- 1、据了解,每次试种期间,傅永文都要对立面活动架丝瓜棚架结构及高稳产原因进行分析研究和完善,为丝瓜等蔓生型作物发展现代化高效农业,提供科学依据。
- 2、爱的对立面不是恨,而是冷漠。
- 3、The warm rays of the morning sun enveloped the garden, casting a serene and peaceful ambiance, while the dark clouds looming in the distance threatened to unleash a storm of chaos and destruction.
- 4、The lush green fields stretched out endlessly, adorned with vibrant wildflowers and teeming with life, creating a harmonious symphony of nature, in stark contrast to the desolate concrete jungle, where towering skyscrapers blocked out the sun and suffocated the spirit.
- 5、The sound of laughter and joy permeated the classroom, as the young children eagerly shared their dreams and aspirations, their innocent faces filled with hope and curiosity, while outside, the harsh reality of poverty and despair cast a long shadow on the lives of those less fortunate.
- 6、The tranquility of the babbling brook, with its crystal-clear waters reflecting the beauty of the surrounding nature, was shattered by the deafening noise of bulldozers and construction workers, tearing down the trees and destroying the peaceful sanctuary.
- 7、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the cozy café, as customers indulged in intimate conversations and shared moments of connection, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, in contrast to the sterile and impersonal experience of online communication.
- 8、The gentle touch of a mother's hand on her child's face conveyed love and tenderness, creating a sense of security and belonging, while the cold and distant embrace of a stranger brought an unfamiliar sense of discomfort and unease.
- 9、The old man sat peacefully on the porch, his weathered face etched with wisdom and a life well lived, as he gazed at the bustling city streets below, filled with hurried footsteps and anxious faces, a stark reminder of the relentless pursuit of material wealth and success.
- 10、The enchanting melody of a violin drifted through the air, each note carrying the weight of emotions and memories, resonating with the audience's hearts, while the cacophony of honking cars and blaring sirens drowned out the beauty of the music.
- 11、The gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the ancient oak tree, as sunlight filtered through the branches, illuminating the beauty of nature, in stark contrast to the suffocating pollution and smog that engulfed the city.
- 12、The tender embrace of a lover, their bodies entwined in a passionate dance, radiated warmth and intimacy, a moment of pure bliss, while the isolation and emptiness of a solitary existence left a void in the depths of one's soul.
- 13、The vivacious colors of the painting burst forth from the canvas, each brush stroke a reflection of the artist's innermost emotions, captivating the viewer's imagination, in contrast to the monotonous and mundane world of black and white.
- 14、The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, their petals unfolding with vibrant colors and delicate beauty, a celebration of life and renewal, while the decaying leaves and barren branches whispered of the inevitable cycle of death and decay.
- 15、The warm embrace of a caring friend provided solace and support in times of sorrow and despair, their comforting words offering a ray of hope, while the cold shoulders and indifference of strangers left one feeling isolated and alone.
- 16、The wise words of a mentor echoed in the ears of an eager student, inspiring them to reach for the stars and achieve greatness, their guidance a guiding light in the darkness, while the harsh criticism and ridicule of naysayers threatened to extinguish the flickering flame of ambition.
- 17、死亡是极致的美丽,死亡等于拒绝一切理解。生并非死的对立面,死潜伏于生之中。川端康成
- 18、死不是生的对立面,而是作为生的一部分永存。村上春树
- 19、死并非生的对立面,而作为生的一部分永存。村上春树
- 20、和别人相联系就是不断地在一个挑战的环境中。只和自己相联系是一件厌烦的事——没有对立面。除非你能在你自己内在的存在中找到对立面;那样,一个人就可以单独行动。奥修
- 21、从我们查办案件的情况看,绝大多数腐败分子都是从收受红包、礼金开始,一步一步地滑向深渊,走向人民和法纪的对立面。
- 22、冷漠在我们看来尤其重要,因为它与爱和意志关系密切。恨并非爱的对立面,冷漠才是。罗洛·梅
- 23、黑格尔在“资本论”中充分阐述了本质与现象的辩证法,并且着重论述了对立面相互渗透的规律。
- 24、我一直朝暗的一面慢步而行,而对立面却是别人朝光的方向欢快奔跑。
- 25、有人认为奢侈是贫穷的对立面。其实不是,奢侈是粗俗的对立面。
- 26、针对不同的情况,整治行动采用平改坡、平屋面修缮等方式,并对立面破损、裂缝和漏雨处进行了修缮粉刷施工,保持“红瓦”风格。
- 27、暴君的对立面就是仁君,但是“仁君”杀的人还少吗?我只为自己的信仰而存在!
- 28、在现实中,许多企业的绩效考核都成了"走过场",在考核的过程中没有规范做法,从而没有把绩效考核的作用发挥出来,甚至走向其对立面。
- 29、四个坚持的对立面是资产阶级自由化。
- 30、生活万马奔腾,你无法做一个在街道上看风景的人,一旦止步,即成为人群的对立面,要承受汹涌人群的横冲直撞。似乎,唯有滚到路边匍匐下来,才能躲过。许多的人匍匐下来,立刻被甩出轨道。绿妖
- 31、我们立身处世无时不面临着对话、交流,但我们往往只听得见想听见的话,对异己陌生者总是对立而忽视。我们的言行总是跟同类相互强化;而不能各自表述,寻找存在及发展之共识,从对立面吸收。在不疑处有疑、对异己者加持是一种文明理性。余世存
- 32、即全面考察历史全过程,发现矛盾向对立面转化的苗头和关键,从社会弊端中预见其变化趋势。
- 33、如果人们善良,那是因为喜欢这样,我绝不去干涉他们享受快乐的,而其对立面也应该享受同等待遇才是。
- 34、是的,哈农考特是演艺界的“一代”先锋,一位极严肃的音乐家,还是在一年一度纷繁的新年演出中通常率领维也纳爱乐乐团的明星指挥的对立面。
- 35、二而王码电脑公司软件中心:对立面的同一。
- 36、杨慎在议大礼中站在其父杨廷和一边,为维护皇统仗节死义,但他站在皇帝的对立面,削弱、侵犯了皇权。
- 37、但事实和意愿总是两个无法统一的对立面,我一直处在一种似睡非睡的假寐状态,而无法进入一种类似燕雀处堂的实质性酣睡境界。
- 38、健康也意味着有继续生存的期望。对有情感的动物,例如人类,健康有更广的概念。健康与非健康不是绝对的对立面,而是相对的有过度性阶段的状态。
- 39、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
- 40、对立面的存在往往能够提醒自己谨慎从事易于成功,对立面消失则往往导致疏于防范而归于失败。
- 41、第三,树立对立面使案件的处决变成了几道是非题,使不具偏见的法官罗容易处理。
- 42、如里你听从理性,那么,来自于对立面、张力的全部品质都会失去。生命就生去了风味、热情、希望、可能性,因为每一个可能性都是由对立面打开的。奥修
- 43、保持相同研究模式,从对立面审视这个问题,当英国劳动力调查问及人们是否感到压抑沮丧时,数据恰好呈现出倒马蹄形趋势,沮丧感的峰值亦在46岁出现。
- 44、极性逆转,造成梦想在所有表达及梦想中从一个极端翻转到其对立面。
- 45、在这个世界上,每一个拉斯普庭都有一个歌德作为对立面,每个拉斯普庭后面拽着一个歌德,或者不如说,每个歌德后面拽着一个拉斯普庭,如果有必要的话,甚至还要创造出一个拉斯普庭来,以便接着可以对他进行谴责。
- 46、一直站在曼联队对立面。
- 47、老总顺昌逆亡、高度集权和唯指标生存的管理思路,已经让他成为企业的孤家寡人;除了一小撮既得利益者,基本上所有员工都站到了他的对立面。
- 48、职业是职业,事业是事业,没必要把职业升迁和事业成就混为一谈,也没必要把一份工作当唯一的轴心,别把生活和工作硬搞成对立面,兼顾温饱没有错,可一辈子被一份工作栓死,那也太无趣了……大冰
- 49、从开始立意,这章真正的对立面,就不是风云无忌与那些利欲薰心的门派掌门,他们的异常表现,都是有原因的,后面便会知道.
- 50、作为一名对立面的读者来说,阅读卡夫卡注定是一场永无止境的冒险,那股由死亡深渊吹上来的风逼得你不得不张开眼去凝目注视这个世界。