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安身之地造句 首页

  • 1、有能耐的小阔鼻暮蝠遍布澳大利亚北部的多数地区,甚至可以在电话线杆的金属帽内找到安身之地
  • 2、二人被好心的垃圾筒收留,总算有了安身之地
  • 3、Myhometown, with its rolling hills, crystal-clear rivers, and warm-hearted people, is truly an ideal place to call my sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  • 4、Intimes of distress and uncertainty, I find solace in the serenity of my garden, nurturing the delicate blooms and finding peace within its comforting embrace.
  • 5、The tiny café on the corner of the bustling street, with its aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the familiar faces of the baristas, provides me with a much-needed refuge in the midst of chaos.
  • 6、Nestled among the majestic mountains, the quaint little cabin becomes my haven, offering tranquility and the opportunity to reconnect with nature's healing embrace.
  • 7、AsI step into the library's hushed atmosphere, the rows of books patiently waiting to be explored offer me not just knowledge, but also a safe harbor where I can lose myself in stories and escape from reality.
  • 8、The sound of waves crashing against the shore, as I walk barefoot on the warm sand, reminds me that the beach is my sanctuary – a sacred place where I can leave behind my worries and find inner peace.
  • 9、Among the vibrant canvas of colors in an artist's studio, I find my safe haven, where I can express myself freely through strokes of paint, releasing my emotions and finding catharsis.
  • 10、Asthe melody of a familiar song envelops me, I find refuge on the dance floor, where movement becomes my language of self-expression, freeing my soul from the constraints of everyday life.
  • 11、The chirping of birds and rustling of leaves in the nearby forest beckon me, offering a sanctuary amidst the wilderness, where I can wander freely and be one with nature.
  • 12、Within the colorful strokes on a canvas, I find a sanctuary where my imagination takes flight, allowing me to create worlds where anything is possible and my dreams come alive.
  • 13、The soft, flickering light of a candle and the tranquil scent of lavender fill the air, transforming my bedroom into a sanctuary where I can retreat, recharge, and find inner balance.
  • 14、In the kitchen, amid the aromas of homemade meals and the laughter of loved ones, I find solace and a sense of belonging, turning cooking into a sanctuary of love and nurturing.
  • 15、The gentle strokes of my pencil on a blank page create a sanctuary where my thoughts and fantasies take shape, allowing me to explore different worlds and discover new perspectives.
  • 16、Standing on the mountaintop, enveloped by the vast expanse of the sky, I find solace and a sanctuary where I can release my worries, embrace gratitude, and connect with something greater than myself.
  • 17、In the warm embrace of my loved ones, I find my sanctuary – a place where I am unconditionally accepted, understood, and supported, allowing me to grow and thrive.
  • 18、Within the pages of a beloved book, I discover a sanctuary that transports me to different times and places, where I can find solace and inspiration in the words of great writers.
  • 19、The fragrance of blooming flowers and the gentle breeze caressing my skin turn my garden into a sanctuary where I can find serenity, inspiration, and a sense of connection with the cycle of life.
  • 20、她孤家寡人,力气有限,只能暂时造一小室,作为安身之地,并使已受孕的身体有个产房。
  • 21、龙井过溪亭前的荪壁山房前,古色古香的木制长廊沿山蜿蜒而上,这就是乾隆《龙井八咏》的安身之地,名叫碑廊。
  • 22、她"孤家寡人",力量有限,只能暂时造一小室,作为安身之地,并使已"受孕"的身体有个产房。
  • 23、西寺村王进宝、王海文父子俩相继义务守护烈士坟地70余年,直到去年,王海文将这57座烈士之墓完整地交给了**,移到了陵园,烈士有了安身之地
  • 24、我们的经营理念:市场是我们的安身之地,用户是我们的衣食父母,质量是我们的立足之本。
  • 25、眼看就要失掉安身之地,老赵屡次找乙公司交涉,但该公司说自个有合法的土地使用证?梗?坚持撤除。
  • 26、刘备没有安身之地,向孙权借了荆州,不想还了。孙权派鲁肃来要,刘备来了个一哭二闹三上吊,鲁肃只好去找孔明:刘备好歹也是个皇叔,咋成了钉子户了。
  • 27、眼看就要失去安身之地,老赵多次找乙公司交涉,但该公司说自己有合法的土地使用证?梗?坚持拆除。
  • 28、无论是哪股大潮,都没有以儒家文明为主干的传统文化安身之地
  • 29、那些火车沉睡在黑黝黝的轨道上,人们也静静地独自离开,仿佛受到惊吓似的,走向一排一排的长途车,试图找到一个安身之地
  • 30、我在书库里靠墙角放了一块木板,作为我的安身之地
  • 31、当温哥华再次遭遇风暴时,两名路人在已被连根拔起的大树下找到暂时的安身之地
  • 32、当温哥华再次遭受风暴时,两名路人在已被连根拔起的大树下找到暂时的安身之地
  • 33、无论是哪股大潮,都没有以儒家文明为骨干的传统文化安身之地
  • 34、咱们的运营理念:商场是咱们的安身之地,用户是咱们的衣食父母,质量是咱们的安身之本。
  • 35、不幸的燕子只要在悲鸣中处处寻觅安身之地
  • 36、那些火车沉睡在黑黝黝的轨道上,大家也静静地单独脱离,似乎遭到惊吓似的,走向一排一排的长途车,企图找到一个安身之地
  • 37、可怜的燕子只有在悲鸣中到处寻觅安身之地
  • 38、在车与房之间,首选安身之地的仍是大多数。
  • 39、在车与房之间,首选安身之地的还是大多数。
  • 40、设能在家乡过三几年安定晚境,有个三间容膝安身之地,有一二亲人在身边,已是十分幸福。


安身之地 ān shēn zhī dì

明 罗贯中《三国演义》第40回:“近闻刘景升病在危笃,可乘此机会,取彼荆州为安身之地,庶可拒曹操也。”
