- 1、但精神卫生在医学界中仍是死水一潭。经费和从业医生奇缺,包括社会的尊重。
- 2、时候,工农业生产严重萎缩,全国阻塞,物资奇缺,通货恶性膨胀,人民生活十分困苦。
- 3、Living in a remote village, access to education and healthcare is remarkably scarce, leaving the residents feeling isolated and deprived of basic necessities for a fulfilling life.
- 4、Asa devoted book lover, finding a first edition of a classic novel at a thrift store felt like stumbling upon a treasure in the midst of a scarce literary landscape.
- 5、The scarcity of job opportunities in the small town forced many young graduates to leave their families and homes in search of a better future in the bustling city.
- 6、Inthe midst of a global pandemic, with medical supplies scarce and hospitals overwhelmed, the bravery and dedication of healthcare workers shine through as a beacon of hope.
- 7、Time seemed scarce as I juggled multiple responsibilities, longing for a moment of tranquility to connect with myself and find solace in the scarce moments of inner peace.
- 8、Ina society driven by instant gratification and excess, the scarcity of true human connections leaves many feeling alone, yearning for genuine connections and meaningful relationships.
- 9、The barren desert stretched as far as the eye could see, with water being scarce and vegetation non-existent, reminding us of the harsh conditions nature sometimes imposes on its inhabitants.
- 10、In the midst of a drought, the scarcity of water resources became a pressing issue, forcing the community to come together and find innovative solutions to conserve and manage their limited supply.
- 11、The scarcity of cultural diversity in the small town led to a lack of understanding and acceptance among its residents, highlighting the beauty and significance of diverse perspectives.
- 12、As winter approached, the scarcity of warm clothing and blankets became a growing concern for the homeless population, highlighting the need for community support and compassion.
- 13、The scarcity of affordable housing in the city pushed many families into cramped and unsafe living conditions, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and inequality.
- 14、The scarcity of opportunities for creative expression and artistic development in the underfunded schools stifled the talents and passions of young students, limiting their potential.
- 15、In a time of economic crisis, job stability became scarce, leaving many families struggling to make ends meet and uncertain about their future.
- 16、由于音乐茶座发展迅速,“人才”奇缺,各文化剧团纷纷组建轻音乐队,不过,拿“铁饭碗”的歌手并不多,炒更的人倒层出不穷。
- 17、全县由于地势较高而水源奇缺.
- 18、脱皮掉肉也要在最短时间内改变团队人才奇缺的现状!
- 19、以色列是一个水资源十分奇缺的国家.
- 20、在那计划经济年代,物质奇缺,生产砂布的纯棉布要凭票供应,砂布厂人就在国内率先大胆用化纤布代替纯棉斜纹布生产砂布,成功地改写了部颁标准。
- 21、田彦玉原来居住在宁夏中部干旱带海原县一个偏僻的小山村,当地气候干旱,水资源奇缺,人畜饮水完全依赖打窖蓄积雨雪水解决。
- 22、上了年纪的人都会记得,30多年前,粮食、布疋等生活资源奇缺,买什么都凭票供应。
- 23、香港一“凶宅”受大学生抢租房源奇缺疑为主因获香港城大学生抢租成功的住宅单位装修简陋,但仍以正常单位的市价租出。
- 24、医疗站的药品奇缺,给人民看病带来不便.
- 25、看着白溪侠一副深有所思的样子,白炫微微扬起嘴角,便又接着道:原本中原骑兵是很少的,其原因主要是战骑的奇缺和饲养战骑的不便。
- 26、秋收季节,劳力奇缺,大量粮食烂在地里。
- 27、人人都进城找工作,结果是住房奇缺.
- 28、空气干燥,雨水奇缺,几乎影响了人的正常呼吸.
- 29、据路透社报道,受通货膨胀和**停印小钞的影响,缅甸的小额钞票奇缺,购物找零时往往用实物代替。
- 30、在网络模式研究中,所有人都能帮助收集、分享奇缺的数据。
- 31、由于学校里工作人员奇缺,傅克秉承中侨委的旨意,动员萧强等十位同学结束学习生活,在母校留校参加工作。