- 1、考察这首诗的写作环境,有助于认识一个多重性格的罗隐以及乱世文人的悲剧性格。
- 2、本文讨论的金坑拱坝裂缝的成因具有多重性,其直接成因是坝体经受了气温骤降的恶劣运行工况。
- 3、The concept of multiple interpretations adds depth and richness to literary works, enabling readers to explore various layers of meaning and enjoy a more interactive reading experience.
- 4、Inthe world of art, the beauty of a painting lies in its ability to evoke different emotions and thoughts, as it offers a multitude of perspectives and interpretations to its viewers.
- 5、The complexity and multi-dimensional nature of human relationships often lead to multiple interpretations of a single interaction, highlighting the intricate and fascinating dynamics between individuals.
- 6、History is a realm where the concept of multiplicity reigns, as it consists of a tapestry of diverse perspectives and narratives, each contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the past.
- 7、The enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa has captivated art enthusiasts throughout the ages, causing them to speculate about the multiple meanings behind her expression and adding to the painting's timeless allure.
- 8、The beauty of music lies in its ability to evoke different emotions in each listener, as the melody and lyrics intertwine to create a complex and multi-layered experience.
- 9、The study of languages often leads to the discovery of the fascinating world of polysemy, where a single word can have multiple meanings, offering a glimpse into the intricate intricacies of communication.
- 10、The ambiguous ending of a novel can leave readers with a sense of curiosity and wonder, as they ponder the multiple possible outcomes and contemplate the author's intentions.
- 11、Cultural diversity celebrates the multiplicity of human experiences, fostering cross-cultural understanding and enriching our global society with a myriad of traditions, customs, and perspectives.
- 12、The intricacy of scientific research requires researchers to consider multiple variables and potential explanations, as they strive to uncover the truth behind complex phenomena.
- 13、The depth of a person's personality is often revealed through their multifaceted interests, passions, and talents, showcasing their ability to embrace and appreciate the richness of life.
- 14、The diverse interpretations of a piece of contemporary art spark thought-provoking debates and conversations, inviting viewers to challenge their preconceptions and expand their perspectives.
- 15、The world of fashion embraces the concept of multiplicity, as designers constantly challenge traditional norms and create innovative styles that cater to diverse tastes and preferences.
- 16、The exploration of the human psyche often reveals the complexity and multiplicity of our emotions and thoughts, shedding light on our innate need for introspection and self-discovery.
- 17、每个人都会有多重性格,会在不同的环境下,表现不同的自我。或开朗,或冷漠;或单纯,或世故。安意如
- 18、多重性:您可以指派两个实体之间的关系具有多重性。例如,每一节篮子编织课程上必须有20到30名学生。
- 19、如果没有指明,默认的多重性是从0到n,这表示映射尽可能多,在这里这是无关的,因为主键意味着唯一。
- 20、多重性的纪律培训和部门也将投入到社会化的行为中,流线型和管理社会的工作流程要求机构予以集合和改编。
- 21、新闻发布会在伍兹复出名人赛的前一夜召开。会上,伍兹反复提到自己的多重性丑闻已对家庭造成了伤害,为此他感到羞愧和耻辱。
- 22、主要研究一类三阶两点边值问题变号解的存在性和多重性,利用不动点指数和拓扑度理论等得到了新的结论。
- 23、根据全息术记录、再现的多重性原理,提出一种用多束参考光同时曝光记录,实现多通道彩虹全息术。
- 24、除了不同次粒子的多重性外,主要的物理量是:次粒子的角分布、它们的横动量和非弹性系数。
- 25、也许,当今企业信息管理的最大挑战就是数据源的多重性、异构性和地理位置上的分散性。
- 26、在UML中,关联与模型中的两个或多个类有关,关联由带数字的单箭头表示,数字意味着该关联的多重性。
- 27、人身损害赔偿标准的多重性,是我国人身损害赔偿立法的基本特点。
- 28、嵌套于域声明中,通讯可用于建立基于关联多重性的强大的过滤器。
- 29、世界银行制裁委员会在做出这一决议时,考虑因素中包括该公司从事的被制裁行为的多重性。
- 30、还带您创建了业务模型并设置了一些指定的详细信息,比如标签和多重性。
- 31、但是,关联的多重性经常不是任意的,而依赖于属性值,这不能用图形建模语言,例如UML类模型来表示。
- 32、与会者认为,酒徒立足于人间烟火的艺术想象进行创作,构思独辟蹊径,其作品具有丰富性、多重性,体现出浓郁的理想主义和人文追求。
- 33、在我看来,今天的中国究其实质,是一个具有多重性特征的大国。
- 34、它还解释了我们在通讯中使用特定多重性的原因。