- 1、其次,在对企业外部环境和自身实力分析的基础上,提出河南永昌药业公司的使命和发展战略目标.
- 2、在我国,危机治理部门内部、外部信息沟通不通畅.
- 3、Despite the challenges posed by external factors such as economic downturns and fierce competition, our company remains resilient and determined to succeed.
- 4、The external beauty of a person may captivate our attention initially, but it is their internal qualities that truly define their character and worth.
- 5、Intoday's digital age, social media has become an influential external force, shaping public opinion and even impacting political outcomes.
- 6、One must learn to find inner strength and confidence in order to overcome the external pressures and expectations imposed by society.
- 7、The external appearance of a building can greatly influence our perception of the city, giving it a sense of elegance or dilapidation.
- 8、Often, our external circumstances do not define us; it is our internal drive and determination that propels us to achieve greatness.
- 9、The external turmoil experienced by a country can have devastating effects on the lives of its citizens, exacerbating poverty and social inequality.
- 10、When faced with external criticism, it is important to maintain a strong sense of self and not allow others to define or undermine our worth.
- 11、The external environment plays a crucial role in shaping a child's development, as it influences their experiences, opportunities, and overall well-being.
- 12、It is essential to prioritize self-care and mental well-being, as external stressors can take a toll on our physical and emotional health.
- 13、Despite the challenges posed by external factors, such as a turbulent economy, entrepreneurs must remain adaptable and innovative to ensure the success of their ventures.
- 14、The external support and encouragement we receive from our loved ones can make all the difference in navigating life's challenges and pursuing our dreams.
- 15、In a world obsessed with external appearances, it is important to remember that true beauty lies within one's character, kindness, and authenticity.
- 16、The external circumstances we find ourselves in may limit our options, but it is our inner determination and resilience that can lead us to new opportunities and success.
- 17、The external perception of success, such as wealth and fame, can often mask the internal struggles and hardships faced by individuals on their journeys.
- 18、External validation should not define our self-worth; it is the self-acceptance and self-love found within that truly brings fulfillment and joy.
- 19、It is crucial to cultivate strong external relationships, as they can provide support, guidance, and a sense of belonging during challenging times.
- 20、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考哦!
- 21、轴承上必须有密封件,防止外部的灰尘和水分进入,也防止轴承内部的润滑油脂外漏。
- 22、在外部,车身几乎全由环保的塑料制造,也许这是最终的微型汽车。
- 23、结合外部薪酬调查和内部薪酬数据分析,提出将该公司计时工资制的薪酬体系改变成计件工资制的薪酬体系。
- 24、另外部分单位对内部审计人员的选配也不够合理,没有把精兵强将选配到内审岗位上来,有的富余人员充岗,有的知识结构不适应,业务技能较差知之小工具,诸如此类。
- 25、宗教是对支配着人们日常生活的外部力量的幻想的颠倒的反映。马克思
- 26、组织内部只有成本,结果存在于组织的外部。
- 27、替了能拟定目的战圆针,一个治理者必需错私司外部息业情形以及中在市场环境相应懂得才止。
- 28、在这样的外部条件下,一定要以土地资源丰富的发达国家的房价与收入比例衡量中国市场,岂不是削足适履?
- 29、如果万物没有这个“自因、自为、自然、自在”的本能追求,只是依靠外部条件,那万物将不得生存。
- 30、限制的生命透过怎样并且适应极端外部生命和无生命的原素?
- 31、该换向器环允许外部连接的转子绕组通过具体的刷子.
- 32、由于对上述区分以及共性技术的外部性、风险性、集成性等特点认识不清,我国科技创新平台体系中传统产业共性技术平台存在缺失。
- 33、进出口可控性较少,因为外需,外部条件的原因.
- 34、禽蛋品质检测一般分外部品质检测和内部品质检测两大部分.
- 35、你对一个环境或一种情况非常熟悉,以至于凡是你感受到并接受了的、令你惊讶的东西,都不是来自外部世界,而是产生于内心。
- 36、外史方面,着重对科学外部的三个主要社会因素进行了历史的分析,它们是社会的经济结构、政治体制和文化类型。
- 37、分配方面体现为分红与不分红均损害小股东利益。最后,论文研究了“国有股权泛化”及“异股同权”条件下我国上市公司内外部控制机制的效率问题。
- 38、种没有内在动力的写作不过是一种技艺,无论在何种技艺中生活一辈子终归都是可怜的,最重要的还是要有充实完整的内在生活。如果没有,身体在外部世界里做什么都无所谓,写作、绘画、探险、行善等等都没有根本的价值。反之,一个人就可以把所有这些活动当做他的精神生活的形式。
- 39、反应堆建筑外部的空气迅速的涌入,大气中的氧气成为了石墨的良好助燃剂。石墨像煤一样燃烧着。
- 40、GMAC将在第四季财报上薄记一笔38亿美元的税前支出,以便其将抵押贷款资产的价值减记至或能吸引外部投资者的水准.
- 41、适配器上发现外部配置。按任意键继续,或者按C键载入配置公用程序或按F键导入外部配置并继续。
- 42、花儿的美需要叶子和茎来衬托的,郁金香的叶子十分高雅,嫩绿色的叶子紧紧帖服在茎上,只有叶尖向外部展开,好似一个羞涩的姑娘。郁金香的茎可以算得上是亭亭玉立了,那茎的颜色是一种偏淡的绿色,直直的茎支撑着美丽的花朵。
- 43、引鞋的外部由钢制成,一般与套管的尺寸和螺纹匹配,如果钢级不匹配的话。
- 44、当外部的承重墙被损坏或向外坍塌,建筑物将整体塌陷至地面或街道。
- 45、其次,分析港埠内外部环境,从而厘清港埠的相关问题。
- 46、在新东方,骨干们很容易越过规矩谈感情。上市之后,外部规矩比内部规矩更强大、更有力。
- 47、于是,我只有向内心深处去寻求一个支点。在外部世界,我根本找不到这样的支点,我所能得到的,只有种种伤痛。
- 48、县**大力支持该项目的建设,已发文件承诺在土地和外部环境方面提供优惠和保障。
- 49、那些无法从外部事物中获得欢愉的人们,必须从自己的思想中寻求乐趣。他们必须设想出自己并不具备的本质,因为谁会为自己的固有本质而感到愉悦呢?约翰逊
- 50、托叶:由叶柄或叶基部生长出的变态的叶,为发育产生的外部结构.