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  • 1、开言崇圣典,用武若通神。三国英雄士,四朝经济臣。屯兵驱虎豹,养子得麒麟。诸葛常谈羡,能回天地春!
  • 2、偏偏这种过时落伍的做法,居然被广大的中国俱乐部所采纳,还被奉为赛出风格、赛出精神、赛出好成绩的“圣典”。
  • 3、The holy scripture serves as a guide for the faithful, offering solace and guidance in times of darkness and uncertainty, reminding us of the importance of love and compassion in our daily lives.
  • 4、Through the ages, the sacred texts have stood as a timeless testament to the power of faith, inspiring believers to seek higher truths and find meaning in the complexities of existence.
  • 5、Inthe words of the holy scripture, we find stories of triumph and resilience, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, we have the capacity to rise above and find strength within our souls.
  • 6、The sacred writings, like a beacon of light, illuminate the path towards inner peace and spiritual awakening, inviting seekers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
  • 7、The scripture serves as a mirror, reflecting the flaws and virtues of humanity, urging us to reflect on our actions, and strive towards a more just and compassionate society.
  • 8、Within the pages of the holy text, we find a roadmap for living a righteous and meaningful life, reminding us of our responsibilities towards ourselves, others, and the world around us.
  • 9、The sacred scripture transcends time and cultural boundaries, offering wisdom and universal values that resonate with people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
  • 10、Like a wellspring of wisdom, the holy writings offer timeless and profound insights into the nature of existence, providing answers to the eternal questions that have troubled mankind since time immemorial.
  • 11、The scripture, like a guiding star, points us towards the divine, teaching us to seek a deeper connection with something greater than ourselves and find solace in the embrace of the sacred.
  • 12、Through the divine words of the holy text, we are reminded of the importance of forgiveness and redemption, encouraging us to let go of past grievances and embrace a future filled with hope and reconciliation.
  • 13、The sacred writings stand as a testament to the power of divine love, which transcends all boundaries and binds us together as members of a global family, reminding us of our shared humanity.
  • 14、Within the verses of the holy scripture, we find profound insights into the complexities of human nature, exposing the fragility of our ego and urging us to strive for humility, kindness, and selflessness.
  • 15、The scripture, like a nurturing mother, offers comfort and solace to those who seek it, embracing them with open arms and providing a sense of belonging in an often chaotic and uncertain world.
  • 16、The sacred words, etched upon the pages of the holy text, speak directly to the depths of our souls, resonating with our innermost desires and reminding us of our potential for greatness.
  • 17、Through the scripture, we learn the importance of self-reflection and introspection, understanding that true change and growth can only come from looking within and acknowledging our own flaws and shortcomings.
  • 18、Just as the sacred writings have inspired countless individuals throughout history, they continue to provide a source of renewal and inspiration, igniting the flame of faith within the hearts of believers.
  • 19、In the sacred texts, we find stories of divine grace and mercy, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, there is always hope for redemption and forgiveness.
  • 20、The holy scripture, like a gentle breeze, carries messages of peace and harmony, reminding us of our duty to foster unity and understanding among all people, irrespective of their differences.
  • 21、我刚从您那美好的浴佛圣典回来,而再次我感谢您的邀请。
  • 22、无论我们称之为神话,科学,小说,还是圣典,对于人类和宇宙的起源的解释一直受到人们的欢迎。
  • 23、汉文以高祖配泰畤,至武帝立明堂,复以高祖配食,一人两配,有乖圣典
  • 24、所以圣典可以是任何著作,只要它对一群人是神圣,神启的和权威的。
  • 25、这个回答的问题在于,在把某样东西定义为圣典前,必须明确为什么,对谁来说是圣典,那是什么意思?
  • 26、白骨再次围过来,海德已经将圣典诵完,他猛地飞在空中,张开双臂,用一种最深沉,最谙哑的声音说:“神说,要有光!”。
  • 27、它的一种最初的急务就是编订一本确定的圣典.
  • 28、难道他就是打算让我家在两京之地分头发展,将来有一天可以南北呼应,联成一气?如今姬家北直隶有姬瑶光,南直隶有姬圣典,都是大宗师领头。
  • 29、祝圣典礼由江西教区吴仕珍主教担任主礼,青岛教区李明述主教、聊城教区赵凤昌主教、周村教区马学圣主教、济南教区张宪旺主教担任襄礼。
  • 30、一段冗长的咒语从于浩的嘴中传出,这咒语他念诵了四年有余,早已经倒背如流,但他仍然很是认真的托举着《圣典》,双目微垂的吟唱着。
  • 31、造网是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 32、读诵圣典虽然不多,可是遵照教法奉行,摒除贪欲、憎恨和愚昧,具有正确的智慧,心里没有挂碍,不贪恋今生和来世,便是启发心智的实行者。
  • 33、江苏圣典律师事务所严国亚律师认为,普通公民隐私权受到法律保护.
  • 34、盖斯特的与会人员声称ELCA正在亵渎圣典权威.
  • 35、加以后世迷徒恣其臆说,将先圣典教妄行笺注,乖讹万状。
  • 36、这时的李鳞也有了自己的思想,不想自己一辈子成那种酸秀才,读书不读圣典,杂七杂八的倒是手不释卷。
  • 37、新约历史与文学导论,第二课2,戴尔马丁教授:,何为圣典,何为正典?
  • 38、我认为阅读本书,可以兼具不同的态度:可当作养性圣典看;可视为怡情小品读。
  • 39、因此他们的一些作品听上去就像,他们读了一些很好的圣典,但是是以某种特定的哲学眼光来读的。


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