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奉为至宝造句 首页

  • 1、在林家被奉为至宝,是林家赐予那些对家族有着重大贡献者的奖赏。
  • 2、那一十三名弟子眼见师尊白日飞升而去,留下了若干的法器,沾染了仙灵之气,甚是神异,纷纷将其奉为至宝,深藏于蜀山之中。
  • 3、Mygrandmother's old pocket watch, passed down through generations, is a family heirloom that we all hold dear and cherish as our most treasured possession.
  • 4、Asan artist, the brush that once belonged to Van Gogh is not just a tool to create art, but a symbol of his genius and creativity, elevated to the status of a precious artifact.
  • 5、The poetic and timeless lyrics written by the renowned songwriter touch the depths of our souls, transforming his music into a sacred treasure that fills us with emotions every time we listen to it.
  • 6、The love letters exchanged between star-crossed lovers in a bygone era, capturing their profound feelings and intimate moments, have become an invaluable time capsule, revered as an exquisite piece of romantic history.
  • 7、The delicate porcelain vase crafted by a talented artisan, with its intricate designs and flawless craftsmanship, is hailed as a work of art that epitomizes beauty and grace, cherished by connoisseurs around the world.
  • 8、The iconic landmark, standing tall amidst a bustling city, represents the spirit and resilience of a nation, becoming a cherished national treasure that evokes a sense of pride and unity among its people.
  • 9、The heirloom recipe passed down through generations, with its unique blend of flavors and cherished memories, is a culinary treasure that brings families together, fostering a sense of belonging and tradition.
  • 10、The violin once played by a virtuoso, producing enchanting melodies that touched the hearts of thousands, holds a special place in the world of music, being celebrated as an instrument of utmost beauty and artistic expression.
  • 11、The epiphany attained after years of relentless pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery is a personal treasure that empowers individuals, enabling them to conquer obstacles and embrace their true potential.
  • 12、The spectacular view of snow-capped mountains stretching as far as the eye can see, engulfed in an ethereal haze, stands as a majestic testament to the awe-inspiring power of nature, leaving us in awe as we behold its splendor.
  • 13、The antique pocket watch, survived through generations of adversity, reflects the indomitability of the human spirit, and serves as a reminder that even in the face of challenges, resilience and hope can prevail.
  • 14、The treasured diary chronicling the experience of a courageous individual during times of war, unveils the depth of human resilience and the triumph of the human spirit, immortalizing their story for future generations.
  • 15、The enduring love between two souls, weathering the storms of life, is a testament to the power of connection and loyalty, revered by all as a precious bond that transcends time and brings purpose to our lives.
  • 16、不过单论骨灵丹能够被祁云宗奉为至宝,由此可见它的珍贵之处。
  • 17、像一般的贵族世家气法顶多也是地阶心法,王级气法只有一些武道门宗和帝国皇朝才有,天阶气法则更少了,恐怕能在老古董宗门之中见之一二,奉为至宝
  • 18、至于少林高僧其实讲此经奉为至宝,此次送出算得上忍痛割爱,种种情由,自然是不能为这些世俗人理解的了。
  • 19、两党制维持了对工人的政治统治,为资本主义奉为至宝
  • 20、此物对于拥有者来说无不奉为至宝,因为他是后代的一种保障。
  • 21、袁秋岳已暗下决心,一定要将眼前的少女奉为至宝,既然是天定之缘,便应倾尽一生之力去怜爱她、保护她,不让任何人受伤害她分毫。
  • 22、这碧螺万年青果然是心魔克星,怪不得修真界将其奉为至宝
  • 23、而保甲法的负面影响也确实深远,直到近现代还被*制**奉为至宝
  • 24、《古今图书集成》荟萃群籍,内容宏富,分类细密,条理井然,“不独国文足资考证,且于实业多所发明,新理旧闻两有裨益”,“天下奉为至宝也”。


奉为至宝 fèng wéi zhì bǎo
