- 1、现在她更加华丽的死去,在午夜不带悲伤的飞升,当你正向外倾泻灵魂这般的迷狂!
- 2、外倾性格的人容易得到很多朋友,但真朋友总是很少的,内倾者孤独,一旦获得朋友,往往是真的。周国平
- 3、Asan extrovert, he thrived in social settings, effortlessly energizing the room with his infectious laughter and captivating storytelling.
- 4、Her outgoing personality and innate ability to connect with others made her the life of the party, always surrounded by a diverse group of friends.
- 5、Despite his reserved nature, he pushed himself out of his comfort zone and embraced his extroverted side, fueling his personal growth and expanding his horizons.
- 6、With her extroverted nature, she transformed mundane gatherings into lively and unforgettable events, leaving a lasting impression on everyone she encountered.
- 7、Being an extrovert, she thrived in her role as a salesperson, effortlessly building rapport with clients and closing deals with her persuasive charm.
- 8、His bold and outgoing demeanor made him a natural leader, always taking charge and inspiring others to follow his lead.
- 9、Asan extrovert, he found solace in being surrounded by people, feeding off their energy and enthusiasm, which fueled his own passion for life.
- 10、Her extroverted nature made networking events her playground, allowing her to effortlessly connect with influential individuals and forge powerful alliances.
- 11、Despite being labeled as an extrovert, he relished his quiet moments of solitude, using them as opportunities for self-reflection and introspection.
- 12、Being an extrovert, he approached challenges head-on, using his resilience and outgoing nature to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals.
- 13、Her extroverted nature extended beyond social situations, as she actively sought out opportunities to explore and engage with the world around her.
- 14、Despite her extroverted nature, she understood and respected the importance of allowing others their own space and time for introspection.
- 15、With his extroverted personality, he became the life of the classroom, actively participating in discussions and igniting intellectual curiosity among his peers.
- 16、Her extroverted nature made her a natural storyteller, effortlessly captivating audiences with her animated gestures and infectious enthusiasm.
- 17、Though an extrovert by nature, she recognized the significance of listening attentively, valuing others' perspectives, and fostering meaningful connections.
- 18、Being an extrovert, he cherished moments of genuine connection and revelled in the enriching conversations he shared with people from all walks of life.
- 19、三菱形船身,现在是右侧面着地,底面和左侧面在上,感恩所在之处,便是飞船底面,他若不如此,片刻后底面竖直外倾,他必会掉下摔伤然后被压成肉饼。
- 20、当主导功能外倾时,对应的辅助功能是内倾的.
- 21、神经质和外倾一致被认为是有典型情绪风格的人格特质.
- 22、她们把满满的收获往网外倾倒时,你肯定会留意到,她们就像海一样体格健壮,却和你最初的设想不尽相同。
- 23、大脚骨又称拇外翻、脚孤拐,大脚骨是指拇趾向外倾斜大于生理角度15度的一种畸形症状。
- 24、张立早就经多了生死大场面,临危不惧,心无恐慌,全身较劲,身体外倾,转瞬之间,张立的小腹贴着指挥蜥的上颚侧飞过去。
- 25、一声巨响,石块被这一脚改变了轨迹,向外倾偏去,重重的砸在山道边缘,复又弹起,向悬崖下落去,过了好久,山下才传来“咚!”。
- 26、汽车车轮定位快速检测设备能够检测车轮前束角、车轮外倾角、主销内倾角、主销后倾角,填补了车轮定位快速检测的空白。
- 27、路德维希港邻州的索林根市一座土耳其人居住的房屋1993年曾遭德国带有强烈仇外倾向的年青歹徒纵火,导致5名土耳其女性丧生火海。知之小工具
- 28、为什么外倾性比内倾性陪审员可能感到证人更可靠?
- 29、顿时气流横窜,空气之中充满了一股爆裂之气,这凛冽的气息不是有意散出的,而是修为已经高深莫测了,这时外倾的迹象。
- 30、为避免升降时发生外倾,应将提升点设置在脚手架的重心点位置。
- 31、绿色和平份子昨日到食物安全中心门外倾倒数以百计柑桔和士多啤梨,他们在五个样本中发现含有超标农药。
- 32、公司随意往现场外倾倒垃圾,导致严重的环境污染,并引来大批的拾荒者,请看所附照片。
- 33、髌骨不稳是一种常见的髌股关节疾患,指膝关节伸曲活动时髌骨发生外倾或外移程度加大。
- 34、昨日记者从渝中区获悉,长滨路护岸部分挡墙外倾、部分梯坎下沉,有关部门正进行加固抢险。
- 35、船坞登陆舰具有十分良好的整体隐身能力,该舰外部线条简洁干练,而且舰体外形下部外倾、上部带有一定角度的内倾,从而形成雷达隐身性能良好的菱形横剖面。
- 36、宝宝现在越来越坐不住了,坐在那张有轮子的椅子上老是站起来,还提起一只脚想跨出来,身子也往外倾,如果我们不看着她,估计是咕咚一下连人带椅倒下了。
- 37、外倾性是积极的、有好的、合群的个体。他们寻出互相间积极的合作。
- 38、下的前桥稳定杆的叉骨向外倾斜防止过度三轮车在快速过弯和骑手。