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  • 1、江姐被捕后,遭到敌人的威逼利诱和严刑拷打,但她为革命奋斗终身的意志至死不变。
  • 2、对于纠缠不休,甚至威逼诱胁的人,就要请家长、老师、同学、朋友们帮助处理了。
  • 3、Ifyou dare to harm a hair on her head, I will personally make sure that you suffer the consequences and regret it for the rest of your miserable life.
  • 4、Don't play games with me, because if you do, I will uncover every dirty secret you've been trying to hide and expose you for the fraud you are.
  • 5、You may think you can get away with your lies and deceit, but let me make one thing clear – if you continue down this path, I will make it my mission to destroy your reputation and everything you hold dear.
  • 6、Consider this your final warning – if you don't comply with my demands, I will use every resource at my disposal to bring you to your knees and ensure that you never see the light of day again.
  • 7、Iave evidence that can bring down your entire empire, so unless you want your life's work to crumble before your eyes, I suggest you do exactly as I say.
  • 8、Think long and hard about the consequences of crossing me, because I promise you that the punishment I have in store for you will be nothing short of catastrophic.
  • 9、Your time is running out, and if you don't give me what I want, I will make sure that every person you care about suffers the same fate as you.
  • 10、Don't underestimate my determination – I will stop at nothing to get what I want, and if that means destroying everything you hold dear, so be it.
  • 11、You may think you hold all the power, but let me remind you that I am not afraid to use any means necessary to get what I deserve – even if it means bringing you to your knees.
  • 12、Your actions have consequences, and if you think you can escape them, you're gravely mistaken. Prepare yourself for the storm that's coming your way.
  • 13、Your reign of terror ends now – I will make sure that you are exposed for the monster you truly are, and that you never have the opportunity to harm anyone else ever again.
  • 14、It's time to face the music – your days of manipulating and controlling people are over. I will bring you down, and the whole world will know the truth about you.
  • 15、I've been patient up until now, but I've reached my limit. If you don't meet my demands, I will unleash a fury that will consume every aspect of your life.
  • 16、Your days of exploiting and preying on the innocent are numbered. I will make it my life's mission to make sure you pay for the pain you've caused.
  • 17、Consider this your final chance to make amends. If you don't seize this opportunity, I will take pleasure in witnessing your downfall and ensuring that you never hurt anyone again.
  • 18、Iwill stop at nothing to dismantle the web of lies you've created, and when I'm finished, you will be left with nothing – just like the pain and suffering you've inflicted upon others.
  • 19、千岁鹤之仵作头,威逼收殓,火化尸骸一场,楚楚可观。
  • 20、陈友谅久攻不下,令人将洪都郊外的百名农民绑到城下,威逼农民向城内亲人喊话,以此瓦解洪都官兵军心。
  • 21、王绘春饰演的赵家族长对日本人痛恨至极,但无奈在儿子的威逼利诱下进城做了日本人的傀儡县长。
  • 22、此后,在清廷“惟有镇静严扎,任其恫喝,不为之动”的电令下达后,章高元在德军的威逼下,又一次后撤至沧口。
  • 23、枉费我刚才劝诱了个不停,真是浪费了那么多的口水!现在,黑羽枫好声好气的,再加上威逼利诱来劝导许羽枫来答应试炼。
  • 24、作为原告的胡化,也被威逼、要他攀扯沈鲤和郭正域。
  • 25、为了讨个说法,秦文的母亲横躺在马路中央,阻断了交通,两兄弟甚至拿刀威逼范弟顶命。
  • 26、第六十四章同仇敌忾上一章:第六十三章威逼利诱。
  • 27、然后山口又威逼,如若不从便以通匪的名义抓捕入狱。
  • 28、他们在敌人进军的威逼下撤退.
  • 29、郑峰马上赌咒发誓,说是真的喜欢小莲,不过今年夏天被钱老爷发现了,才威逼利诱自己做这件事。
  • 30、在荒火的激励实际是威逼下,包达廷来到了DB乡。
  • 31、一次次的连续作战,一次次的惊艳出场,那么聪慧的他难道会不知道这样会被一些人视为眼中钉肉中刺,或者威逼利诱陷入绝境吗?“继续。
  • 32、李苦禅先生在解放前生活困顿,还要经常面对日寇的威逼利诱,即便身陷囹圄仍念念不忘画艺知之小工具。
  • 33、除了采用欺骗手段劝人入道,如“入道可躲灾避难”、“死后冬挺尸夏不臭”和“扶乩”的乩语外,还利用手中的权势,威逼利诱。
  • 34、无论我是苦口婆心,循循善诱,还是威逼利诱,软硬兼施。
  • 35、无论敌人怎样威逼利诱,他都不肯投降。
  • 36、身无分文又无家可归的小南对濑名威逼利诱,成为了他的新同居人。
  • 37、面对敌人的威逼利诱,他正气凛然,决不投降。
  • 38、但是人算不如天算,面对三女的威逼利诱,他的决心动摇了,面带慷慨赴义的神情跟着三女出门了。
  • 39、果然是很有意思的开场白啊,我还以为你要罗里吧嗦的讲一堆东西,会有一通威逼利诱什么的,看来是我想复杂了吗?
  • 40、可如今她却只能耐着性子,充分发挥了数十万年来积累的智慧、经验,软硬兼施,威逼利诱,帮着罗冲一路坚持跑下来知之小工具。
  • 41、又到春暖花开,在女朋友的威逼利诱下,晒一晒她送给我滴小东小西,以深刻体会她对我无穷无尽的关怀。
  • 42、他还威逼兰香等,却被王统救走,此刻面对华云,俨乎其然,说的倒跟真的一样。
  • 43、老公单位发奖金,到我手里的仅仅有四成。于是我威逼利诱的问另外大笔款项的去向。老公无赖地告诉我:“打死我也不说,你还没使美人计呢!”。
  • 44、他在血睛兽的背上,不厌其烦的劝说,威逼利诱,小男孩却始终不肯低头,倔强得可怕。
  • 45、无论敌人如何的威逼,敌军物质如何的精备,一旦大祸临头,我们立刻要挺起脊骨,硬着头皮,忍耐牺牲,实际抗争,寸土尺地,决不能再轻轻易易,让给敌人。
  • 46、2009年“地球一小时”运动于上周六举办,当晚,世界各地的游览标志性建筑和家家户户纷繁熄灯相应该运动。“地球一小时”是一项全世界规模的运动,旨在让人们意想到气候变化的威逼
  • 47、纠察人员,纵使那些蛮横的群众集结去威逼他们,也不准许本身被激怒。
  • 48、美狄亚不耐烦的接近正在恍惚徘徊的国王女儿,对她威逼利诱道,“为什么你犹豫不前,坐视不管?”。
  • 49、寺中诸缘顿寂,食指浩繁,支持匪易……会有日商觊觎栖霞山钨矿,威逼利诱,迫师签约,租与开掘。
  • 50、文天祥被俘后,誓死不屈,对敌人的威逼利诱,均以正义斥之。


威逼 wēibī

威逼 威逼汉语词汇, 拼音:wēi bī, 释义为用威势来逼迫或进逼。