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外语造句 首页

  • 1、他正心一意地学外语
  • 2、中国很多学生把外语学习视为畏途。
  • 3、Speaking a foreign language opens up a new world of possibilities, enabling us to connect with people from different cultures and traditions, and broaden our horizons.
  • 4、Learning a foreign language is like embarking on a magical journey, where every word and phrase learned becomes a key to unlock doors to different cultures and experiences.
  • 5、When I hear the soothing melody of a foreign language, it feels like poetry flowing through my soul, awakening my senses and igniting a thirst for knowledge.
  • 6、Immersing myself in a foreign language feels like diving into the depths of a crystal-clear ocean, where each word is a vibrant coral reef, unveiling a wealth of new perspectives.
  • 7、The beauty of learning a foreign language lies not only in the ability to communicate, but also in the power to understand, to empathize, and to bridge gaps between diverse cultures and communities.
  • 8、Every foreign language holds within it a treasure trove of stories, customs, and traditions, waiting to be discovered and shared, creating a tapestry of global understanding and unity.
  • 9、Inthe realm of languages, there are no boundaries or limitations; only endless opportunities to explore, connect, and celebrate the richness and diversity of human communication.
  • 10、Aoreign language is like a song that resonates within us, weaving its way into our thoughts and emotions, enriching our lives and expanding our perspective of the world.
  • 11、Every foreign language is a gateway to a different way of thinking, a unique perspective on life, opening our minds to new possibilities and enriching our own cultural identity.
  • 12、When I engage in conversation in a foreign language, it's like dancing to a melody I've never heard before, surrendering to the rhythm and feeling the exhilaration of harmonizing with another culture.
  • 13、Learning a foreign language reminds me of exploring a vast library, where each word offers a glimpse into the author's world, allowing us to connect with the thoughts and emotions of people from different continents.
  • 14、The pursuit of learning a foreign language is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it's about forging connections, building bridges, and fostering understanding and empathy across borders.
  • 15、Aforeign language is like a key that unlocks doors to new friendships, meaningful connections, and a deeper understanding of the world we share.
  • 16、The journey of learning a foreign language is filled with challenges and frustrations, but with each step we take, we become more resilient, adaptable, and open-minded individuals.
  • 17、Speaking a foreign language is like stepping into another person's shoes, experiencing life from their perspective, and gaining a profound appreciation for the diversity of human experiences.
  • 18、As I listen to the melodious sounds of a foreign language, I am reminded of the universality of human emotions, for laughter, love, and tears transcend linguistic barriers.
  • 19、Learning a foreign language empowers us to express ourselves more eloquently, to transcend the limitations of our own native tongue, and to connect with others on a deeper, more meaningful level.
  • 20、The study of a foreign language reminds me that words are not merely tools for communication, but they hold profound power to shape our thoughts, cultures, and societies.
  • 21、天津外院新增两所附小一所附幼外语人才阶梯式培养链形成。
  • 22、在戛纳电影节荣膺金棕榈奖的极富声望的泰国电影,将无缘成为奥斯卡外语类影片中的特色。
  • 23、他经过多年自学,已精通了四门外语
  • 24、47年3月27日举行的第29届学院奖颁奖典礼增设了最佳外语片奖;在此之前,外语片是在“特别成就奖”一项下奖励的。
  • 25、小提示:提高外语能力重要的是掌握大量学习资料,博文而广记!
  • 26、外语考试采用笔答方式也可以达到较高客观性的。
  • 27、深圳商报广州讯驻穗记者姚嘉莉近日,记者从广东外语外贸大学获悉,今年秋季该校将新增马来语和乌尔都语两个专业。
  • 28、每个外语老师都会觉患上听力是最难教的课程之一.
  • 29、001年首届外语班学生参加高考,成绩突出.
  • 30、爸爸熟习两种外语,都是自学的。
  • 31、玩乐的事别来邀我,寸阴尺璧,我得抓紧时间学外语
  • 32、爸爸、妈妈充分利用八小时以外的时间学习外语
  • 33、如果将学外语看做极难的事,视为畏途,那永远也掌握不了外国语。
  • 34、外语知识和专业知识,我们要兼而有之,才能两条腿走路。
  • 35、86年,将职称评定与一定的外语水平联系起来.
  • 36、我懂得考研究生的关键:我首先要让自己的外语不出毛病,也要把其它大路货的课考好,连试卷也写得整整齐齐。
  • 37、在两点原则的指导下,作者在大连海事大学外语学院的英语专业学生中开展了一项实例研究。
  • 38、概言之,学习外语对于拓宽本民族语言研究有着非常积极的作用。
  • 39、赣榆方言在官话方言中非常有特色,一直为国内外语言学界所关注。
  • 40、学外语要持之以恒,三天打鱼,两天晒网是学不好的。
  • 41、我是皖西学院外语系2007届毕业生。
  • 42、我们直接参与雅思和职业外语水平考试。
  • 43、要有耐心,并且享受英语带来的乐趣!学习外语只不过是小菜一碟。
  • 44、长期以来,外语一直把精读课作为基础教学阶段的一门主课。
  • 45、尊敬的各位领导,老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好。这里是外语系“星源”师生文化节开幕式现场。
  • 46、卖方应就将有关情况通报买方包括所派技术人员的姓名、性别、出生日期、籍贯、护照号码、专业、资格、职业、工作地点和外语能力,以取得买方的协助与确认。
  • 47、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 48、双流棠中外语学校2005年,双流棠中外语学校与成都市足协联合培养足球运动员,创建了足球班。
  • 49、身高1.78米的吴怡是广东外语外贸大学的一名应届卒业生。
  • 50、本人系中国石油大学胜利学院外语系大二的一名学生.


外语 wàiyǔ

外语 外语,指外国语,即非本国人使用的语言。指某一地区的本土居民不使用的语言:例如,英语在中国就是一种外语。它也指某人所属国家不使用的语言,也即,对一名生活在中国的英语使用者来说,中文也是一门外语。

