- 1、自立自强:就是靠自己的劳动生活,不依赖别人,不安于现状,勤奋,进取,依靠自己的努力不断向上。
- 2、安于现状是改革所面临的最大思想障碍。
- 3、Inthe face of challenges and difficulties, some people choose to embrace their comfort zones and are content with their current situations, refusing to explore new opportunities for growth.
- 4、Despite the lack of progress and stagnation in their careers, many individuals become complacent and settle for their current jobs, fearing the uncertainties and risks that come with pursuing their dreams.
- 5、The fear of failure and the comfort of familiarity often lead people to accept their mundane routines, suppressing their desires for change and growth, and ultimately, they become resigned to their current circumstances.
- 6、Society today has witnessed a growing trend of individuals who are satisfied with mediocrity, choosing to adopt an attitude of indifference towards personal improvement and settling for a life devoid of challenges or ambitions.
- 7、The allure of familiarity and the resistance to change often cause people to choose the path of least resistance, opting to remain stagnant and unambitious, instead of taking risks and striving for personal growth.
- 8、Asthe comfort zone provides a false sense of security, many individuals become trapped in a cycle of complacency, accepting their current circumstances without realizing the potential for greater achievements and fulfillment.
- 9、The illusion of contentment and the acceptance of the ordinary prevent many from pursuing their true potential, as they settle for the predictable and the safe rather than embracing challenges and embracing the unknown.
- 10、The fear of failure and the comfort of routine often overshadow the desire for progress and improvement, leading individuals to settle for the familiarity of their current situations, rather than venturing into uncharted territories.
- 11、In a world filled with endless possibilities and opportunities, it is disheartening to witness a vast number of individuals choosing to embrace their comfort zones and accepting a life that does not challenge or inspire them.
- 12、The complacency and acceptance of the status quo have become deeply ingrained in today's society, hindering individuals from pursuing their passions and settling for a life of mediocrity and unfulfilled dreams.
- 13、The familiar and the comfortable often lull people into a false sense of contentment, preventing them from stepping out of their comfort zones and embracing the possibilities that lie outside their current circumstances.
- 14、When individuals become complacent and accept their stagnant situations, they unintentionally deprive themselves of the joy and fulfillment that can only be achieved through continuous growth and exploration.
- 15、It is disheartening to witness individuals resigning themselves to their current circumstances, adhering to the familiar and comfortable at the expense of their dreams and ambitions, only to realize the regret of unfulfilled potential later on.
- 16、Despite the burning desire for change, many individuals find solace in the familiarity of their current circumstances and become trapped in a cycle of complacency, ultimately sacrificing their dreams for perceived stability.
- 17、The acceptance of the status quo and the fear of the unknown hinder individuals from stepping outside their comfort zones and embracing the challenges and opportunities that await them, ultimately stunting their personal and professional growth.
- 18、The comfort and security provided by the current situation often blind individuals to the possibilities that lie beyond their established boundaries, resulting in a life constrained by the confines of their own comfort zones.
- 19、When individuals choose to be content with their current circumstances, they inadvertently deny themselves the chance to experience personal growth, self-discovery, and the fulfillment that can only be found outside their comfort zones.
- 20、对于安于现状,甘居中游的思想彻底加以克服;对于只强调不利因素而看不到有利因素的片面观点,和只空喊困难而不去积极设法克服困难的懒汉思想必须彻底予以抛弃。
- 21、拥有平常心的人才能体会到满足是一种快乐。满足是阶段性成果的肯定,是人生过程的一个休止符,是从一个平台走向另一个更高平台的短暂休憩。满足不是安于现状,不是急流勇退,更不是一个圆满的句号,满足是一个调节。
- 22、勇于行动和不安于现状是进步的第一要素。
- 23、你知道的,他只是需要学习怎么去安于现状。
- 24、我们所期待的远超出我们祖先们的想象,但我们付出的代价则是永远都挥之不去的焦虑——我们永远都不能安于现状,永远都有尚未企及的梦想。阿兰·德波顿
- 25、但你可知道只有傻瓜才安于现状?
- 26、面对新的挑战与新的历史机遇,如果墨守成规、因循守旧、安于现状、抱残守缺,必然是要么固步自封,要么蹈常袭故,导致“煮熟的鸭子给飞了”。
- 27、职场如战场,亦如逆水行舟,如果安于现状,最终就会被职场所淘汰,人当不断地追求进步与突破,努力去做最优秀的自己,,做职场上的常胜将军!
- 28、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优秀的句子.
- 29、人不能总安于现状,要不断上进。
- 30、普通农村的村干部由本村的村民担任,文化水平较低,安于现状的观念根深蒂固,一般是不求有功,但求无过。
- 31、“安逸病”是一面镜子,农耕文明数千年来爱好和平与安于现状的秉性被一一洞鉴。
- 32、公司领导干部存在小富即安、安于现状和求稳怕乱思想,开拓进取精神有所欠缺,处理历史遗留问题和棘手问题措施不力,企业改革发展步伐不够快。
- 33、**“腾笼换鸟”的产业政策,与市场的结合需要时间,但是,假如存有安于现状的保守意识,肯定会陷入眼面前的扫黄后遗症而一筹莫展。
- 34、我考了100分,所以安于现状,不好好学习了。
- 35、不安于现状,不甘于平庸,就可能在勇于进取的奋斗中奏响人生壮美的乐间。
- 36、坚持改革开放,不能安于现状。
- 37、野心勃勃才是狼的本色。只有狗才逆来顺受,才安于现状。沈石溪
- 38、人都有这个弱点,就是得过且过,苟且偷安,贪图享受,安于现状。
- 39、面对这个竞争激烈的社会,我们不能安于现状。
- 40、积极进取是我们的优良传统,不要安于现状,目光短浅,否则就会成为井底之蛙。
- 41、纳吉布说,大马青年不要安于现状,应自动自发寻找各种挑战,做一些别人不会去做的事情。
- 42、我一直都不是安于现状的人,过去16年,一直在忙碌状态,所以没有卸下重担的理由。但既然当初的使命已达成,我想也应该是我开始新的探索的时候了.张亚勤
- 43、不论如何强大的公司,都不能安于现状,必须随时机警地留意公司内部和外面大环境的变化。
- 44、所谓安全感,就是一颗渐渐安于现状的心,没有好奇,没有秘密,也再没有什么是不确定的。李蕾
- 45、其实已经很满足了,人常说不要安于现状,但不管未来还有多少幸福要追求,现在都已经是他最好的时光。桔梗
- 46、安于现状不是我的个性,碌碌无为不是我的目标!
- 47、如果我们继续故步自封,安于现状,不能与时俱进,那迟早都会被市场所淘汰。
- 48、不管活到什么岁数,总有太多思索、烦恼与迷惘。一个人如果失去这些,安于现状,才是真正意义上的青春的完结。
- 49、有的同志安于现状,不愿改革创新。
- 50、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!