- 1、沙律师寄出一份契据的摘录本.
- 2、空有其名而收不回债利的契据。
- 3、Standing in the old attic, I stumbled upon a dusty chest that contained a stack of yellowed parchment, which turned out to be ancient deeds and contracts indicating the rich history and enduring legacy of my ancestors.
- 4、Asthe lawyer presented the meticulously drafted agreement, both parties felt a surge of relief, knowing that this contract would finally bring an end to their long-standing legal dispute and pave the way for a more harmonious future.
- 5、Inthe aftermath of the devastating earthquake, the survivors clutched onto their tattered land deeds, symbols of hope and determination, as they began the arduous process of rebuilding their lives and community from the rubble.
- 6、The tear-stained contract lay abandoned on the kitchen table, a heartbreaking testament to the shattered dreams and broken promises that had once bound us together in love and trust.
- 7、With trembling hands, I handed over the signed and notarized document, a poignant reminder of the irreversible decision that would forever alter the course of our lives.
- 8、The fragile parchment, etched with fading ink, revealed the hidden secrets and forgotten stories of a bygone era, unfolding like a time capsule that connected the past to the present.
- 9、Holding the title deed to our new home, I marveled at the daunting yet exhilarating journey that lay ahead, knowing that every step we took would be a testament to our determination, resilience, and unwavering commitment.
- 10、The aged and wrinkled document, once a binding bond between business partners, now served as a melancholic reminder of shattered trust, greed, and the bitter reality of corporate betrayal.
- 11、The signed contract, ink still slightly smudged from the hurry in which it was executed, was a physical manifestation of our shared vision and unwavering commitment, solidifying our union in love and matrimony.
- 12、Peering into my ancestor's journal, I discovered a hidden entry with a cryptic message, indicating the existence of an undiscovered treasure, reigniting my sense of adventure and propelling me on a captivating quest to unravel the mystery.
- 13、The carefully preserved collection of legal documents proved beyond doubt the rightful ownership of the family estate, bringing solace and vindication to generations who had endured years of bitter legal battles and disputes.
- 14、The meticulously drafted contract, with its explicit terms and conditions, safeguarded the interests and aspirations of both parties, forging a partnership built on trust and mutual respect.
- 15、The faded parchment, smelling of aged ink and history, contained the ancestral lineage and property division that would shape the destinies of generations to come, carrying with it a weighty sense of responsibility.
- 16、Holding the signed agreement in my hands, I realized that it symbolized not just a business deal, but also a profound shift in my life's trajectory, offering new opportunities, growth, and a chance for personal transformation.
- 17、The long-lost land deed, unearthed after years of painstaking research, unfolded our family's forgotten history, revealing the strength, resilience, and unwavering bond that had shaped our lineage.
- 18、With the stroke of a pen, the contract sealed our collaboration, intertwining our dreams, aspirations, and talents into a joint venture that promised to redefine the industry and leave a lasting legacy.
- 19、From the frayed corners of the ancient contract, we could still glean the passion, determination, and unwavering commitment of our predecessors, inspiring us to carry forth their vision with honor and unwavering dedication.
- 20、As the ink dried on the carefully drafted document, I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment, knowing that this partnership would not only bring financial success but also cultivate innovation, collaboration, and the creation of meaningful change.
- 21、一保险人及投保单位办理劳工保险所用之帐册契据,免徵印花税。
- 22、申请人和主申请人更改名称的证书或契据.
- 23、普通法和制订法要求某些合同应当采用契据的形式.
- 24、种类方面,有房屋、土地、商铺、山坟、水圹、果树等的契据。
- 25、涉及票据、所有权凭证或动产契据时,知之小工具“交付”指自愿转移占有。
- 26、根据信托契据睿富中国商业房地产投资信托基金单位权益通知由管理人收妥后,已刊登于香港交易所的网站。
- 27、涉及票据、所有狮凭证或动产契据时,“交付”指自愿转移占有。
- 28、董事长持有公司印章,负责签署债券、抵押契据和其它需要盖有公司印章的合同。
- 29、商业书信经常是一种活动安排,也被视为一份合同的契据.
- 30、上诉中巡回法院根据不同的理由认定,契据赖以为基础的判决无效.