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  • 1、随即递给我一个米黄色特大号信封,信封上写着恭恭正正的繁体字,落款“*弯高雄市中山大学外文系余”。
  • 2、外国厂商特别注重细节,多数正品衣服的针码都十分匀称,衣服的洗涤说明也非常详细,并且大多以外文形式标注。
  • 3、The gentle breeze caressed my face as I walked along the enchanting streets of Paris, filling my heart with a sense of wanderlust and longing for new adventures.
  • 4、The starry night sky, adorned with a mesmerizing display of constellations, reminded me of the vastness of the universe and sparked a deep curiosity about the mysteries that lay beyond our world.
  • 5、Asthe waves crashed against the shoreline, I couldn't help but feel a serenity washing over me, soothing the chaos within and reminding me of the beauty and power of nature.
  • 6、With every brushstroke on the canvas, I poured my emotions into the painting, creating a colorful expression of my innermost thoughts and experiences.
  • 7、The melodic rhythm of the Spanish guitar resonated through the air, captivating the audience and awakening a passionate fire within my soul that yearned to dance to its enchanting tunes.
  • 8、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the cozy café, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that embraced me like an old friend, providing solace and comfort on a chilly afternoon.
  • 9、The pages of the timeless classic unfolded before my eyes, transporting me to an era of forbidden love and societal constraints, where I could lose myself in the pages and find solace in the characters’ journeys.
  • 10、The bustling streets of Tokyo immersed me in a vibrant tapestry of colors, sounds, and flavors, enticing my senses and igniting a desire to explore the rich cultural heritage of this metropolis.
  • 11、Asthe sun slowly dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, I couldn't help but feel a profound gratitude for the beauty that surrounds us, a reminder to cherish every fleeting moment.
  • 12、The delicate petals of the cherry blossoms fluttered in the breeze, creating a breathtaking scene that symbolized the ephemeral nature of life, urging me to embrace each passing season with grace and acceptance.
  • 13、The whispering leaves of the ancient oak tree carried stories of resilience and wisdom, a testament to the enduring power of nature and its ability to heal even the deepest of wounds.
  • 14、With each step I took on the ancient cobblestone streets, I felt a profound connection to the ghosts of the past, their whispers guiding me through the layers of history and inviting me to unravel their tales.
  • 15、The gentle rain tapped against the windowpane, creating a soothing symphony that provided the perfect soundtrack for introspection and reflection in the tranquil solitude of my room.
  • 16、As the first snowflake delicately kissed my cheek, it felt like a magical embrace from the heavens, a reminder that even in the coldest of times, there is beauty and hope to be found.
  • 17、With each word that escaped her lips, she wove a tale that enraptured the audience, evoking a rollercoaster of emotions and leaving an indelible mark on their souls.
  • 18、In the embrace of the vast ocean, as the waves carried me gently, serenading me with their rhythmic lullaby, I found solace and a sense of belonging that made me feel infinitely connected to the world around me.
  • 19、朱子集道学大成义理之外文章考证介极精博试举其著述之大者言之。
  • 20、有关检讨外文系大一英文课程案,提请讨論。
  • 21、仓库里,堆放着大量外文包装产品,涵盖了医用药膏、牙膏、生发水、按摩膏等,一检查,居然都是国际大牌产品。知之小工具
  • 22、泥泵管道特性的计算问题,国内外文献通常采用的公式误差较大。
  • 23、外国保险机构名称的中文译名应当在汉语发音或者含义方面与该机构外文名称保持一致,并如实反映其业务性质。
  • 24、胡里奥一定暗暗努力想学好外文,并且每次进步都能令他欣喜不已。
  • 25、此外,商务印书馆、良友图书公司、广学会、中华艺术大学等一批中外文化机构遗址遗迹,也在此附近。
  • 26、体极建元,与民更始,朕所不逮,更赖我远近宗族,中外文武,同心协力,献可替否之助也!诞告多方,体予至意!此旨下后,又仿中夏建元的体例,定为中统元年。
  • 27、当年固然有汪国真、席慕容等通俗文学风行一时,却也有许多好的作品问世,国内外文学经典也不再像以往那样难以觅求。
  • 28、对于老店新开的外文书店,浙江书业抱有很大期待,但现实却有点出人意料。
  • 29、外文原版书如果有条件可以直接网购,或者上淘宝碰碰运气。
  • 30、当今社会,我国对外文化、经济的交流和合作发展更加迅猛,“汉语热”在全球范围内日渐升温。
  • 31、林纾是我国近代文学家和翻译家,其代表译作《巴黎茶花女遗事》蜚声中外文坛。
  • 32、他对国外文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。
  • 33、方法该文查阅了大量关于土贝母研究的中外文献资料,从化学成分、药物医理活性、制剂开发等方面对其进行比较全面地综述。
  • 34、我会外文的口授笔记,同时能立即将其改写成汉文.
  • 35、该商务班车线路每个工作日17时30分从城区出发返回大兴,上车站点为白石桥东、四道口北、外文印刷厂、花园桥东。
  • 36、店主营高质量影印版外文图书和双语外文读物,致力于将世界上最新的思想与名家著作原汁原味地介绍给国内读者。
  • 37、书院举办了“文化系列讲习班”,还举办了有数万学员参加的“中外文化比较研究”函授班,推动了当时的文化启蒙运动。
  • 38、谢伊真的能坚持下来,把这共计20卷的、每页三栏、满是各种缩写、外文衍生词、以及用古体拼写的巨著吞下来吗?
  • 39、现而今,人们发现,“茶之路”在沟通中外文化所起的作用上,不比“丝稠之路”逊色。
  • 40、使说不同语言的人们能毫无困难地进行交谈或阅读外文书报杂志。
  • 41、该著的撰写在资料搜集方面做了大量的工作,无论是原始材料,还是后人论著;无论是中文元典,还是外文文献,靡不勾稽明晰,网罗赅备。
  • 42、正如您所了解的,南大外文系对20世纪的英国文学颇感兴趣.
  • 43、由于经费紧张和书刊价格大幅上涨等原因,图书馆购买外文期刊的数量逐年下降。
  • 44、组织国内外文化艺术交流和名家书画作品展览拍卖。
  • 45、目的加强图书馆外刊建设,提高外文信息服务质量。
  • 46、但是他一生孜孜矻矻积聚的知识,对于研究他学问和研究中外文化的人,总该是一份有用的遗产。
  • 47、灾难奋争的人生,志士仁人的引导,湖湘文化和中外文学作品的作用是这种新闻观产生的要素。
  • 48、FrankDrake博士声称由于电视、无线电和雷达越来越少采用模拟信号进行传输,这一过程使地球在地外文明的电子设备上逐渐隐形。
  • 49、月二十八日,星期三,晚上六点半。外文系四楼的阅览室。
  • 50、闭架图书借阅处、外文图书借阅处和缩微阅览室,周一至周五,8:30—11:45、14:30—18:00。


外文 wàiwén

外文 外文,读音是wài wén,汉语词语,解释为外国的语言或文字。
