- 1、这并并不能归功于**的限制,而应归功于现代化及个人对小家庭的渴望。
- 2、这房里的一切,都出自她的手,但又构成了我的生活内容。她按照她的家庭观念完全自主的创造了这个小家庭,把我置于其中,我也适应了它,成了它的一部分。要摆脱它是不容易的,因为这首先要摆脱我自己。张贤亮
- 3、Inour small family, love fills every corner of our cozy home, creating a warm and nurturing environment for all of us to thrive.
- 4、Despite the challenges we face as a small family, we always find strength in each other, reminding ourselves that together, we are capable of overcoming anything that comes our way.
- 5、Our small family is like a tightly knit tapestry, each member playing an integral role in creating a harmonious and loving atmosphere where laughter and joy fill our daily lives.
- 6、The bonds within our small family are unbreakable, built on a foundation of trust, respect, and an unwavering commitment to supporting and uplifting one another.
- 7、Within our small family, there is an unspoken understanding and acceptance that allows us to be true to ourselves without fear of judgment, fostering a sense of belonging and security.
- 8、Each night, as we gather around the dinner table, our small family shares not only a meal but also stories, laughter, and unforgettable moments that will forever be etched in our hearts.
- 9、Inthe fast-paced world we live in, our small family serves as a sanctuary, a safe haven where we can retreat and find solace amidst life's uncertainties.
- 10、The love and support we provide for one another in our small family is not limited by blood; it extends to our closest friends, who have become an integral part of our remarkable journey.
- 11、Our small family may be small in size, but our love has an immeasurable depth, and our unity is a force to be reckoned with, capable of weathering any storm that comes our way.
- 12、Our small family may have faced hardships and setbacks, but through resilience and perseverance, we have grown closer, proving that love and determination can conquer any obstacle.
- 13、In our small family, we believe that the true measure of success lies not in material wealth but in the quality of our relationships and the happiness we bring to one another's lives.
- 14、Throughout the years, our small family has created countless precious memories that we hold dear, reminding us of the love and joy that always fills our home.
- 15、Our small family serves as a testament that love knows no boundaries, transcending cultural and societal norms, and embracing diversity and inclusivity.
- 16、The love we share within our small family is a never-ending cycle, passed down from one generation to the next, ensuring that our legacy of compassion and kindness continues to flourish.
- 17、Our small family may not have all the answers, but we face life's uncertainties together, holding onto hope and the unwavering belief that tomorrow will bring new beginnings and endless possibilities.
- 18、Our small family is a constellation of love, where each member shines brightly, contributing their unique strengths and talents to create a harmonious and thriving household.
- 19、七十年代的一对青年男女,简单相遇相识,缔结一段朴素的婚姻,夹缠在两个人小家庭间还有双方的父母兄弟,一对儿女.
- 20、我们希望每天都过着一种更好的没有老板和小家庭的集体生活,同时寻求志同道合的人士。
- 21、健保费不是论口计算,就是论户计算,如果以同样月入五万元,单身户及丈夫任务、养妻小的小家庭,以论口计算的话,小家庭要多负担许多。
- 22、满脑袋装的是恋爱婚姻建立豪华小家庭的设想。
- 23、然而,养猫的人一般都是女性,而且她们居住在小家庭,或是独自居住。
- 24、小生活、小日子、小小过活,快乐开心;小夫妻、小俩口、小小爱情,浪漫甜蜜;小事业、小工作、小小家庭,吉祥如意。小小七夕,小小幸福送给你!
- 25、世界人口日,关怀老年人,回家看看父母,减少他的孤独,和父母聊聊天,减轻他的寂寞,人口在老化,敬老不能丢,和谐大家庭,离不开我们幸福小家庭。
- 26、十年前,你不认识我,我不属于你;十年后,你和我2个人,组成1个小家庭,再有两个小宝宝,4口之家乐融融!这就是2月14日的来历!
- 27、本来是浙江人,从小家庭非常贫困,可以说饥寒交迫。
- 28、霍启刚从小家庭环境好、读书也好,郭晶晶虽然有个性,但性情柔顺,两人脾气秉性投缘。
- 29、张传义从小家庭困难,生活贫苦,16岁就到县城北关清朝举人石斗南家扛长工。
- 30、从三代同堂到小家庭的这种结构转变,使得祖父母不再能够协助分担教养孩童的重任。
- 31、我要到会计室去管帐簿,拿月薪,跟露丝建立小家庭。
- 32、和谐社会,当发扬光大人间真情的美德,“我为人人,人人为我”,为人民、为国家,也为我们自己。一个个小家庭组成为全社会的大家庭,希望十三亿人民的祖国大家庭,其乐融融、花枝招展!
- 33、那么,在千家万户的小家庭中,男人系上围兜兜下厨切肉片剁菜也就没有什么见不得人的了。
- 34、日盼夜盼,结婚盼到。告别单身,不再烦恼。从今后,二人世界共同创造,小小家庭夫妻同欢笑。为了祝贺新的开始,特准备美酒佳肴,请各位亲朋好友做个见证。一定要到哟!
- 35、婚后,巴哈古丽到喀什文化馆工作,虽然住在简陋的出租房内,但你敬我爱的小家庭里却荡漾着幸福生活。
- 36、小家庭因为天天的到来,忙碌而幸福,年轻的夫妇给儿子取名“天天”,希望他能像天空一样高远、透澈。
- 37、在世界各地,避孕措施的普及和对小家庭的向往通常与经济的增长和发展相伴而生。
- 38、小家庭之孝,是一种反哺之情,放在整个社会,孝就是一种社会责任。
- 39、我要到会计室往管帐簿,拿月薪,跟露丝建立小家庭。
- 40、戏拍完不久,江珊便毅然离开北京,和高曙光在上海西南的梅陇组成自己幸福的小家庭。
- 41、他所想的,只是替他的小家庭追求一个飘渺的安全感--在这个枯枝败叶的世道,可以说是很勇敢的,一种蠢头呆脑的勇敢,是可悲哀的无用功。鲁敏
- 42、所以一些年轻人讨厌政治,对集体事业也漠不关心,而热衷于个人和小家庭的安乐窝。
- 43、那是在五月初,这个小家庭才同很少几个在时乖运蹇时还自称是他们朋友的人告了别。
- 44、你的回归喻示着团圆,你的回归代表着喜庆,你的回归抹去了屈辱,你的回归载满了吉祥,7月1日香港回归日,愿祖国大家庭和谐美满,愿你小家庭合家欢乐。
- 45、山东济华燃气小年夜加班人,是一群小家庭的小年夜未归人,他们的家庭没能团圆。
- 46、在这个小家庭结构牢固的国家里,那是一个不寻常的寂寞童年,但滨崎步却说她并不觉得自己失落了什么。
- 47、两个人,一个幸福美满的小家庭从今天就开始了,就诞生了。在这幸福美满的婚姻生活当中光有亲亲我我、甜甜蜜蜜是远远不够的,当中要包涵着更多的责任,更多的承诺,两个人还要交换他们珍贵的信物,体现这份责任和承诺。