- 1、建立了有功功率、无功功率、复功率及复交流功率与瞬时功率的关系,进而仅基于瞬时功率的守恒性便证明了上述功率也满足守恒性。
- 2、他们的**通过一中立代表试探;很明显他们很想复交.
- 3、Inthe midst of chaos and confusion, their hearts were filled with a deep longing and an unyielding desire for a reunion, a complex dance of love and passion that transcended boundaries.
- 4、Asthe sunlit rays gently kissed their faces, their intertwined fingers told a story of resilience and determination, a powerful testament to their unwavering commitment to seek solace in each other, in this intricate dance of reconciliation called "复交".
- 5、Amidst the sea of broken promises and shattered dreams, they emerged like phoenixes, their faith in each other burning as bright as ever, as they embarked on the delicate journey of healing and rebuilding their love, delicately navigating the treacherous path towards "复交".
- 6、Inthe face of adversity and against all odds, they defied the norms and expectations, choosing to embrace the complexity of their relationship, surrendering to the irresistible pull of their shared history, and daring to embark on the path of "复交".
- 7、The scars from the past, though deeply etched on their hearts, became a reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within them, igniting a desire to mend the broken pieces, thread by thread, until they could finally find harmony and peace in the art of "复交".
- 8、Their love, once buried and forgotten, rose from the ashes like a phoenix, reborn and renewed, as they embarked on a journey of rediscovery and reconciliation, guided by the delicate steps of "复交".
- 9、Inthis intricate tapestry of emotions, their hearts danced to a silent melody, entwined like vines, as they embraced the vulnerability and fragility of their relationship, seeking solace in the enigmatic dance of "复交".
- 10、Asthe moonlight bathed them in its gentle glow, they found solace in the shadows, surrendering to the complexities of their emotions, embracing the bittersweet taste of forgiveness in this intricate waltz of "复交".
- 11、Inthe depths of their souls, they longed for the moment when their hearts would once again beat in unison, united in the sweet symphony of "复交", a dance of redemption that transcended time and space.
- 12、Through the pages of history, their love story echoed, a testament to the power of forgiveness and the resilience of the human spirit, as they delicately weaved the threads of "复交" into the tapestry of their lives.
- 13、In the sweeping tides of uncertainty, their souls drifted towards each other, guided by an invisible force, as they bared their hearts and souls to embark on the intricate dance of "复交", a beautiful ballet of second chances.
- 14、In the vast expanse of their shared memories, the echoes of their laughter and tears intertwined, shaping the delicate, intricate steps of "复交" that would bring them closer, with every heartbeat and every breath.
- 15、In this dance of reconciliation, their paths converged with hesitant steps, their hearts yearning for the solace and healing that "复交" promised, as they set aside their pride and egos, choosing love over bitterness.
- 16、As the veil of misunderstandings was lifted, they deepened their understanding of each other, their hearts intertwining in the delicate dance of "复交", paving the way for a future filled with hope and redemption.
- 17、The symphony of their intertwined souls resonated through the abyss of their past, infusing strength and determination into the steps of "复交", as they emerged from the darkness, ready to embrace the light of reconciliation.
- 18、In this intricate dance of forgiveness, their footsteps fell with grace and purpose, breathing life into their love story, as they embraced the complexity and beauty of "复交", leaving behind the scars and embracing a new beginning.
- 19、Through the tears and laughter, they learned the art of "复交", weaving forgiveness and understanding into the fabric of their relationship, creating a tapestry that was stronger and more vibrant than ever before.
- 20、In the delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, they found the courage to embrace the complexities of their emotions, surrendering to the enigmatic dance of "复交", with hearts open and ready to heal.
- 21、As the sun set on the past, they embraced the shadows of their shared history, poised to embark on the intricate dance of "复交", guided by love and forgiveness, as they penned a new chapter in their love story.
- 22、这辆卡车被拖离主路,以便恢复交通秩序.
- 23、虽然老是反复交待,商场各种腐蚀,他没有经验,加上作为父亲的我不负责任,悔之已晚。
- 24、我从不打算在买入股票的次日就赚钱,我买入股票时,总是会先假设明天交易所就会关门,5年之后才又重新打开,恢复交易。
- 25、实际上,复交替投影神经网络不仅可用于信号处理中的带限信号外推,还可用于选频、陷波等场合。
- 26、人民中路北路9月恢复交通,市建委。
- 27、只有两种人的成功是必然的。第一种是经过生活严峻的考验,经过成功与失败的反复交替,最后终于成大器。另一种没有经过生活的大起大落,但在技术方面达到了顶尖的地步。比如学化学的人最后成为世界著名的化学家,这也是成功。
- 28、虽然老是反复交代商场各种腐蚀,他没有经验,加上作为父亲的我不负责任,悔之已晚。
- 29、000818锦化氯碱3月13日恢复交易,股票简称变更为“G锦化”。
- 30、兼复交关津要,共相唇齿,愚野未闲,必加陵诳,罪无大小,横没赀载。
- 31、1972年,克雷库**与中国复交,此后,中国为贝宁先后援建了农田开发、友谊体育场、洛科萨纺织厂、洛科萨医院、**办公楼和会议大厦等项目。
- 32、但是由于资料、立场、方法等种种因素的影响,有关中日复交的研究仍在存诸多不足,仍有进一步深化的必要和空间。
- 33、注意划水节奏,向下划要快,抬上臂要慢;同时双脚像爬楼梯那样用力交替向下蹬水,或膝盖回弯,用脚背反复交替向下踢水,这样就会加速自身上浮。
- 34、当时,上海的左翼文化人士,鲁迅、茅盾、洪深、郑伯奇、胡愈之、夏衍、田汉等五十余人,就中苏复交致电苏联人民委员会,表示热烈的祝贺。
- 35、3月1日,沈红的儿子过完寒假,打算回西宁上学,临行前,沈红给了儿子几千元钱,并反复交代他,这些钱是让他交学费的,绝对不能胡花。
- 36、法律从来不是学者头脑的产物,而是通过一系列远非透明的政治程序,相关利益集体反复交易妥协的结果。冯象
- 37、代比表示,乍中复交4年多以来,双边关系取得了长足发展。
- 38、可以预见,在美古复交的一系列需要落实的环节上,共和党主导的国会都势必会横加阻拦,甚至会主动通过增加制裁的立法。