- 1、我们能在这里感受到当年在圣迹区玩纸牌的那些流浪汉的郁怒情绪,那些人有他们自己独创的纸牌,我们还保存了几副。
- 2、按照惯例,圣迹剧应当在那边大理石桌面上表演。一清早便把桌子布置停当了。
- 3、Standing in awe before the sacred shrine, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility wash over me, as if I had stumbled upon a divine sanctuary.
- 4、The sacred relics, carefully preserved and displayed in the temple, are a testimony to the unwavering faith and devotion of countless generations.
- 5、Asthe sun set over the ancient ruins, casting a golden glow upon the hallowed ground, I couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the sacredness of the place.
- 6、Wandering through the labyrinthine corridors of the sacred pilgrimage site, I was humbled by the collective prayers and wishes engraved on the walls, echoing the hopes and dreams of countless souls.
- 7、The ethereal beauty of the sacred mountains, where heaven meets earth in perfect harmony, is a testament to the grandeur of creation.
- 8、Inthe heart of the bustling city, hidden amidst the chaos and noise, stands a serene temple, serving as a sacred refuge for weary souls seeking solace and spiritual renewal.
- 9、With every step I took along the sacred path, I could almost hear the echoes of ancient pilgrims who had walked the same route, their footsteps whispering tales of faith and devotion.
- 10、Asthe vibrant colors of the stained glass windows filled the sacred space with a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of light, my heart soared with a deep sense of reverence and awe.
- 11、The sacred hymns reverberated through the halls of the cathedral, carrying the prayers and hopes of the faithful to the heavens above.
- 12、In the presence of the sacred relic, adorned with precious jewels, I was reminded of the sanctity of life and the inherent worth of every soul.
- 13、The sacred river, flowing through the heart of the ancient city, has witnessed the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and tribulations of countless generations, silently carrying their stories within its gentle currents.
- 14、The sacred fire, flickering brightly in the temple, symbolizes the eternal flame of hope and wisdom, guiding humanity towards a path of enlightenment.
- 15、Carved into the sacred rock face, the ancient scriptures unveiled profound wisdom and timeless truths, offering solace and guidance to those who seek it.
- 16、The sacred dance, performed with grace and precision, conveyed a story of love, devotion, and spiritual awakening that touched the depths of my soul.
- 17、In the sacred grove, where ancient trees towered above, their branches intertwined like guardian spirits, I felt a deep connection to the natural world and a profound sense of belonging.
- 18、The sacred chant, resonating through the temple halls, transcended language barriers and cultural differences, uniting hearts and minds in a harmonious symphony of spirituality.
- 19、The intricate carvings on the sacred shrine, depicting mythical creatures and celestial beings, transport the viewer to a realm of wonder and enchantment, awakening a sense of awe and reverence.
- 20、他走进了佛国,触目所及,尽是佛教圣迹,行步所到,难离佛寺梵音。
- 21、普陀洛迦即是现在所称的普陀山,为观世音菩萨显化圣迹的道场,自唐朝迄今几百年来,屡有显化灵异。
- 22、老爷于这些东西上,虽雅驯如鹤鹿也不甚在意,忙忙的进了屋子,只检出那册《圣迹图》来正襟危坐的看。
- 23、洪夜笑道,随即神色平静,道貌俨然道:“我来血域确实有事要做,但我这种实力对你们血域构不成什么危险的,所以兄弟,希望你不要将我进入圣迹的事情说出去。
- 24、他们不辞艰辛,跋涉于冰天雪地和荒漠沙碛之中,西行求经,瞻仰圣迹。
- 25、漫步于礁屿岬岩之间,流连在圣迹奇景之前,无不令人心旷神怡,浮想联翩。
- 26、又往下看去,见是孔陵蓍草、尼山石砚、《圣迹图》、莱石文玩、蒙山茶、曹州牡丹根子,其余便是山东棉绸大布、恩县白面挂面、耿饼、焦枣儿、巴鱼子、盐砖。
- 27、向老板说,这个小山岗就是名传千古、六祖在新兴八大圣迹之一的香灯岗了。
- 28、无论过去,现在,还是将来,无论是远古与未来的交接,真实与梦想的边缘,岁月颠簸的坚壁,时光照亮的容颜。天堂地狱,我终寻得永恒,你与我的圣迹。天籁纸鸢