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大器晚成造句 首页

  • 1、大器晚成者年轻时往往业绩平平.
  • 2、三国时的吕蒙,年少不知读书,后来猛醒发愤,最终大器晚成
  • 3、Although he didn't achieve success in his early years, he never lost hope and continued to work hard. Finally, he became a great musician, proving that he is a late bloomer.
  • 4、The path to success may be long and full of obstacles, but those who persevere and stay focused will eventually achieve greatness. This is the epitome of being a late bloomer.
  • 5、After many years of struggling, she finally found her true passion in writing. Her words touched people's hearts, and she became an inspiration to many aspiring writers, proving that she is a late bloomer.
  • 6、The world didn't recognize his talent until much later in his life, but that didn't stop him from pursuing his dreams. With sheer determination and hard work, he became a renowned painter, a testament to the concept of being a late bloomer.
  • 7、Hefaced numerous setbacks and failures in his youth, but with each defeat, he gained valuable experience and wisdom. In the end, he emerged as a successful entrepreneur, showcasing the power of being a late bloomer.
  • 8、Society often places too much emphasis on youth and early achievements, but there is beauty in blossoming later in life. This concept of "大器晚成" reminds us that success knows no age limit.
  • 9、Hewas once doubted and underestimated due to his age, but he didn't let that discourage him. He went on to become a top athlete, breaking records and inspiring others. His journey exemplifies the notion that greatness can come later in life.
  • 10、Life is a journey, and sometimes it takes longer for certain individuals to find their true calling. Those who embrace the philosophy of "大器晚成" understand that timing is not everything, and success can come at any age.
  • 11、The concept of "大器晚成" teaches us to never give up on our dreams, regardless of our age. It reminds us that it's never too late to start anew and excel in areas we're truly passionate about.
  • 12、She faced many rejections and disappointments early in her career, but she never lost faith in herself. Her perseverance paid off, and she went on to become a renowned actress, proving once again the power of being a late bloomer.
  • 13、His success didn't come overnight; it was the result of years of hard work and continuous self-improvement. His story is a testament to the saying "大器晚成" and a reminder that greatness can come gradually.
  • 14、Age should never be a barrier to pursuing our dreams. Those who believe in "大器晚成" understand that there is no predefined timeline for success and that everyone has the potential to bloom later in life.
  • 15、She may not have achieved her goals in her younger years, but she didn't let that define her. With determination and resilience, she eventually became a respected scientist, proving that it's never too late to succeed.
  • 16、The journey of being a late bloomer is filled with lessons and growth. It teaches us patience, resilience, and the importance of believing in ourselves. "大器晚成" is a mantra for those who refuse to be defined by societal expectations.
  • 17、Being a late bloomer doesn't mean being lesser than those who achieved success at a young age. It means embracing the unique path we each take and blooming in our own time, just like a beautiful flower.
  • 18、He faced criticism and doubt from others who believed he was too old to pursue his dreams. But he remained unwavering, and his talent eventually shone through, becoming a living example of "大器晚成."
  • 19、Success is not defined by when it comes but by the impact it leaves. Those who embrace the philosophy of "大器晚成" understand that true greatness transcends age and time.
  • 20、She refused to let societal expectations define her and embraced the philosophy of "大器晚成." Later in life, she became a renowned author, proving that it's never too late to start writing your own story.
  • 21、有种时光,叫岁月静好;有种坚持,叫永不服输;有种成功,叫大器晚成;有种爱情,叫奋不顾身;有种旅行,叫说走就走;有种祝福,叫元旦快乐!
  • 22、我们只知道那些最终有所成就的“大器晚成者”;然而我们却不知道那些在幼年失去支持和关注的潜在的“晚成者”最终未能成功。
  • 23、自古以来,少年得志的固然多,大器晚成的也不少。
  • 24、可以怎么不可以,要知道勤能补拙,我们中国有一个老画家叫齐白石的,他也是大器晚成!
  • 25、——莲妹子,女大不中留呀,人还没来,心就嫁过来啦!——莲妹子,山好要四面看哟,杜师傅大器晚成,莲妹子早花先发,俗话说:人勤日子旺,家和万事兴。
  • 26、章学诚是大器晚成的一个典型。
  • 27、今年我在白金汉大学的情报史专业取得硕士学位90岁毕业似乎印证了"大器晚成"这个词,不过这样的结果并不是突然而至的,这常常是需要经过长期积累才能达到的顶峰。
  • 28、他60岁才考上了进士,真是大器晚成啊!
  • 29、为什么有的人比他人大器晚成
  • 30、最终就连艾伯特,这个大器晚成的家伙,也离家出走了.
  • 31、柯川有点大器晚成,起步晚且犹豫不决.
  • 32、老师说像宋代苏洵就是个大器晚成的人。
  • 33、你别瞧不起人,铁杵磨成绣花针,只要有心,哪怕大器晚成
  • 34、有的人小时了了,大未必佳;有的人则年纪大才绽放光芒,大器晚成
  • 35、报纸上形容王老爹说:"老爹笔耕数十年,金鼎获奖,大器晚成。"。
  • 36、明道若昧;进道若退;夷道若类;上德若谷;大白若辱;广德若不足;建德若偷;质真若渝;大方无隅;大器晚成;大音希声;大象无形;道隐无名。
  • 37、舅舅四十多岁了才当上院长,真是大器晚成
  • 38、而且从他的履历上看,他小学没读完就辍学了.可以说是个大器晚成的人.
  • 39、那些被骂百无聊赖、大逆不道之人真是百口莫辩,一旦他们有了上进心教学相长,肯定会大器晚成
  • 40、天资聪敏,刻苦耐劳,向往自由变化不定,属于大器晚成的类型。
  • 41、我这小孩是笨鸟慢飞,盼他可以大器晚成
  • 42、田鹤仙大器晚成,此时他的绘梅技艺又有了质的飞跃——“梅花弄影”一曲唱响,戛戛独造,惊艳了瓷坛。
  • 43、而它不但强烈而清晰地表达了亲子之爱和信念,而且讲述了两个男人如何通过婚姻一个出乎意料地大器晚成,另一个与来自田纳西州的黑人女性非法结合得到上帝的恩典的故事。
  • 44、三国时的吕蒙,年少不知读书,后来猛醒发奋,最终大器晚成
  • 45、40岁了,在事业上还没啥建树,这还叫大器晚成吗?
  • 46、谈到她的高中经历时,莉顿说:"当时我不火,我属于大器晚成吧。"。
  • 47、林应成是一个大器晚成的人物,宋度宗成淳中期约1270年与长子林栋同年登第,一时传为佳话。
  • 48、明道若昧,进道若退,夷道若纇;上德若谷,大白若辱,广德若不足,建德若偷,质德若渝,大方无隅,大器晚成,大音希声,大象无形,道隐无名。
  • 49、村上春树大器晚成,29岁才写他的第一部作品。
  • 50、爱德华托马斯是诗歌界的大器晚成者。


大器晚成 dà qì wǎn chéng

先秦 李耳《老子》:“大器晚成,大音希声。”
