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  • 1、记者昨日获悉,市民巡访团最近对浦东、徐汇、长宁、普陀、虹口、杨浦等本市15个区县的82条中小河道进行巡查评议。
  • 2、巡访期间,我们还会见了泉州市市长。
  • 3、Today, I went on a visit to a remote village to conduct a thorough inspection of their living conditions and offer my support in any way I can to improve their quality of life.
  • 4、AsI embarked on my journey of visiting various schools in the region, I was deeply moved by the determination and passion of the young students to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams.
  • 5、The purpose of my visit to the factory was to evaluate the working conditions and ensure that the workers receive fair treatment, as their wellbeing is of utmost importance to me.
  • 6、During my tour of the historical landmarks, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the grandeur and rich history that each site held, further deepening my appreciation for our cultural heritage.
  • 7、The annual inspection of the hospitals allowed me to witness the dedication and tireless efforts of the medical staff, who work selflessly to provide quality healthcare to those in need.
  • 8、Myvisit to the orphanage brought both tears and joy as I witnessed the resilience and hope that radiated from the children's smiles, inspiring me to continue advocating for their rights and well-being.
  • 9、Through my extensive rounds of visits to war-torn areas, I was reminded of the importance of peace and the urgent need for humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of those affected by conflicts.
  • 10、The purpose of my visit to the construction site was to observe the progress and ensure that safety measures were being properly implemented, emphasizing the value of human lives in any project.
  • 11、As I walked among the homeless population, engaging in conversations and hearing their stories, my heart swelled with compassion, sparking a determination to seek sustainable solutions to end homelessness.
  • 12、My visit to the nursing homes allowed me to witness the love and care provided by the staff, reminding me of the importance of honoring and cherishing our elderly population.
  • 13、As I met with local entrepreneurs during my business visits, their innovative ideas and relentless pursuit of success ignited a sense of admiration, prompting me to continue supporting their ventures.
  • 14、The purpose of my visit to the research institute was to understand their groundbreaking discoveries, which have the potential to revolutionize various industries and improve the lives of people worldwide.
  • 15、Through my visits to schools for children with special needs, I was inspired by the dedication and patience of teachers who strive to create an inclusive environment where every child can thrive.
  • 16、My tour of the coastal communities left me in awe of their resilience in the face of natural disasters, motivating me to work towards sustainable development and disaster preparedness in vulnerable areas.
  • 17、As I met with community leaders, listening to their concerns and aspirations, I gained valuable insights that helped shape policies to address their needs and foster inclusive growth.
  • 18、The purpose of my visit to the prison was to understand the challenges faced by inmates, promoting rehabilitation programs and emphasizing the importance of second chances in society.
  • 19、During my visit to the science exhibition, I was astounded by the creativity and intellect of the young participants, reaffirming my belief in the power of education to shape a brighter future.
  • 20、9月6日至7日,“网络在线问政”活动联席会议办公室组织网民巡访团分组对意见建议办理情况进行现场巡查。
  • 21、这是3日市民文明巡访团在顺河西街南段看到的一幕。
  • 22、据新华社长沙7月21日电7月中旬以来,长沙市大力发动并组织市民巡访团,专门纠察公共领域形形色*的“缺德”和失信行为。
  • 23、市民巡访团成员倪素珍表示,导游认真与否,与团队的文明观博程度有很大关系。
  • 24、为确保巡访调处的案件得到妥善处理,由控申部门负责,把跟踪督办、定期回访始终贯穿于检察巡访的全过程,变软任务为硬约束。
  • 25、今天上午,创建文明城市市民巡访团再次走进历下区,主要围绕小区内道路、窗口单位进行暗访。
  • 26、11月15日,上海市网络文明巡访团网络评议工作会议召开,全面部署上海市第六届优秀网站评选活动“入围网站”网络评议工作。
  • 27、泰斯赫斯特表示,我对亚洲的私人银行做了一次巡访,发现这里并没有多少服务于私人客户的律师。
  • 28、总部派驻专业人员协助开业及定期巡访,帮助指导提高竞争能力.
  • 29、在世博园中华美食街又看到一批占座睡觉的游客时,市民巡访团成员姜乃珊忍不住发出这样的感叹。
  • 30、胡带领一大规模商人代表团于周一晚些时候到达古巴首都,此行为拉丁美洲国家巡访的一部分。
  • 31、另外今年济南市首次组建民主评议市民巡访团,聘请21名市民作为巡访团成员,监督和评议党风政风行风建设情况。
  • 32、作为其区域巡访的一部分,他带着陆海空三军委员会的参议员们访问了巴基斯坦和印度。
  • 33、伯乐向楚王说明,千里马少有,找起来不容易,需要到各地巡访,请楚王不必着急,他尽力将事情办好。
  • 34、刚开始,市民还不了解市民巡访团,看见志愿者佩着胸牌上街,都用好奇的眼光看他们,还问市民巡访团是干什么的。
  • 35、6月25日,甘肃省先进模范人物“红色陇原千里行”巡访团成员慰问“刘巧儿”原型封芝琴老人。
  • 36、医生挨家挨户上门巡访,省去了许多老年人去医院的麻烦。
  • 37、下文三藩称变,二将争功,康熙皇南巡访父,年羹尧北上观光,立皇嗣移花接木,谋大统煮豆燃箕,烛影斧声,案疑千古,神踪鬼迹,秘绝人寰。
  • 38、据新华社7月21日电7月中旬以来,长沙市大力发动并组织市民巡访团,专门纠察公共领域形形色*的“缺德”和失信行为。
  • 39、8月1日下午,被誉为“城市的啄木鸟”的湘潭市民巡访团顶着酷暑来昭山示范区进行今年的第二次巡访
  • 40、26日,市民文明巡访团一行走访了我市四家大型医院,主要针对之前暗访时发现的问题进行“复查”,结果发现几家医院都针对自身存在的问题进行了整改。
  • 41、我们有6名销售代表在伦敦市中心巡访客户.
  • 42、8月16日下午,湘潭市创建办市民巡访团一行冒雨前来昭山区督查文明创建工作。
  • 43、在启动仪式现场,由21人组成的民主评议市民巡访团首次亮相。
  • 44、3日上午9点多,市民文明巡访团一行来到顺河西街南段,人行道上摆放着四五个立式衣架,挂着各式羽绒服,周边人行道上竖起了大型广告宣传语。
  • 45、一辆助动车、一台照相机、一本笔记簿,29岁的市民巡访团成员叶君易“一身装备”走街串巷。
  • 46、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 47、今天创建文明城市市民巡访团走进历城区,对主要街道、社区、行政审批服务中心等窗口单位进行了明察暗访。
  • 48、在今年的民主评议中,市民巡访团是一个亮点。


巡访 xúnfǎng

巡访 xún fǎng ㄒㄩㄣˊ ㄈㄤˇ 巡访(巡访) 巡查察访。《金瓶梅词话》第四八回:“不想这 狄县丞 率领一行人,巡访到 清河县 城西河边,正行之际,忽见马头前起一阵旋风,团团不散,只随着 狄公 马走。”

