- 1、具有可定制行列属性和下拉式组合框的增强的网格控制.
- 2、造成问题的原因除了历史的原因外,也有着管理体制、职称评定制度的原因。
- 3、Inthis ever-changing world, everyone longs for a sense of uniqueness and individuality, and that's where custom-made products come in, offering a personalized touch that sets us apart from the crowd.
- 4、Inthe era of mass production, personalized fashion has become a rebellion against conformity, as people seek to express their unique sense of style through tailor-made garments that showcase their individuality.
- 5、With the rise of personalized fitness regimes, trainers and nutritionists work closely with clients to develop tailored workouts and meal plans that cater to their specific goals and needs, ensuring maximum results and satisfaction.
- 6、Custom-made luxury yachts, crafted with exquisite attention to detail and using only the finest materials, offer the ultimate experience of opulence and exclusivity, transforming every voyage into an unforgettable adventure.
- 7、Inthe world of interior design, custom-made curtains and drapes become the perfect finishing touch, adding character and charm to any room, while also serving their practical purpose of controlling light and providing privacy.
- 8、Bespoke travel experiences, meticulously curated to fulfill the unique preferences and desires of each traveler, offer a truly immersive and unforgettable journey, allowing them to explore the world on their own terms.
- 9、With the advancement of technology, the world of gaming has embraced customization, allowing players to create their own unique avatars and customize their gameplay, immersing themselves in a virtual world tailored to their preferences.
- 10、Custom-made jewelry, crafted with precision and passion, not only marks special milestones and celebrations, but also holds sentimental value and creates cherished memories that can be passed down through generations.
- 11、In the corporate world, custom-made business solutions catered to the specific needs and challenges of each organization pave the way for success, ensuring efficiency, productivity, and long-term growth.
- 12、Custom-designed luthiers artfully handcraft instruments that not only produce exceptional sound quality, but also resonate with musicians on a deeper level, inspiring creativity and allowing them to truly express their musicality.
- 13、Personalized stationery, such as monogrammed notebooks and customized pens, not only adds a touch of elegance and sophistication, but also makes any writing experience more enjoyable and meaningful.
- 14、Tailor-made skincare products, formulated to address individual skin concerns and needs, offer a personalized approach to skincare, ensuring a glowing, healthy complexion that boosts confidence and self-esteem.
- 15、Customized educational programs, tailored to students' unique learning styles and strengths, empower them to reach their full potential, nurturing their natural talents and fostering a love for learning.
- 16、Customized marketing strategies, crafted to target specific demographics and effectively communicate brand messages, create a strong connection between businesses and their consumers, driving growth and brand loyalty.
- 17、Tailor-made vacations, designed with meticulous attention to detail and personalized itineraries, create unforgettable memories, ensuring that every moment of the holiday is tailored to meet the needs and desires of each traveler.
- 18、从尾市日本大阪是定制的摩托车制造商肯畑海陵。
- 19、所以,它是一种有亲和性的可定制的负载平衡,可以支持故障转移。
- 20、Gojee利用数据的方式是,与超市的优惠卡建立联系,了解顾客所购买商品的种类,并运用他们冰箱或食品储藏室里的食材量身定制网站所展示的菜谱。
- 21、在现代出了事故,赔偿给外国人是上千万,赔偿给国人只有百万甚至几十万。同样是一条鲜活的命,可那些人却定制不同的价钱,她收诊费当然也看人收了。阿彩
- 22、不锈钢在浴室已算是比较新奇的了,但新地铁的纯地蜡套房知之小工具,现在可以定制的耐水皮革插图。
- 23、以济钢为案例,运用“五力模型”分析了大规模定制营销模式的优势及劣势。
- 24、目的:研究细辛酊剂和异搏定制成复方细辛牙痛酊的镇痛作用.
- 25、蒂尔曼坐在办公室里,面前定制的牛仔靴是小布什的靴匠送给他的礼物。
- 26、经过一年多精心培育,植物语自创的“N1”个性化定制模式风靡网络,建立了加盟商体系。
- 27、清代中期以来,巴县官府在把中央定制应用于地方实际的过程中形成一套因地制宜的牙行制度。
- 28、本公司可根据用户需求制造多种尺寸的水泥平板机,欢迎各方新老客户前来定制。
- 29、我司可按照客户的要求定制和生产各种类型的充气袋。
- 30、因而他决定制造比市面价格便宜的实验基础工具凝胶电泳盒。
- 31、我们有多年的经验和能力,提供各类装饰板部分如空气出路,柄,板门、汽车保险杠、空调器分店。任何定制设计欢迎!
- 32、此外,他还喜欢新的断言和用来定制这些断言的修饰符。
- 33、每双鞋子都是根据女王脚型和尺寸专门定制,然后送到王宫试穿并加以修改,最后擦油护理。
- 34、微处理器采用0.18微米工艺全定制设计,其电路形式异常烦杂。
- 35、他们可以打印出定制化的二维码,这些二维码可以被手机读取,并且会弹出一个google地点页面或者移动优惠卷的移动版本。
- 36、端午节就要到了,我提前送你一个好运粽子。采天地灵气,集世间荣华,专门为你量身定制,还是快乐的调料,还是幸福的味道,愿你尽情品尝,保你事业成功,身体健康,平安吉祥,精彩的日子长又长!
- 37、设计或定制一个应用程序来支持灵活性,意味着您还需要在应用程序中实现并行性、无状态性和事务支持。
- 38、每个艺术花盆都是定制的。它们由手工制作的玻璃和无铅焊料接合而成,交付使用时,万事俱备,只欠花卉。
- 39、大连哪里有定制做模型用的小家具的店铺?
- 40、结果,作者指出:“物理学者致力于在大型计算机上编制程序,以定制全部的经济制度,并预测策略失败后的后果。”。
- 41、而复辟的天顺朝,却是锦衣卫权势大张的时期。成化初年,再命内臣领校尉缉事,东厂始为定制。
- 42、以互联网为代表的信息技术和定制化生产手段的发展,使定制化营销可以在实践领域得以有效实施.
- 43、这座定制的狗舍考虑到了所有的细节,包括真实的材料,一个木制甲板和骨头形状的游泳池。
- 44、投资者可以选择租赁定制的厂房,也可以选择以租代售,即通过一定年限的租赁,最终拥有厂房的所有权。
- 45、故纵国事繁杂苦财用之不足,确守租税定制,损上而不虐下也。
- 46、针对粗纱机变化频繁、客户定制面广等特点,提出了可适应模块的概念。
- 47、其余的汽车设置可供选择定制,为每辆汽车上:例如,公式中1600个停车场的设置并不属于同翅设定,因为这台单座位没有!
- 48、心累之人要学会调节,要认识自己,不要自己给自己套上枷锁,别给自己定太高的期望值和标准。翻跟斗要给自己找一个能软着陆的地方,爬云梯要给自己找下得来的台阶,实事求是地开发自己的潜能,量身定制地设计自己的人生目标。
- 49、重要说明:如果您是通过邮件订购定制的娃娃,请在邮寄订单时,将定制娃娃的表格一同寄给我们。
- 50、显然,微软找到了这个问题的解决方法,即在软件中装载典型用户最可能日常使用的控件,其余的让用户定制。