- 1、先验论者不仅认为恪守安息日是一种义务,更认为安息日在将人从繁琐的日常生活中带出起着重要的作用。
- 2、那使基督复临安息日会的信徒成为特别子民的真理,无一是可以削弱的。
- 3、The peaceful tranquility of the Sabbath envelops me, as I find solace in its holy embrace and reflect on the divine blessings of rest and rejuvenation.
- 4、Asthe sun sets on a bustling week, the Sabbath brings a gentle hush, offering respite from the noise and chaos of daily life, allowing me to reconnect with my inner self and find inner peace.
- 5、With each passing Sabbath, I cherish the precious moments of uninterrupted togetherness with my loved ones, cherishing the laughter, love, and shared meals that create a tapestry of memories.
- 6、The Sabbath is a sacred sanctuary of time, guiding me towards self-reflection and introspection, enabling me to confront my fears, doubts, and insecurities, and emerge stronger, more resilient, and closer to my true self.
- 7、Onthe Sabbath, the weight of the world seems to lift as I immerse myself in the beauty of nature, basking in the sunlight, listening to the whisper of the wind, and marveling at the intricate wonders of creation.
- 8、Inthe sacred silence of the Sabbath, my heart finds solace, my mind finds clarity, and my spirit finds renewal, as I surrender my worries and anxieties to a higher power, trusting in the divine plan.
- 9、The Sabbath is my sanctuary of spiritual nourishment, where I immerse myself in prayer, study ancient texts, and engage in soulful conversations, seeking wisdom and inspiration to navigate life's challenges.
- 10、Onthe Sabbath, I find comfort in the rituals and traditions that connect me to generations past, honoring the legacy of my ancestors and preserving the cultural tapestry that shapes my identity.
- 11、As I light the Sabbath candles, their warm glow illuminates my heart, filling it with gratitude for the gift of life, the blessings I have received, and the immense potential for growth and transformation.
- 12、Isavor the Sabbath as a day of rest, respite, and rejuvenation, allowing my weary body and mind to heal, recharge, and prepare for the possibilities and challenges of the week ahead.
- 13、The Sabbath is a symphony of melodies, as I immerse myself in the haunting tunes of ancient hymns and psalms, their ethereal beauty soothing my soul and touching a deeper realm within me.
- 14、On the Sabbath, the pace of life slows down, and I am gently reminded to cultivate patience, compassion, and kindness towards others, recognizing that we are all on this journey of life together.
- 15、The Sabbath is a sacred gift, a time to disconnect from the digital noise and constant distractions, and reconnect with the essence of humanity, fostering deeper connections with loved ones and ourselves.
- 16、The Sabbath is a sanctuary of stillness, where I seek refuge from the relentless demands of the world, silencing the external chaos and embracing the divine peace that resides within.
- 17、As I break bread on the Sabbath, I am reminded of the shared humanity that unites us all, transcending boundaries of race, religion, and culture, and nurturing a sense of interconnectedness and empathy.
- 18、’当安息日,要献两只没有残疾,一岁的公羊羔,并用调油的细面伊法十分之二为素祭,又将同献的奠祭献上。
- 19、安息日是那些为之而争论的人所应当遵守的定制。复活日,你的主必判决他们所争论的是非。
- 20、夜晚是人类的安息日,人的肌体和大脑在黑夜中得到休息。塞·巴特勒
- 21、尽管从周五晚上到周六犹太人的安息日里,以色列大多数地方的店铺都歇业,但在特拉维夫,很多商店、咖啡馆和餐馆等都仍作生意。
- 22、安息日作为末世记号的功能在新约中仍然持续,但是其作为神治国度戳印的功能,已经随着时代的改变而被弃置了。
- 23、主说,假冒为善的人哪,难道你们各人在安息日不解开槽上的牛驴,牵去饮吗。
- 24、在安息日,他偷了父亲的枪出去打猎,也没有崩掉三四个手指头。
- 25、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
- 26、我的看法是,安息日主要是一个末世的记号,其次才是神治国度的戳印。
- 27、便对他们说,你们中间谁有驴或有牛,在安息日掉在井里,不立时拉他上来呢。
- 28、14所以你们要守安息日,以为圣日.
- 29、跟我走吧,我求求你,可敬的先生;不然的话,明天安息**就没法尽好责任了。
- 30、安息日是我们到天上这个旅程每周的“休息站”,是天上永恒安息的预尝。
- 31、我们也同意,在堕落前和摩西的神治国度中,安息日是作为一个记号,为文化活动盖上戳印,保证它正朝向末世安息日的成全。
- 32、当它被用来指堕落前和摩西之约的第七日的安息时,每周安息日的安息显然就具有戳印的功能。
- 33、我们守安息日,衣履贞节,用洁净饮食,是为荣耀上帝,不是为自己得救。
- 34、14所以你们要守安息日,因为这是你们的圣日.
- 35、上帝在创世时将安息日神圣化,将其与世俗区别开来。
- 36、加州的罗玛琳达以其高度集中的基督复临安息日会教友闻名于世,而在那里信仰基督再临的人比一般美国人的平均寿命要长11岁。
- 37、这**们要守为圣安息日.要刻苦己心.这为永远的定例.
- 38、你藐视了我的圣物,干犯了我的安息日.
- 39、我要使她的欢乐停止,她再没有节日、朔日、安息日和一切的盛会。
- 40、古代安息日的福祉之一,就是它的幽寂与安静。
- 41、犹太的领袖们给上帝的安息日加上许多难以负担的规条,这就达到了撒但的目的.
- 42、六日要做工,第七日是圣安息日;当有圣会,你们什么工都不可做.
- 43、这一年一度的安息日为的是预表基督的死和祂的再临,是上帝特设作为比喻弥赛亚的。
- 44、就在这个月,在关闭了将近70年之后,首次对外开放定期的安息日聚会活动。