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家庭出身造句 首页

  • 1、他也没料到这少女会一下子拿出这么多钱,看来也不是一般家庭出身,顿时感觉有些意兴索然,救人的自豪感也淡了许多,不过他依然不愿意拿那些钱。
  • 2、我们这种破碎家庭出身的人,从来就不是孩子。
  • 3、Myfamily background has shaped me into a resilient and compassionate individual, who is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.
  • 4、Growing up in a harmonious and loving family environment, I have learned the true value of empathy and the importance of nurturing strong relationships.
  • 5、Despite coming from a modest family, my parents instilled in me the belief that hard work and determination can overcome any obstacle, which has guided me throughout my life.
  • 6、The warmth and support I received from my family during difficult times has taught me the significance of solidarity and the unwavering bond between family members.
  • 7、Myfamily background may not be affluent, but the wealth of love and understanding we share is invaluable and has made me appreciate the true essence of happiness.
  • 8、Being raised in a culturally diverse family, I have developed a deep appreciation for various traditions, languages, and customs, which has broadened my perspective on the world around me.
  • 9、From the numerous family gatherings filled with laughter and joy, I have come to cherish the beauty of togetherness and the power it has to strengthen our familial ties.
  • 10、Despite the challenges our family has faced, the unwavering support and encouragement from my parents have motivated me to pursue my dreams fearlessly.
  • 11、Growing up in a single-parent household, I have realized the immense strength and resilience that lies within my mother, who tirelessly provides for our family and serves as my inspiration.
  • 12、The unconditional love and guidance I received from my grandparents have shaped my values and beliefs, reminding me of the importance of responsibility and respect towards elders.
  • 13、Despite the financial hardships my family faced, the emphasis on education was never compromised, which has instilled in me a strong desire to constantly learn and grow.
  • 14、The support and encouragement I received from my siblings have been instrumental in my personal and academic development, and their presence in my life is a constant source of strength and motivation.
  • 15、The resilience and determination I have witnessed in my family's journey have shaped me into a strong and tenacious individual who is unafraid to overcome challenges.
  • 16、The unity and solidarity that exists within my family have shaped my belief in the power of love, understanding, and forgiveness, and have inspired me to cultivate these qualities in all my relationships.
  • 17、My family's support and encouragement have empowered me to step out of my comfort zone, take risks, and embrace new opportunities, ultimately helping me to become the person I am today.
  • 18、Growing up in a family that encouraged open communication and dialogue, I have developed strong interpersonal skills and have come to appreciate the importance of effective communication in building meaningful connections.
  • 19、The values and principles instilled in me by my family have guided my actions and decisions, enabling me to lead a life filled with integrity and authenticity.
  • 20、政文工团歌舞团舞蹈演员孟锦云,女,1948年生,家庭出身职员,本人成分学生,1959年入伍,1964年入团。
  • 21、高考落榜,知识分子家庭出身的孟非做过许多体力活儿,在印刷厂工作时,经常卸几十斤的纸和石棉网,因为接触油墨,手指常年乌黑。
  • 22、北宋末年,因父亲在朋党之争中败走苏州,后又在剿匪中丧生,官宦家庭出身的徐昭沦落在下层社会中。
  • 23、此人名叫牛言斌,36岁,北平人,家庭出身店员,本人成分自由职业者。
  • 24、18年的积累,家庭出身、生活方式、财务观念,造就了那样一个你,也造就了这样一个我,造就了你的疏狂佻达与我的保守持重……
  • 25、这上班了的姐姐,在学校念书时,品学兼优,入了党,而家庭出身又是贫下中农,到了工作岗位,领导一看档案,自是另眼看待,没有多少时日,就提拔为教导主任。
  • 26、老师询问了我的家庭出身
  • 27、我要求镇里挑选一批依靠公共福利金生活的人,他们必须是来自不同种族,有着不同的家庭出身
  • 28、前期,你的奶奶生你姑姑和爸爸时,医院让填登记表,要写家庭出身和个人成分。
  • 29、这是一部充满正能量的励志小说,本书讲述了一个穷苦家庭出身的大专生,从踏入大学校门到而立之年这个时间段,所经历的感人肺腑的励志故事。
  • 30、幸亏广东的几位人大代表提名,要不然我还真险些忘了自己的家庭出身和个人成分,当然,还有我祖上三代的成分。
  • 31、朱旦华曾用名姚秀霞、朱家农,女,1911年12月生,家庭出身商店职员,本人成分学校职员。
  • 32、着重任用农民家庭出身的知识分子和半知识分子.
  • 33、我国年满十八周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况、居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权;但是依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人除外。
  • 34、的侍卫,因为经常要伴随在皇帝的左右,出入大内禁苑,因此要求政治素养“好、家庭出身”。
  • 35、我们现在的大多数的知识分子,是从旧社会过来的,是从非劳动人民家庭出身的.
  • 36、但是到了上个世纪八十年代,改革开放了,家庭出身以及本人成分已经不再重要,这也反映了中国社会已经走出政治高压的状态。
  • 37、在随之而来的因俄语学生过剩而要学生转学的时候,本来按成绩挑选新学校新专业,杨武能首选了北京外贸学院,李科长却义正辞严地告诉他:你不能选外贸,因为你缺乏政治敏感,而且你家庭出身还有点问题。
  • 38、按家庭出身区别对待学生的做法是错误的.
  • 39、学生会副*席药鑫磊,军人家庭出身,父亲为总后勤部少将主任,母亲是北车集团副总。
  • 40、但就何墨风荏弱又不经常锻炼的细胳膊细腿的那点小力气,怎能与军人家庭出身从小就在军营里进进出出的人相比,又岂能挣得开。
  • 41、三从家庭和个人的特殊经历来分析,其矛盾心态的形成也受到了寒微家庭出身和个人特殊经历的内在影响。
  • 42、由于他的爷爷、父亲都是知识分子,家庭出身不好,在那个红色年代,招工招干都无份,天天在生产队干活,肚子也吃不饱。
  • 43、我家庭出身不好,按条件本来只能分配到外农,就是要到外地插队落户的。


家庭出身 jiātíngchūshēn
