- 1、“银马”牌气动闭门器以它的体积小,外观新颖,质量可靠,价格合理,功能完善,安装方便,赢得广大客户一致赞同和青睐。
- 2、在1744年,贝克莱主教在没有悖论或赘言的情况下,还能够乞灵于该词的经院哲学意义:自然现象仅仅是自然的外观。
- 3、Her elegant appearance, with her slender figure and graceful movements, always captivates everyone around her.
- 4、The old house stood proudly, its weathered exterior telling the story of a rich history and a timeless charm.
- 5、The exquisite design of the luxury car, coupled with its polished metallic exterior, exudes a sense of opulence and sophistication.
- 6、The clear blue waters of the tropical beach, along with the golden sands and palm trees, created a breathtaking coastal appearance that was simply paradise.
- 7、The enchanted forest seemed to come to life as the sunlight filtered through the lush green foliage, giving it a magical and ethereal appearance.
- 8、The majestic mountains, with their snow-capped peaks and jagged cliffs, commanded attention and evoked a sense of awe in anyone who laid eyes upon them.
- 9、The cozy little cafe had a rustic appearance, with its vintage furniture and dim lighting, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
- 10、The picturesque town nestled in the valley was like a postcard come to life, with its quaint houses, cobblestone streets, and colorful flowers adorning every corner.
- 11、The antique pocket watch, with its intricate engravings and delicate craftsmanship, was not just a timepiece, but a work of art that told a story of its own.
- 12、The tall and imposing appearance of the ancient castle evoked a sense of mystery and intrigue, as if it held secret stories from a bygone era.
- 13、The sparkling diamond necklace, with its dazzling brilliance and exquisite setting, enhanced her beauty and added a touch of elegance to her appearance.
- 14、The delicate porcelain teacup, with its intricate hand-painted designs and flawless finish, was not just a vessel for tea but a symbol of craftsmanship and artistry.
- 15、The tall and imposing appearance of the ancient oak tree conveyed a sense of strength and resilience, standing tall through the test of time.
- 16、The elaborate costumes worn by the dancers in the traditional ballet expressed the artistry and elegance of their appearance, enhancing the beauty of their performances.
- 17、从第十四届雪博会开始,大型雪塑的创作即从前几届的“雪建筑”跃升为“整体雕”,这样的施工方法使雪塑在外观上没有砌缝,浑然一体,更有立体感。
- 18、对绉纹整理的真丝电力纺的结构、外观风格进行研究.
- 19、在显微镜下观察时,这个皮肤病灶呈现出肉瘤状结节的外观,四周被良性的皮肤丝球体细胞所包围著。
- 20、特长拔丝苹果:香甜焦脆,外观精美。刚上餐桌就成为大家瞩目的焦点,但如果长时间不翻动,以后就怎么也夹不起来了。
- 21、科学家在思想中给予我们以秩序;道德在行动中给予我们以秩序;艺术才在对可见、可触、可听的外观的把握中给予我们以秩序。卡西尔
- 22、男装服饰系列包含了尤伯杯等漂亮图形,清晰的纱线染料和时髦的外观。
- 23、下垂的*房往往**会增大,影响了外观,*房上提可以减小**大小.
- 24、商品率高,高温下外观和品质安定。
- 25、植物装外观从地面而起,数以千计的柴藤将沿着垂直放置的木柱盘旋而上。
- 26、这两个物体在外观上十分相似.
- 27、式样:外观为一种时尚男内裤,可根据个头大小调节。
- 28、这些年轻人在抗争时用喷漆污损了建筑物的外观.
- 29、详细介绍了东坡岭立交桥对外观质量的控制施工技术.
- 30、外观往往和事物的本身完全不符,世人都容易为表面的装饰所欺骗。莎士比亚
- 31、一个崭新的设计,完全不同于以往主体结构或是襟翼的外观.
- 32、同时据丰林大桥静、动荷载试验及外观检查结果,提出了加固补强的具体方法。
- 33、在显微镜下观察时,这个皮肤病灶呈现出肉瘤状结节的外观,四周被良性的皮肤丝球体细胞所包围着。
- 34、双绉面料的外观和丝绸的感觉,但机洗!
- 35、在这种记实性的外观之下,潜伏着一种浓厚的悲观情绪.
- 36、对于一个时常努力寻找自己的新外观的公司,翼豹概念车的设计是一个给人留下更持久印象的稳重的一步。
- 37、孪生子中一位开赴实行天外观光,其飞翔速率亲近光速,而他的昆玉留在地球上。
- 38、本试验以啤酒大麦的植株外观特征为依据,划分了四个不同收获时期。
- 39、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
- 40、丘疹的中央常贯穿一根萎缩的毳毛或头发,易折断,成为很小的黑点,角质栓下伸入毛囊口内,故不易剥出,丘疹渐渐增多,聚集成片,很象“鸡皮疙瘩”的外观。
- 41、比外观更朴素的是作者的小序,他说是职业轻闲后,捡起了年轻时的书法爱好,然后又爱上了花鸟画,在老师的指导下,书画都有了一定的进步。
- 42、为研究对象,对其主干进行大面积环剥,田间连续观察剥面愈合率和树干外观变化,寻求有利于新皮发生的技术措施。
- 43、为查明湘东南印支期褶皱特征及形成机制,对炎陵地区进行了详细的地质填图和野外观察。
- 44、外观除了几条凸边,没有多余的装饰,这种简洁,更显高雅、脱俗。
- 45、紫砂器是一种无釉陶,它并非以釉彩绘画的装室来达到陶瓷艺术中美的效果,而是通过造型构造来表达其外观美。
- 46、作画之际再不必拘泥于真实的客观事物,一切平凡的山坡、庄稼、梯田、草木走进画面,既充满一派生机,又是灵府天机的外观符号。
- 47、2000年获释,与复古的外观和合理的价格,在PT漫步者立即成为一个图标对许多人来说,让经销商夸大价格,以适应需求。
- 48、脑膜瘤在临床上以鼻部症状表现相当罕见,其外观与鼻息肉、倒生性*头状瘤等疾病相似。
- 49、采用外观和金相方法,对止血钳和手术剪锻坯出现的型腔填充不满、裂纹、重皮和切边撕裂等缺陷进行分析。
- 50、他决定通过光怪陆离的颜色来赋予那些树木热烈的外观。