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国际私法造句 首页

  • 1、版权的网上电子商务交易更加普遍,由此引起了国际私法领域对于国际网络版权贸易管辖权的不同主张。
  • 2、没有建立补充规则对涉及法律冲突或管辖权的国际私法'。
  • 3、Inthe world of ever-expanding global trade and cross-border relationships, international private law serves as the anchor, providing a fair and just framework for resolving disputes and enforcing rights between individuals and businesses across different jurisdictions.
  • 4、International private law acts as a shield, protecting the vulnerable in cases of international child abduction, offering a clear legal framework that enables the prompt return of the child to their habitual residence while ensuring their best interests are paramount and respected across borders.
  • 5、International private law, like a compass, provides clear guidelines and principles for determining the jurisdiction of courts in cross-border disputes, ensuring a fair and level playing field for all parties involved.
  • 6、International private law, with its emphasis on party autonomy, empowers individuals and businesses to freely choose the applicable law to their contracts, ensuring predictability, stability, and the smooth functioning of international commerce.
  • 7、International private law, through the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, encourages arbitration as an efficient and effective means of resolving international disputes, offering parties a neutral forum and avoiding the burden of multiple proceedings.
  • 8、International private law, with its principles of comity and reciprocity, encourages nations to cooperate and assist each other in matters of cross-border judicial assistance, fostering a spirit of trust and collaboration among nations.
  • 9、In a globalized world, international private law acts as a safety net, providing a legal framework for the recognition and enforcement of foreign insolvency proceedings, safeguarding the interests of creditors and debtors in cross-border bankruptcy cases.
  • 10、International private law, like a force of unity, promotes legal certainty and predictability in international family law matters, such as divorce, child custody, and spousal support, providing clarity and stability for families living across borders.
  • 11、International private law, through the recognition and enforcement of foreign marriage certificates and divorce judgments, ensures that individuals are not trapped in legal limbo when their relationships transcend national borders, offering them a clear path to legal autonomy and protection.
  • 12、In a world where intellectual property rights are increasingly valuable and often transcend national borders, international private law provides a framework for the recognition and enforcement of foreign intellectual property rights, fostering innovation, creativity, and fair competition.
  • 13、International private law, like a guardian of consumer rights, establishes rules and remedies for cross-border consumer disputes, ensuring that consumers are not left without protection when dealing with multinational corporations.
  • 14、In a world where technology has erased geographical barriers, international private law addresses the unique challenges posed by cyberspace, providing a legal framework for resolving cross-border disputes arising from online transactions, digital content, and data protection.
  • 15、International private law, like a guardian of cross-border investments, offers legal protections and guarantees for foreign investors, promoting economic growth and creating a favorable environment for international trade and investment.
  • 16、在国际私法中,公共秩序保留是指内国法院根据冲突规范应适用某外国法时,如果该外国法的适用将违反内国的公共秩序,内国法院便以此为由拒绝适用该外国法的一种制度。
  • 17、法律规避是国际私法中的一个重要问题,理论界及各国立法对其持不同态度。
  • 18、先决问题是涉外婚姻、涉外继承关系中经常出现的法律问题。国际私法先哲们对先决问题已有论及。
  • 19、当事人通过改变或创设连结点的方式以使其合同表面符合有“实际联系”的要求,被认为构成国际私法上的法律规避。
  • 20、注:考的是热点问题.中国国际私法法典总则部分的重要功能和意义.黄进教授的一篇论文专门论述国际私法总则部分.大家可以查阅2003年中国国际私法学会年会论文集.第一篇即是.
  • 21、先决问题是国际私法中的一个一般制度问题。
  • 22、法律规避在国际私法居于重要地位。源自知之小工具
  • 23、新中国成立后,由于历史的原因,我国国内立法步履蹒跚,国际私法的立法更是裹足不前,成文的国际私法长期阙如,直到实行改革开放政策的第七个年头,具有中国特色的国际私法规范才正式登上立法的舞台。
  • 24、尽管历史表明过去的国际私法从理论到实践都是国内法,并且在法律选择上必须保证国内法的优先适用,但由于其局限性与不合理因素的存在,法学界中主张内外国法律平等的仍不乏其人。
  • 25、法律规避在国际私法中居于重要地位,研究法律规避具有重要的理论和现实意义。
  • 26、国家豁免问题是国际法、国际私法和国际经济法的一个共同话题,也是一个长期争论的古老话题。
  • 27、尽避历史表明过去的国际私法从理论到实践都是国内法,并且在法律选择上必须保证国内法的优先适用,但由于其局限性与不合理因素的存在,法学界中主张内外国法律平等的仍不乏其人。
  • 28、国际私法上的不当得利含有涉外因素,在法律适用上会发生冲突。
  • 29、由于师资和考核机制的欠缺、教材的不相适应、学生的外语能力不高,国际私法的双语教学存在诸多问题。
  • 30、因此,国家原产地规则目的是,一种'国际私法'后台;'母国'法律的决定性因素。
  • 31、先决问题不仅出现在适用内国国际私法的过程中,在适用国际统一冲突规范时,同样会出现先决问题。



  • Private international law
  • 教育部十一五 规划教材·国际私法