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奖励造句 首页

  • 1、近日,**对有突出贡献的人进行了奖励.
  • 2、对见义勇为人员实行精神鼓励与物质奖励相结合的原则。
  • 3、The teacher praised Timmy's hard work and dedication, and rewarded him with a well-deserved scholarship.
  • 4、After months of rigorous training, the athlete finally achieved his goal and received a gold medal as a reward for his remarkable performance.
  • 5、The company recognized the employee's exceptional contributions and offered him a generous bonus as a token of appreciation.
  • 6、Sarah's parents were thrilled with her outstanding academic achievements and decided to surprise her with a trip to her dream destination as a special reward.
  • 7、The rescue team members risked their lives to save the stranded hikers, and their bravery was honored with certificates of commendation and monetary rewards.
  • 8、The devoted volunteer spent countless hours helping the elderly residents at the nursing home, and the community presented her with an award for her selfless dedication.
  • 9、The young entrepreneur's innovative business idea revolutionized the industry, and investors rushed to offer him lucrative deals and rewards.
  • 10、The brave firefighter fearlessly battled the blazing flames and rescued several trapped individuals, earning him the title of "Firefighter of the Year" and a commendation for his bravery.
  • 11、The organization recognized the environmentalist's remarkable efforts in raising awareness about climate change and awarded her with a prestigious environmental conservation prize.
  • 12、The consistent high sales figures and exceptional customer feedback led the sales representative to receive a promotion and a substantial raise as a fitting reward.
  • 13、The devoted teacher's unwavering commitment to her students' success was acknowledged by the school board, resulting in her being awarded the "Teacher of the Year" title.
  • 14、The selfless act of the anonymous donor, who generously contributed a significant amount of money to the homeless shelter, was recognized with a special commemorative plaque of appreciation.
  • 15、The talented musician's captivating performance moved the audience to tears, and she was greeted with a standing ovation and numerous accolades as a token of their appreciation.
  • 16、The family was overjoyed when their beloved pet, missing for weeks, was found and returned to them. As a reward, they organized a grand celebration to honor the kind-hearted individual who brought their furry friend back.
  • 17、The dedicated scientist's groundbreaking research on cancer treatment merited her international recognition and numerous prestigious awards.
  • 18、我们奖励先进是为了赏一劝百。
  • 19、元旦佳节来临之际,请严格经营你的“外貌公司”,彻底管控好你的“进出口”质量关,调整好“内需”计划,改革一下“奖励”机制,提高下“福利待遇”,元旦过后,我来检查!
  • 20、宿迁市开始实行这项政策后,六个月里,保安志愿者的人数增加到38,000,其中有1,521人受到奖励,总金额达到206,400元。
  • 21、这笔奖学金是用来奖励在科学竞赛中名列前茅的学生。
  • 22、"力争上游"教改计划划拨刺激资金43亿美元,对采用新方式评价教师的州予以财政奖励
  • 23、奖励分为:嘉奖、三等功、二等功、一等功、授予荣誉称号。
  • 24、妈妈被评为先进生产者,受到了工厂的奖励
  • 25、我们必须让我们的奖励制度丰厚易懂.
  • 26、每个战士都在为竞技场第三季枕戈待旦,我们也因为能给予你们这些竞技场参与者新的道具,奖励和新的竞争而跃跃欲试。
  • 27、昌昌和帆帆下午的龙文识字,表现的都很棒。我奖励个他们每人一个粘贴。两个宝贝都很开心。
  • 28、2000年以来,我院教师承担省部级项目20余项,获得省级以上奖励的科研成果30余项。
  • 29、我们要奖励德智体全面发展的学生.
  • 30、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 31、你迎来了生命的春天,贵子降临;你承载了生命的厚重,爱的结晶;你贡献了人类的繁衍,予以奖励:一条短信似奖状,祝准妈妈节日快乐,将爱继续延续。
  • 32、艺术家废寝忘食只是为了一个意象,一个还说不出来的形式,他当然感到了幸福,但幸福是额外的奖励,而不是预定的目的。
  • 33、本积分奖励计划由本网站制定并保留所有的解释权和修改权。
  • 34、企业管理的二十字方针:靠制度管人,按程序办事,凭业绩考核,用奖励激励。
  • 35、对举报“黄赌毒”违法犯罪行为,一经查实,给予举报人一定数额的经济奖励
  • 36、周德康表示,虽然龙湖即将在香港上市,但龙湖未来也准备了股票奖励给员工,但有级别和年限的要求,现在进龙湖的仕官生还有机会分到龙湖股份。
  • 37、做好份内之事不应该受到奖励,因为这是我们的义务。西塞罗
  • 38、我们的国家因各种不同的奖励制度而繁荣起来.
  • 39、干这行的人最大的奖励,就是别人说你是一个很好的听者。
  • 40、将处罚公布,也是一种处罚;将奖励公布,就未必是一种奖励了。
  • 41、对检举和控告的有功人员,市、区人民**应当给予奖励
  • 42、作为奖励,卖方需将客户订购价与代理成本价的差价。按按佣金协议上的规定汇至代理商指定的银行账户。
  • 43、奖励什么,就会得到什么。
  • 44、隔壁的小强考上清华大学,他爷爷得知后大喜过望,马上奖励他一台电脑.
  • 45、圣诞节早上,我带着家人的祝福来到学校,收到了同学的节日礼物,上课得到了老师的表扬,还有"希望之星"奖励。今天可真是满载而归呀!
  • 46、不以快乐为目的的生活都是扯淡,不以结婚为结局的爱情早晚要散,不以加薪为奖励的工作最好别干,不以调戏为想法的信息谁还会看!
  • 47、通缉令:一老者白须红袍,常趁夜潜入居民家中放置让人快乐的要命的物品,发现者请速报警,报警暗号:圣诞快乐!您将获得终身幸福作为奖励
  • 48、第十一条对农业开发项目招商引资奖励的优惠政策实行一事一议。
  • 49、增加了一张座狼肉泥的烹饪配方,可在达拉然烹饪奖励处购买。这份佳肴可以为够胆吃它的勇士们增加命中等级和耐力。
  • 50、他受到了学校的奖励


奖励 jiǎnglì

奖励 奖励是一种激励手段,是焕发人们的荣誉感和进取心的措施,是一种调动行政人员和管理相对人的积极性,最大限度地挖掘潜在能力的管理方法。