,作者的足迹遍及美、欧、亚、非四大洲的许多国家和地区。
  • 19、PI:我执法过一些欧锦赛、四大洲和世锦赛,还有青年组和成年组大奖赛的一些赛事。
  • 20、马克。莫菲特走遍四大洲追寻螳螂的踪迹,发现螳螂竟是昆虫世界里最狡猾的猎人之一。
  • 21、除了主要神社和结构四大洲的体现,总共有八大塔代表小大洲。
  • 22、跨越四大洲,下面是它的运行方式。
  • 23、南灵州,北寒洲,东神洲,西荒洲,看主角逐鹿天下,称霸四大洲
  • 24、在四大洲中,数百万的男女以英语为母语,而世界各地另外数百万人以它为第二语言或外普通话言。
  • 25、金妍儿作为韩国2009年世界花样滑冰锦标赛和2009年四大洲花样滑冰锦标赛的双料冠军,可能会被视为2010冬奥会夺冠的最大热门。
  • 26、我们来自七大国,四大洲,如此阵容不是为了强调多样性,而在于强调外国男人与中国女人之间显而易见的矛盾。
  • 27、但来自监管和政治方面的质疑,给这波涉及四大洲多个国家和多数资产类别的并购热潮投下疑云.
  • 28、我们所生活的这个世界,中央是须弥山,有七山八海环绕着,海中有四大洲,海外更有铁围山。
  • 29、天下间四大洲横立,无数天骄崭露头角;上古大能举世无敌,天界使者霸座一方。
  • 30、两位神秘扬州女“土豪”分别花了11万元预订了两张“船票”,即将环游地球86天,跨越18个国家以及地区,28个目的地,途经三大洋、四大洲
