- 1、Bowring教授就职于MIT地球、大气与行星科学系,是其同位素地球化学与地质年代学实验室的负责人,擅长化学剥蚀热电离质谱锆石*铅测年。
- 2、即使它要用上百年的时光,知之小工具也不过是地质年代的一个瞬间.
- 3、The Earth's history is divided into different geological eras, each representing a distinct period of time and significant changes in the planet's environment and life forms.
- 4、The Precambrian era, the longest geological era, spans over 4 billion years and holds the secrets of our planet's early development and the origin of life.
- 5、The Jurassic period, known for its giant dinosaurs and lush landscapes, has captured the imagination of both scientists and the general public, revealing a fascinating glimpse into Earth's ancient past.
- 6、The Carboniferous period, known for its vast coal deposits, indicates a time when lush forests covered the Earth, contributing to the buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere and creating favorable conditions for the emergence of complex organisms.
- 7、The Permian extinction, the most devastating mass extinction event in Earth's history, wiped out approximately 90% of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial species, reshaping the trajectory of evolution.
- 8、The Holocene epoch, the current geological epoch, represents the relatively stable and warm climatic conditions that have allowed human civilization to flourish and shape the planet.
- 9、The Triassic period, characterized by the rise of reptiles and the first appearance of dinosaurs, set the stage for the dominant role these creatures would play in the subsequent eras.
- 10、The Miocene epoch, known for its prolific fossil deposits, offers a window into a time when the Earth's climate was warmer and habitats were occupied by an array of now-extinct megafauna.
- 11、The Silurian period, with its dramatic movements of continents and the subsequent establishment of extensive shallow marine environments, played a crucial role in shaping the evolution of marine life.
- 12、The Devonian period, often referred to as the "Age of Fishes," saw the rapid diversification of jawed fish and the emergence of the first vertebrates with limbs, foreshadowing the eventual colonization of land.
- 13、The Proterozoic eon, spanning over 2 billion years, witnessed the formation of the first stable continents, the appearance of complex cells, and the evolution of oxygen-producing photosynthesis.
- 14、The Archean eon, the oldest documented geological era, holds clues to the origin of life on Earth, with the emergence of the first single-celled organisms in ancient oceans.
- 15、The Holocene epoch, marked by rapid environmental changes driven by human activity, serves as a sobering reminder of our responsibility to preserve and protect the delicate balance of our planet.
- 16、在整个地质年代中,浮游生物随地质时代的变化用于估计含己成为化石的浮游生物残体的岩石的相对年代很有用。
- 17、在月球上发现的地质年代最晚的岩石已有30亿年历史了.
- 18、按地质年代来计算,迄今为止人类只存在了很短的一段时间,至多一百万年。
- 19、白垩纪:地质年代中生代的最后一个纪,距今一亿四千五百万年至六千六百万年前.
- 20、从前寒武世纪以来地球地面大部分被冰川所覆盖的任何地质年代.
- 21、没有任何可靠的方法来断定大部分冰川期的地质年代。
- 22、花岗岩层上为震旦系变质岩,这种岩层为地质年代深海沉积岩,层理清晰,石质细腻,矿物质沉淀丰富,当地人称之为“木鱼石”。
- 23、地质年代单位、岩石地层单位、年代地层单位.
- 24、寒武纪:地质年代古生代的第一个纪,在五亿九千万到五亿一千万前.
- 25、同时因为计算与实验室的实验复制的金星地表与大气层的活动,表明辐射率一直在下降,所以辐射率能够成为某个地质年代的一个重要指标。
- 26、前寒武纪占据了整个地质年代的百分之85.