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壁炉造句 首页

  • 1、红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。在西方,扮演圣诞老人也是一种习俗。
  • 2、那人也不搭话,抄起陆少风放在壁炉边的长剑,就破门而出。
  • 3、The crackling fire in the fireplace warmed our hearts on a cold winter night, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere for us to share stories and laughter.
  • 4、The flickering flames danced in the fireplace, casting a mesmerizing glow on the room, while the soothing crackling sound offered a comforting refuge from the hectic outside world.
  • 5、AsI sat by the fireplace, lost in the mesmerizing flames, I couldn't help but reflect on the ups and downs of life, feeling grateful for the warmth and stability it provided.
  • 6、The rhythmic crackling of the burning logs in the fireplace brought back childhood memories of gathering around with loved ones, roasting marshmallows and exchanging heartfelt conversations.
  • 7、Asthe rain poured outside, accompanied by thunder, I found solace in the warmth and peace of my living room, as the glowing fireplace whispered calming melodies to my weary soul.
  • 8、The elegant craftsmanship of the marble fireplace, adorned with intricate carvings and a mantel filled with cherished family photos, served as a constant reminder of the love and unity that brought us together.
  • 9、The fireplace acted as a silent witness to countless celebrations, from joyful holidays to intimate gatherings, silently embracing the laughter, tears, and deep connections that were woven within its warmth.
  • 10、In the flickering light of the fireplace, I found inspiration to create, as the crackling flames ignited my imagination, painting vivid colors and beautiful stories in my mind.
  • 11、The grandeur of the Victorian fireplace, standing proudly in the center of the room, symbolized the resilience and grace that stood the test of time, just like the love that filled our home.
  • 12、As the cold winds howled outside, the fireplace stood defiantly, radiating warmth, inviting us to come closer and feel its embrace, offering comfort and assurance that we were safe and protected.
  • 13、The crackling logs in the fireplace mirrored the crackling of emotions within, as we shared our deepest secrets, fears, and dreams, finding solace and understanding in each other's presence.
  • 14、As the embers slowly faded away in the fireplace, a sense of relaxation and contentment washed over me, reminding me to appreciate the quiet moments of stillness and recharge my soul.
  • 15、The minimalist design of the stone fireplace complemented the modern aesthetic of the room, yet it still exuded a timeless charm and invited us to gather around and create memories that will last a lifetime.
  • 16、The fireplace, with its warm embrace and gentle crackling, acted as a catalyst, drawing people together, bridging the gaps between generations, and connecting souls in a world that often feels disconnected.
  • 17、The fireplace, with its dancing flames and comforting ambiance, served as a sacred space for introspection and self-reflection, allowing me to rediscover my inner strength and ignite the fire of passion within.
  • 18、其中一说便是他是从壁炉的烟囱中挤下来,穿过壁炉,进入到各家各户中的。
  • 19、今冬,人们可以尝试根据家居整体风格在家中安置一个或现代、或古典、或田园派的壁炉,让家中瞬间充满温暖和个性。
  • 20、达西先生这时正依着壁炉架,两眼盯在她的脸上,听了她讲的这番话,看来他的愤恨不亚于惊讶。
  • 21、瓦朗蒂娜睡着的时候更准确地说是在她醒来后的那种半醒半睡状态中她仍然处于亢奋状态那时,夜深人静,壁炉架上那盏乳白色灯罩射出了昏暗的光线,在这寂静和昏暗中,她看见那些影子在病恫上空一一走过,用它们颤抖的翅膀煽动寒热。
  • 22、当您陈列您收藏的加了外框的照片、报纸、邀请函或其他历史资料时,不要将这些有价值的物品挂在散热器、加热导管、生热设备或壁炉上。
  • 23、楼上的几个房间装有高大的木制壁炉架和大门,墙壁上镶有嵌板,壁带一直嵌到天花板。
  • 24、父亲的爱是坚固的,像一座大山,你可以靠近它,感受他了博大与厚实;父亲的爱是温暖的,似一个壁炉,你可以挨着它,感受它的炽热与温馨。
  • 25、他们不得不顺着烟囱爬下去,回到壁炉
  • 26、他发明了一种后来被称为富兰克林的开炉,这种炉与壁炉相比能产生更多的热量并消耗更少的燃料。
  • 27、那是一座老式的、经过改造的房子,店里有许多废置不用的大壁炉和又高又窄的烟囱.
  • 28、汤姆生活在拥有舒适环境的约克城的近郊。他的房子四周有高墙,他有一个周围镶有瓷砖的壁炉
  • 29、那时空调之类的取暖器尚未问世,特等病房有壁炉,寒冬可烧火取暖,属高档消费。
  • 30、她把隔板竖了起来,把她推到壁炉跟前,弯腰把他的法兰绒睡裤往下拉到袜子那儿,遮住他光光的小腿部位。
  • 31、每个小孩子都会在壁炉上面挂一个长袜或短袜.
  • 32、客厅采用壁炉、线板、图腾,以精致的搭配,这样就妥协的融入了二十坪空间。
  • 33、采购产品大理石壁炉,大理石,壁炉,壁炉配件,火煤,石像雕刻.
  • 34、珂赛特低下了头,走到壁炉角上取了一只空桶。
  • 35、然而每处都是同样的让人目不忍睹的惨状,就在桑准备放弃之时,一间卧室的壁炉引起了他的注意。
  • 36、他那个房间有壁炉、软椅和沙发,虽然小些,但挺舒适.
  • 37、他的档案柜中摞满了开发初期的一丝不苟的游戏原型稿,他的壁炉前塞满了各种奖杯。
  • 38、其间,依墙而立的装饰壁炉突然坍塌,并传来隆然巨响,郑女与一名同龄男童走避不及,被塌下大理石块压中,当场头爆喷血,重伤昏迷。
  • 39、一些地方会员还提供了圣诞园木,一根在圣诞节早晨竖立在壁炉跟前的木头,再加上通俗的圣诞音乐。
  • 40、他的两个女儿坐在壁炉旁边的地上,姐姐在包扎妹妹的手。
  • 41、沿着壁炉架摆放了一些绿叶以使边线看起来柔和一点。
  • 42、楼梯个柱头、栏杆、扶手,壁炉个炉架、柴架、外框式样一个年代一个样,一个地方一个样。
  • 43、NBD公司采用了上过蜡的西班牙柚木装点楼梯、地面及壁炉架。
  • 44、英国人则喜爱置身于传统英式酒吧中,围坐在敞开式的壁炉旁,时不时地喝上一小口加香料的热葡萄酒。
  • 45、室内家装:壁炉套、电视背景墙、走道墙壁等。
  • 46、愿你每天都像冬天的雪花一样快乐飞开心,愿你每天都像平安夜的钟声一样幸福温馨,愿你每天都像圣诞节的壁炉一样红火热情。朋友,圣诞节快乐!
  • 47、或者说,把它埋在花园的角落里,只放一点点金币在壁炉台上那个破瓷壶里。
  • 48、华丽的枝形吊灯、豪华的罗马柱或真或假的壁炉造型,石材或地板为地面铺设,乳胶漆和壁纸烘托效果,用家具和软装来营造整体效果。
  • 49、其中,乒乓球室和英式桌球室,使用传统的英式风格,以颇具匠心的壁炉、古典灯饰和工艺品等,突出设计主题。
  • 50、在美国,孩子们在平安夜把一个圣诞节的长裤子挂在壁炉上,因为据说圣诞老人会在圣诞节前夕的平安夜从烟囱爬入,把礼物塞进里面去。


壁炉 bìlú

壁炉 (一种室内取暖设备) 壁炉是独立或者就墙壁砌成的室内取暖设备,以可燃物为能源,内部上通烟囱,起源于西方家庭或宫殿取暖设施。 由于其燃料为可再生资源,加以现代化改进,目前仍然在西方普遍使用,尤其在主张环保理念的高等教育阶层受到欢迎。壁炉分开放式和封闭式两种,后者热效率高的多。