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多边协定造句 首页

  • 1、应请求,各成员应进行磋商,以便就承认具体卫生与植物卫生措施的等效性问题达成双边和多边协定
  • 2、同时采用双边协定与多边协定并用的方式来解决域外适用中的冲突。
  • 3、The signing of the multi-lateral agreement on climate change is a ray of hope in the fight against global warming, as nations come together to commit to reducing their carbon emissions and protecting our planet for future generations.
  • 4、The multi-lateral agreement on trade is a testament to the power of collaboration and cooperation, as countries work together to remove barriers and promote economic growth and prosperity for all.
  • 5、The multi-lateral agreement on nuclear disarmament is a crucial step towards a safer world, as nations commit to reducing their stockpiles and preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • 6、The multi-lateral agreement on refugee protection demonstrates the compassion and solidarity of nations, as they pledge to provide safe haven and support for those fleeing conflict and persecution.
  • 7、The multi-lateral agreement on sustainable development signifies a global commitment to ensure economic progress while safeguarding the environment, as nations work together to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
  • 8、The multi-lateral agreement on anti-corruption signifies a united front against the scourge of corruption that plagues societies and undermines trust in institutions, as nations commit to strengthen accountability and transparency.
  • 9、The multi-lateral agreement on cultural exchange is a celebration of diversity and mutual understanding, as countries promote dialogue, tolerance, and appreciation of different cultures and traditions.
  • 10、The multi-lateral agreement on gender equality is a resolute step towards empowering women and promoting equal rights and opportunities, as nations strive for a more inclusive and just society.
  • 11、The multi-lateral agreement on education underscores the importance of quality and accessible education for all, as countries collaborate to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive.
  • 12、The multi-lateral agreement on healthcare cooperation highlights the necessity of working together to address global health challenges, as nations join forces to improve access to quality healthcare and combat the spread of diseases.
  • 13、The multi-lateral agreement on poverty eradication signifies a commitment to lift millions out of poverty and promote inclusive economic growth, as nations collaborate to implement effective strategies and policies.
  • 14、The multi-lateral agreement on international aid demonstrates the generosity and compassion of nations, as they pledge to support those in need and provide humanitarian assistance in times of crisis.
  • 15、The multi-lateral agreement on arms control highlights the collective effort to prevent conflicts and minimize the devastating impact of armed conflicts, as countries commit to arms reduction and disarmament measures.
  • 16、The multi-lateral agreement on space exploration symbolizes humanity's quest for knowledge and exploration beyond our terrestrial boundaries, as nations collaborate to advance scientific discovery and unlock the mysteries of the universe.
  • 17、The multi-lateral agreement on disaster preparedness and response showcases the importance of coordinated efforts to mitigate the impact of natural and man-made disasters, as countries work together to save lives, rebuild communities, and enhance resilience.
  • 18、The multi-lateral agreement on cybersecurity norms and regulations aims to ensure a safe and secure digital environment for all, as nations establish common guidelines and standards to prevent cyber threats and enhance cyber defense capabilities.
  • 19、首先,多边协定基本无法防止国内补贴、加大反倾销力度或其他形式的逐步升级的保护主义措施。
  • 20、例如,此义务可通过适当的双边或多边协定或建立在付费基础上的制度来履行。
  • 21、它是WTO法律框架中非关税壁垒的多边协定中的一部分。
  • 22、签署一项多边协定,签约方将大部分由公共部门资助的研究成果公之于众,或者寻求其他的办法以最小的成本分享这一成果。
  • 23、商签一项多边协定,签约方将把大部分由公共部门资助的研究成果公之于众,或者寻求其他的办法以最小的成本分享这一成果。
  • 24、1984年以来,有关野生植物保护的国际条约、多边协定、双边协定就形成了100多个。
  • 25、如果在多边协定下,在同一个世界舞台内,威胁亦或是恐吓将带来更多的合理性。
  • 26、法典标准构成许多国家食品法规的基础,并且被世界贸易组织多边协定之一确认为国际基准。
  • 27、生物多样性保护是一项法律制度,1984年以来,仅国际条约、多边协定、双边协定就有100多个。
  • 28、发展中国家运用现有的双边协定比接受ECJ的多边协定更加适当。
  • 29、WTO框架内以GATS及其金融附件等多边协定组成的有关金融服务贸易的规则体系,是推行金融服务贸易自由化的最重要的国际协定。
  • 30、世界上所有的国家都应该签署多边协定,禁止将克隆技术用于人类自身。
  • 31、为了向粮农组织成员国提供支持,动物生产及卫生司设计并在国家、区域、全球各级实施具体项目。这些项目的资金可由粮农组织直接提供,知之小工具或由捐助者通过双边或多边协定提供。


多边协定 duōbiānxiédìng
