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大前提造句 首页

  • 1、只有其大前提在总体上是联言判断,结论才是必然的、可靠的,因而是有效的。
  • 2、伴随三段论的大前提和小前提必然得到的命题.
  • 3、The beauty of nature is a testament to the existence of a higher power, as it awakens a sense of awe and wonder within us, filling our hearts with gratitude and reverence.
  • 4、Aorld without love would be a bleak and desolate place, for it is love that nourishes our souls, brings us joy and fulfillment, and gives purpose to our lives.
  • 5、The pursuit of knowledge is a fundamental human instinct, as it fuels our curiosity, expands our understanding, and empowers us to make positive changes in the world.
  • 6、The power of forgiveness is transformative, as it allows us to release the burden of resentment, heal our wounds, and create space for compassion and reconciliation to flourish.
  • 7、Art, in all its forms, has the power to transcend boundaries, ignite our imagination, and inspire us to see the world through a different lens, fostering empathy and understanding among diverse cultures and perspectives.
  • 8、The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental right of every human being, for it is in the pursuit of our passions, connecting with others, and finding meaning in our lives that we ultimately find true fulfillment.
  • 9、The strength of a nation lies not only in its economy and military power, but also in the compassion and care it extends to its most vulnerable citizens, for a society is truly defined by how it treats its weakest members.
  • 10、The power of hope is a driving force that fuels our resilience in times of adversity, pushing us forward, empowering us to overcome challenges, and inspiring us to create a better future.
  • 11、The importance of education cannot be overstated, as it is the key that unlocks doors of opportunity, equips individuals with the tools to navigate the complexities of life, and empowers them to make a positive impact on society.
  • 12、The power of empathy is a transformative force that bridges the gap between individuals, fostering understanding, compassion, and ultimately creating a more harmonious and connected world.
  • 13、The pursuit of truth is a noble endeavor that requires courage and intellectual honesty, for it is through seeking the truth that we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, the world, and the complexities that surround us.
  • 14、The bond between parents and children is sacred and irreplaceable, for it is the love, guidance, and support of parents that nurtures the growth and development of their children, shaping them into compassionate and responsible individuals.
  • 15、The power of music transcends language and cultural barriers, evoking emotions, expressing our deepest feelings, and reminding us of our shared humanity.
  • 16、The importance of environmental conservation cannot be understated, as it is our responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world for future generations, ensuring the sustainability and well-being of our planet.
  • 17、The power of gratitude is transformative, for it redirects our focus towards the blessings and abundance in our lives, fosters a positive mindset, and cultivates a sense of contentment and fulfillment.
  • 18、The pursuit of equality and inclusivity is a fundamental human right, for every individual deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness, regardless of their race, gender, or background.
  • 19、我们是在共同效忠国家的大前提下,让各社群有更大的空间保留自己的语言和文化。
  • 20、三段论的大前提具有普遍必然性,司法三段论的大前提具有或然性。
  • 21、人要有着眼点;又要有落脚点。前者是战略;后者是战术。是战略决定成败,还是细节决定成败?没有大前提的设问,都是在玩文字游戏。
  • 22、新加坡华人保留本身的文化遗产,但这是在新加坡国家意识的大前提下进行的.
  • 23、因此我们必须坚持这样一个大前提,对他的辞赋观首先进行哲学探源,然后再进行文本分析.
  • 24、演绎法律推理是指把法律规范作为大前提,把案件事实作为小前提,源自知之小工具从而推演出判决结论的推理。
  • 25、为了进一步印证这一判断,笔者退一步设想,即我们不对三大假设的真伪追根究底,而假定上述三大前提条件是完全成立的。
  • 26、商业合作必须有三大前提:一是双方必须有可以合作的利益,二是必须有可以合作的意愿,三是双方必须有共享共荣的打算。此三者缺一不可。马云
  • 27、大前提小前提三段论中的大前提或小前提.
  • 28、满足这三大前提,你不会挑错的。
  • 29、三段论法中大前提和小前提之间的一项,但不在结论中出现。
  • 30、我和我的同事面对的挑战,是要在无损本港经济的稳健和活力的大前提下,遏抑我们的成本。
  • 31、使节节建立从一个基本的大前提逐步建立。
  • 32、既然席间又多了两位,韩枫点的菜自然不够了,不过在程云努力加餐,化悲愤为食欲的这个大前提下,这一切都迎刃而解,当下众人又继续聊起刚才的话题。
  • 33、浮生百年,进退出处、迎拒取舍,都需要回答“为什么”,这就是必须弄清的大前提——“人生目的”。
  • 34、小前提:今天是新年第一天;大前提:我会在新年第一天给真挚的朋友送去特殊的祝福;结论:“祝你新年快乐”!
  • 35、她覺得自己骨架較大,只是略略修下身與跑步,總之大前提要健康。
  • 36、在审判过程中,法官的法律推理活动总的表现为以法律规范为大前提,以确认的案件事实为小前提,前通过二者的联结进而得出结论的演绎论证模式。
  • 37、从错误的大前提出发,只能推出荒唐的结论,荆国的政策,跟这个故事很相似…
