- 1、文章具体介绍了现浇混凝土楼板外角裂缝的成因和预防措施。
- 2、选手应学习在回击大外角球来球后,以交叉跨步回防。
- 3、The foreign minister's diplomatic skills and ability to understand the external angles of complex international issues make him a valuable asset to our country's foreign policy team.
- 4、Asa detective, I have learned to always consider the external angles of a crime scene, looking for evidence and clues that might point to an unexpected perpetrator.
- 5、The beauty of photography lies in capturing the external angles of everyday life, showcasing the often overlooked details that make our world so fascinating.
- 6、Inour modern society, social media platforms provide us with a multitude of external angles through which we can view and engage with the world, expanding our perspectives beyond our immediate surroundings.
- 7、The protagonist in the novel possessed a unique perspective on life, always looking at situations from an external angle, allowing him to see connections and opportunities that others couldn't.
- 8、Theatre directors often encourage actors to explore the external angles of their characters, delving deep into their motivations and emotions to create a truly captivating performance.
- 9、Itis important for educators to consider the external angles of their students' backgrounds and experiences, in order to create an inclusive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of each individual.
- 10、The artist's abstract paintings invite viewers to interpret the artwork from their own external angles, inviting personal reflections and emotional connections.
- 11、Asa journalist, I strive to provide my readers with a comprehensive understanding of the events by presenting multiple external angles and perspectives, allowing them to form their own conclusions.
- 12、The architect's innovative design for the building took into account the external angles of the surrounding landscape, seamlessly integrating the structure with its environment.
- 13、The musician's ability to blend different musical genres and styles showcases his knack for approaching music from unexpected external angles, creating a unique sound that resonates with audiences.
- 14、Exploring different cuisines allows us to experience the external angles of diverse cultures, immersing ourselves in new flavors and culinary traditions.
- 15、Nature photographers often have to patiently wait for the perfect moment to capture the unique external angles of wildlife in their natural habitats.
- 16、Considering the external angles of climate change, scientists strive to understand the impact of human activities on the environment and develop sustainable solutions.
- 17、The novel's protagonist, despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, managed to overcome them by approaching each situation from an external angle, finding unexpected solutions.
- 18、An architect's ability to design buildings that harmonize with their surroundings requires a keen understanding of the external angles of the landscape and community.
- 19、Traveling to different countries allows us to explore the external angles of diverse cultures, gain new perspectives, and appreciate the beauty of the world's diversity.
- 20、In order to create an effective marketing strategy, businesses must consider the external angles of consumer behavior, identifying their motivations and needs.
- 21、右投手面对右打击者投的球都靠外侧,且当球出了好球带知之小工具,这些球通常都是低角度且外角的。
- 22、索尔特捏住包的外角,把它倒过来晃了晃。
- 23、但些政客,一些依附于政客的学人,具别样心肠,从另外角度,挖空心思,深文周纳,虎伥面目自见,贻笑天下后世。
- 24、“当时皮尔发了一记外角球,我在接球时手掰了一下,被球拍顶到了,”彭帅赛后告诉记者,这次意外受伤让她痛苦不堪。
- 25、我开始拾掇屋子,将破烂瓶子堆积到屋外角落,清扫了房顶灰尘,买来油漆刷了墙围子。
- 26、屋脊,''.'隅'.''栋,房顶相连的两个斜边构成的外角.
- 27、眉毛内角被压下来,而下眼皮和脸颊在外角方向向上挤压。
- 28、使用个洁净杆,向上撬起防水饰条的后侧外角.
- 29、如果个几何形状的一个外角是24度,它有几条边?
- 30、洛夜天依旧是外角发球,不过这次好像被上一球所鼓舞,力量十分得大,还带了一点追身。
- 31、贴墙式护角能有效的保护建筑物墙壁外角。
- 32、让学生体会多边形的外角和在实际生活中有广泛的应用。
- 33、以相同高度来说,外角球比内角球多,但是随著高度增加,内角球的相对数量不变,但是外角球却递减了。