- 1、这是一个多义词,请在下列义项中选择浏览。
- 2、词义分析法包括语素分析法、多义词辨析法和同义词分析法.
- 3、The multifaceted word "run" can describe a physical activity, a candidate's campaign, or the flow of water in a river.
- 4、Inliterature, authors often employ the polysemous word "fall" to signify a season, a descent from a height, or a metaphorical decline in status or power.
- 5、The term "bat" is a prime example of a polysemous word, as it can refer to the nocturnal mammal, a piece of sports equipment, or an action associated with eyelashes.
- 6、The polysemous term "strike" can refer to a physical act of hitting, a labor protest, or a fortunate discovery.
- 7、The word "tie" is a polysemous term that can signify a piece of clothing worn around the neck, an equal score in a game, or a connection between two people.
- 8、The multifarious word "box" can describe a container, a sport involving punches, or a square on a form to be checked.
- 9、The polysemous word "wave" can describe a motion in water, a greeting gesture, or a form of energy propagation.
- 10、The multifaceted term "bank" can refer to a financial institution, the side of a river, or the act of inclining an aircraft during a turn.
- 11、The word "play" is a versatile polysemous term that can signify a form of entertainment, a particular tactic in a game, or the act of pretending.
- 12、In mathematics, the polysemous word "factor" can refer to a number that divides evenly into another number, a circumstance that contributes to a particular outcome, or an ingredient in a chemical reaction.
- 13、The term "leaves" is a polysemous word that can describe the foliage of a tree, the act of departing, or the leftover residue from a previous activity.
- 14、The word "angle" is a multi-faceted term that can denote a geometric figure, a particular perspective or viewpoint, or a hidden motive in a situation.
- 15、In a social context, the term "date" is a multifarious word that can signify a calendar day, a romantic outing, or the act of identifying the origin of an event.
- 16、The word "foot" is a versatile polysemous term that can describe the lower extremity of a human, a unit of measurement, or the base of a poetic line.
- 17、以人类经验为基础,探讨旅游英语新词的产生、词义演变的内在规律,以及多义词之间的内部联系。
- 18、大概真的是在国外呆久了,忘记伟大汉语的多义词性和双关歧义之类的用法。
- 19、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 20、由于同义词和多义词的存在,使得基于特征词的文本分类方法分类精度不高。
- 21、往往穿梭于字里行间的多义词不可避免地要依靠语篇这一整体环境来揣摩,否则译者给读者带来的就是偏离内在含义,仅仅从字面上翻译的文字,这与直译也就没有什么区别了。
- 22、在一个多义词的引申系列中,相邻的两个义项之间必然存在某种联系,这种联系可以从引申的结果来分,也可以从引申的动因来分。
- 23、丽江是个多义词,可能指“丽江市”。
- 24、研究表明多义词的各个义项是在基本意义的基础上,通过人类认知模式,即转喻、隐喻和他们之间互动关系作用而成。
- 25、通过对所收集数据的分析与归纳,本文发现蓄意歧义实现的方式有同音词,多义词,语法结构,修辞手段,语境等。
- 26、在词义架构上,单义词语只是略占优势,而多义词也不在少数,词义架构并不简单。
- 27、汉语有大量的同音词,而英语有大量的多义词。
- 28、现代俄语中大量多义词的存在既从不同侧面反映了这一趋势,又为进一步研究名词转义提供了更为广阔的天地。
- 29、中美当然不是要建立赌注或赌物的保管关系,但stake却偏偏是多义词。