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定罪造句 首页

  • 1、而在复合行为犯只有部分行为被共同实施时,虽然在定罪上不能成立共同犯罪,但在量刑上应当对共同实施的部分予以考虑。
  • 2、致人伤残、死亡的,依照本法第二百三十四条、第二百三十二条的规定定罪从重处罚。
  • 3、Asthe court sentenced him to life in prison, the convicted criminal's face remained emotionless, unaffected by the pain and suffering he had inflicted on so many innocent lives, underlining the chilling fact that some individuals are beyond redemption.
  • 4、The act of forgery and deception committed by this renowned figure shattered the trust of an entire community, forever tarnishing their perception of integrity and leaving them grappling with feelings of betrayal and a profound sense of collective loss.
  • 5、The court proceedings were arduous, the testimonies heart-wrenching, but when the judge finally delivered the long-awaited guilty verdict, the victim felt a bittersweet closure, knowing that their truth had finally been heard.
  • 6、Ina world filled with corruption and greed, the conviction of this powerful businessman sent shockwaves through society, serving as a powerful reminder that no one, regardless of status or influence, is above the law.
  • 7、Asthe defendant's lawyer passionately argued for his innocence, the courtroom hung on her every word, but the overwhelming evidence presented ultimately led to a conviction that shattered the dreams and hopes of both the accused and his loved ones.
  • 8、The conviction of the drug lord sent waves of relief through the city, as it marked a significant victory in the battle against the drug epidemic that had plagued the community for far too long.
  • 9、Despite the pain and trauma she endured, the survivor bravely took the stand, facing her abuser with unwavering strength, and her powerful testimony ultimately secured the long-awaited conviction that she had so desperately fought for.
  • 10、The victim's family found solace in the conviction of the drunk driver responsible for the tragic accident, yet the pain of their loss remained indelible, forever reminding them of the irrevocable consequences of one person's reckless actions.
  • 11、The realization that their trusted friend had committed such a heinous crime shook the close-knit community to its core, and the conviction brought a mixture of disbelief, betrayal, and solidarity as they began to heal and rebuild.
  • 12、The unsuccessful appeal against the conviction reminded the perpetrator that their actions had consequences, forcing them to confront the magnitude of their wrongdoing and the irreversible impact it had on the lives of the innocent.
  • 13、The conviction of the human trafficker served as a stark reminder of the dark underbelly of society, urging communities to unite in the fight against modern-day slavery and to protect the most vulnerable among us.
  • 14、然而,我国新刑法中对偷税罪定罪标准的规定缺乏公正性,客观上容任了偷税行为的发生和存在。
  • 15、拉贾拉特南是一位对冲基金经历,因内幕交易被定罪。为了决定是否把德意志银行案件列为刑事案件,法官必须回答其高管们是否参与了不法行为。
  • 16、行劫是严重罪行,违例者一经定罪,可被判最高刑罚终身监禁.
  • 17、第五部分是关于婚内强制性行为定罪问题的研究。
  • 18、国家机关工作人员有上述第四项行为的,以拒不执行判决、裁定罪的共犯追究刑事责任。
  • 19、但碍于雷县长的“权威定罪”,为稳妥起见,祁东检察院一面对案犯取保候审,一面向上级检察院请示汇报,试图在公正与强权之间做好平衡。
  • 20、从西汉武帝时确定“春秋决狱”的原则后,“原心定罪”就成为一种制度,“引经注律”又让伦理代替了法律。
  • 21、我们只要找到赃证就可以给他定罪.
  • 22、连撞9人车祸案发生后,有关对肇事者张明宝该如何定罪量刑的问题,引发了法律界人士的争议。
  • 23、犯前款罪而窃取财物的,依照本法第二百六十四条的规定定罪从重处罚。
  • 24、年的刑法将“女人以争执性的言论造成滋扰”定罪处理,仅在1967。
  • 25、她主张针对这项法律进行研究,该法规定,凡侮辱国王、王后、王位继承人或摄政官者,一经定罪即可判处最高15年徒刑。
  • 26、根据的判决合理性理论,事实审理者不仅决定着被告是否有犯罪行为,还决定着定罪对被告来说是否罪有应得。
  • 27、陪审团不会仅仅根据旁证来定罪.
  • 28、定罪与量刑是刑事审判活动的两个基本环节。
  • 29、作为判刑前的机制,人格调查为司法机关准确定罪量刑提供了参考性的材料。
  • 30、在街上低头走路,定罪为“思想犯”;说话谈及国事,定罪为“国事犯”。
  • 31、拒不执行判决、裁定罪没有将民事调解书纳入规制范围,然而对拒不执行民事调解书的行为是否应当入罪在理论和实践中一直存在争议。
  • 32、春秋决狱的核心在于“论心定罪”,根据犯罪人的主观动机、意图、意愿来确定行为人是否有罪以及罪行轻重。
  • 33、这名利比亚爆炸者是空难事件唯一被定罪的人。空难导致270人死亡,其中大部分是美国人。
  • 34、揆以分别主附,轻重定罪之律,阮氏之罪,当从末减。
  • 35、刑事诉讼主体在立案、侦查、审查起诉、定罪量刑等一系列的诉讼活动中,均需运用证明标准。
  • 36、所以我恳请你们,在陪审团解散之前,我肯请你们,给克莱肖定罪
  • 37、被告方会不会对再清晰明了不过的定罪进行申诉呢?
  • 38、为了保护那些濒临灭绝的生物,旺奇公园的首席督导员拥有准司法权利。他可以对偷猎者定罪,并对其实行最高达15年的监禁。
  • 39、他信口开河的话,怎能当做证据,给人定罪
  • 40、敲诈勒索罪其实判起来蛮重的,在浙江1500元以上就能定罪,1万元以上就算“数额巨大”,可以判三年以上了。
  • 41、沈阳翻译网认为法官由于没有足够的证据来定罪,所以只好放了他。
  • 42、在成*法庭定罪孩童,这被一些儿童活动家强烈谴责。
  • 43、聚众哄抢罪以结果定罪,所以在犯罪过程中不存在犯罪预备、中止形态。
  • 44、圣经说,“我实实在在地告诉你们,那听我话,又信差我来者的,就有永生,不至于定罪,是已经出死入生了。”。
  • 45、于是一些雇员采取了马虎懒散、铜铸管定罪的策略,而另一些雇员试图通过同公司行政领导谈判来解决这些问题。
  • 46、这笔奖金将颁给帮助抓获此恶意病毒软件作者并将其定罪的信息提供者。从2003年以来微软就开始以类似现金奖励的方式捉拿病毒作者。
  • 47、春秋之治狱,论心定罪——自由裁量权。
  • 48、而一个在公车上让座的人,也定罪了他寡情薄义的邻人。
  • 49、私自收税,这时僭越司徒的职权,还有挪用税款的罪项,就让司徒定罪吧。
  • 50、尧帝时,皋陶为大理,听讼断狱遇到难题,便放出獬豸,独角羊顶触的,一准是应该定罪之人。


定罪 dìngzuì

定罪 《定罪》是托尼·戈德温执导的一部传记类剧情片,由希拉里·斯万克和山姆·洛克威尔领衔主演。于2010年9月11日在多伦多国际电影节首映。 影片根据真人真事改编,讲述了贝蒂以一己之力对抗强大的司法体系,克服重重困难,最终为蒙冤入狱18年的哥哥洗脱罪名的感人故事。 定罪 (法律名词) 又称为犯罪认定,是指根据刑法规定,对某一行为是否构成犯罪、构成何种犯罪以及构成的是轻罪还是重罪的确认与评判。定罪具有以下特征: (一)定罪的主体是人民法院 (二)定罪的客体是侵害法益的行为 (三)定罪的性质是刑事司法活动
