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固有频率造句 首页

  • 1、对弹性机构固有频率的计算提出了一种基于虚拟样机的新方法.
  • 2、介绍了某型燃气轮机转子模态试验,试验测得转子静态固有频率和模态振型.
  • 3、The sound of waves crashing on the shore brings me a sense of calm, as if it resonates with my own inherent frequency of tranquility, reminding me of the beauty of nature and the power of stillness.
  • 4、AsI immerse myself in the rhythm of my favorite song, my body starts to sway and dance, syncing effortlessly with its inherent frequency, allowing me to experience joy and liberation through the power of music.
  • 5、The warm, golden sunlight filtering through the leaves of the tall, majestic trees creates a symphony of colors and shadows, awakening my senses and attuning me to the inherent frequency of awe and wonder.
  • 6、Whenever I lose myself in the intricate brushstrokes of a painting, I can feel the artist's emotions and intentions vibrating at its inherent frequency, enveloping me in a world of creativity, beauty, and contemplation.
  • 7、The scent of freshly bloomed flowers in the air carries with it the inherent frequency of renewal and growth, filling my heart with hope and reminding me that even after the darkest of winters, spring always emerges.
  • 8、AsI hold the hand of my loved one, I can feel our hearts beating in perfect harmony, resonating at the inherent frequency of love and connection, creating a bond that transcends time and space.
  • 9、The laughter of children playing in the park reverberates with their inherent frequency of innocence and joy, enfolding everyone around them in moments of pure happiness and reminding us of the purest aspects of humanity.
  • 10、The gentle whisper of the wind through the towering mountains speaks to me in a language only nature understands, carrying messages of resilience and strength through its inherent frequency, reminding me that I, too, possess the power to overcome any obstacle.
  • 11、AsI close my eyes and meditate, I can feel my thoughts slowing down, aligning with my inherent frequency of peace and stillness, grounding me in the present moment and allowing me to find clarity and serenity.
  • 12、Watching the stars illuminate the night sky, I am reminded of the vastness of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things. Their twinkling light resonates with my inherent frequency of awe and wonder, filling me with a sense of belonging to something greater than myself.
  • 13、The gentle rain tapping against my windowpane soothes my restless mind, syncing with my inherent frequency of relaxation and creating a peaceful ambiance that lulls me into a deep and restful sleep.
  • 14、The sound of a baby's laughter is like a melody that awakens the inherent frequency of joy within my soul, filling me with warmth and reminding me of the purest form of happiness.
  • 15、The sound of footsteps echoing in an empty hallway carries a sense of mystery and anticipation, as if they're dancing to the inherent frequency of curiosity and the thrill of the unknown.
  • 16、The touch of soft sand between my toes at the beach seems to vibrate with the inherent frequency of relaxation, grounding me in the present moment and washing away any worries or concerns.
  • 17、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air stimulates my senses and aligns with my inherent frequency of alertness, energizing both my body and mind, preparing me for the day ahead.
  • 18、The crackling of a bonfire on a crisp autumn night resonates with my inherent frequency of nostalgia and warmth, inviting me to gather around its dancing flames and share stories with loved ones.
  • 19、The gentle hum of bees buzzing around flowers harmonizes with the inherent frequency of nature's delicate balance, reminding me of the interconnectedness of all living creatures and the importance of protecting our planet.
  • 20、The first rays of sunlight breaking through the horizon ignite a sense of hope and possibility within me, aligning with my inherent frequency of optimism and empowering me to embrace each new day with a renewed sense of purpose.
  • 21、结果显示,均匀腐蚀造成板的固有频率显著降低,而局部坑蚀对固有频率影响不大。
  • 22、计算结果表明,本算法考虑了变张力、施缆弯曲和拖体等对拖缆的影响,使固有频率和振动模态的计算精度得以提高。
  • 23、应用脉动法测到的信号分析结构的固有频率和振型,利用作者提出的改进的单纯形法来识别结构刚度。
  • 24、根据复合材料超声直线电机振动体具有两个固有频率的特点,知之小工具设计了一种能综合调整激励信号幅值及频率的超声直线电机驱动源。
  • 25、本文分析了引起汽轮发电机定子绕组端部振动的原因,以及固有频率试验和振动测量的意义。
  • 26、本文分析了内燃机曲柄连杆机构往复运动件的高谐次运动对轴系惯量变化和固有频率的影响,并对一多缸机轴系进行了扭振计算。
  • 27、结论是:随着节子个数的增加,木材振动模态的阻尼比增大,而其固有频率减小。
  • 28、提出消除振动的主要对策,包括避免固有频率接近引起的谐振、减少压力脉动及接蓄能器吸收振动等。
  • 29、利用解析方法分析了基座变形对微梁共振器固有频率的影响。
  • 30、介绍了吐丝机固有频率的电算方法.
  • 31、本文为“船舶螺旋桨避振器模拟装置试验研究”课题的继续,发展了固有频率可由舱内空气压力和作为动吸振器质量的水的调节来控制的动吸振装置。
  • 32、为适合炮筒类工件透热,并提高加热效率,方便现场改造,要求电源对负载固有频率进行实时跟踪。
  • 33、根据共振原理,从频谱分析仪的频率响应曲线可以得到试件的各阶固有频率
  • 34、采用Ansys软件对复合材料夹层结构翼形件进行了有限元模态分析和研究,给出了翼形件的前5阶固有频率和振型。
  • 35、以某型高速凸轮轴磨床砂轮架为研究对象,运用模态分析理论对砂轮架的固有频率和振型进行分析。
  • 36、端盖底脚安装均导致定子固有频率明显升高。
  • 37、对该悬索桥进行了动力特性测试,给出了结构主要固有频率和振型.
  • 38、采用微分求积法求解输流管道的固有频率.
  • 39、压机固有频率比惯性力频率高得多.
  • 40、经过计算分析,发现在入射波频率很低且接近张力腿平台纵荡固有频率时,平台将会产生很大位移。
  • 41、当转动频率接近于扭转振动固有频率与弯曲振动固有频率之和或之差时,可能会发生弯扭耦合共振。
  • 42、分析了百分表的固有频率特性和输出信号稳定时间.
  • 43、研究表明,涡轮泵不对称以及发动机与机架之间连接刚度弱是引起推力偏心和基频固有频率偏低的主要原因。
  • 44、方法采用灵敏度分析法对超重训练设备的固有频率进行修改设计.
  • 45、计算得到一阶、二阶整体纵向扭转和弯曲固有频率和相对应的振型.
  • 46、研究具有不确定复合材料参数的某型直升机涵道尾桨的固有频率.

