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工业国造句 首页

  • 1、好端端的一个富庶繁荣的工业国,仅仅在一夜之间就被瓜分豆剖而破产萧条了。
  • 2、他们决心把落后的农业国变为先进的工业国.
  • 3、Intoday's globalized world, being recognized as a powerful industrial nation not only brings economic prosperity but also symbolizes the strength and innovation of a country's workforce and its ability to adapt to change.
  • 4、The transformation of a developing nation into an industrial powerhouse requires a combination of strategic planning, investment in infrastructure, and a skilled workforce committed to the advancement of technology and manufacturing excellence.
  • 5、Aighly developed industrial nation not only provides job opportunities for its people but also fosters a sense of national pride and unity as citizens witness the tangible results of their collective efforts in the form of cutting-edge products and infrastructure.
  • 6、The rise of a nation to the status of an industrial powerhouse is often accompanied by remarkable advancements in science, technology, and engineering, fueling a culture of innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
  • 7、Asan industrial nation, we must recognize the responsibility that comes with our economic prowess and take proactive measures to ensure sustainable development, minimize environmental impact, and prioritize the well-being of our citizens.
  • 8、The development of a strong industrial sector is crucial for a nation's economic stability, providing a solid foundation for growth while creating a diverse range of employment opportunities for its citizens across various skill levels.
  • 9、The history of industrial nations is replete with stories of resilience and perseverance, as hardworking individuals overcome challenges and setbacks, contributing to the steady progress and transformation of their economies.
  • 10、Industrialization brings with it the potential for immense wealth and prosperity, attracting not only domestic investment but also international partnerships and collaborations, further boosting economic growth and development.
  • 11、The pursuit of industrial excellence requires a balanced approach that prioritizes both economic efficiency and social welfare, ensuring that the benefits of industrialization are fairly distributed among all segments of society.
  • 12、Astrong industrial nation invests in human capital, nurturing a skilled workforce through quality education, vocational training, and lifelong learning opportunities, creating a dynamic and adaptable labor force that can fuel the economy of the future.
  • 13、The transition from an agrarian society to an industrial nation demands visionary leadership, strategic planning, and a commitment to inclusivity, as entire communities adapt and evolve to embrace the opportunities and challenges of a changing economic landscape.
  • 14、Industrial nations often become centers of cultural exchange and diversity, attracting talent and creativity from all corners of the globe, enriching their societies with the exchange of ideas, customs, and traditions.
  • 15、As an industrial nation, we have a responsibility to prioritize research and development, supporting innovation and breakthrough discoveries that can revolutionize industries, drive economic growth, and improve the quality of life for our citizens.
  • 16、The journey from a developing nation to a respected industrial powerhouse is not without its obstacles, but it is through the perseverance, determination, and ingenuity of its people that a nation can overcome adversity and achieve transformative growth.
  • 17、The legacy of industrial nations extends beyond their borders, as their technological advancements and expertise are shared with developing nations, fostering global cooperation and solidarity in the pursuit of a more prosperous and connected world.
  • 18、安倍围堵中国为何四处碰壁望海楼田文林七国集团峰会召开前夕,日本首相安倍扬言要让西方主要工业国集体谴责中国。
  • 19、该国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国.
  • 20、可怕的**烟瘾不只是消耗这个民族的劳动力和财产,从而直接导致了这个国家的贫穷,而更抑制了她对其他商品的进口,进而使所有期望从事正当贸易的工业国家蒙受了损失。郑曦原
  • 21、同年7、8月间举行的欧安会最后阶段会议上,5国代表经过协商,同意召开西方主要工业国最高级会议,指出首脑会议议程“涉及世界经济危机的所有经济问题”。
  • 22、日本以及东亚的几个“新日本”正在显示出这一点,而其显示的方式是历史较久的工业国家怵目惊心地看得非常清楚的。
  • 23、1959年和1960年两年间,卡斯特罗对古巴进行了大刀阔斧地改革,其中包括工业国有化、农业集体化,没收美国在古巴的企业和农场等。
  • 24、粮食出口增长最快的是一些工业国家.
  • 25、各工业国国内的政治两极分化,促使财政保守主义再度抬头.
  • 26、目前,提高森林工业国际竞争力已经成为俄罗斯**与森工企业的重要努力方向。
  • 27、Thieliant报告指出,日本女性劳参率虽见上扬,与其他七大工业国G7成员国相比仍瞠呼其后。
  • 28、到目前为止,美国是世界上最大的工业国,在计算机,宇航,核能和电子等先进领域居世界首位。
  • 29、各工业国对大米出口的补贴也抑制了低成本国家提高生产.
  • 30、用来装瓶装水的塑胶瓶要一千年才能生物分解,同时工业国家所制造的瓶装水并不比水龙头流出的自来水要纯净健康。
  • 31、从经济的原则上说,农业国家是不能达到“富裕”的,事实上比较富裕的国家大都是工业国家。
  • 32、工业国增长缓慢,只能获得有限的新增的资金,对于债台高筑的中等收入国家来说,由此而产生的后果将是严酷的。
  • 33、这项综合数据掩盖了主要工业国家间的巨大分歧。
  • 34、由主要工业国家组成的七国集团今天结束了其年度峰会。
  • 35、仅在2010年,雅式的展览会就吸引了57个官方展团,其中大多数来自主要工业国家,参展公司达9,592家,专业观众多达398,498人。
  • 36、露营活动包括二氧化碳凌波舞,低碳国家的杆子较低,而西方工业国的杆子较高,还有无声迪斯可,舞步所转换的能量让地板发光。
  • 37、第一节阐述工业国农业政策的特点.
  • 38、一些工业国家的代表,包括印度,巴西知之小工具,美国和欧洲国家在此之前已经要求中国允许其货币汇率浮动。
  • 39、他表示,得益于本币走软和出口改善,日本在2010年有望成为主要工业国家中表现最优的经济体,日经指数.N225有望突破12,000点.
  • 40、这样子的做法可能非常吸引人,尤其是对于开发中国家以及撤销核能管制的工业国家来说,因为所涉及的资金成本会低很多。
  • 41、但是最大的输家不是G7工业国中相对较富的国家,而是那些想将其众多人口从贫穷和疾病中解脱出来的国家。
  • 42、日本是唯一的主要工业国家美国以外的国家适用死刑.
  • 43、这和其他的工业国家相比差多了.
  • 44、第二世界的国家试图变成一个公认的工业国家,这肯定会有一些敌人的。
  • 45、我认为这世上已经有太多的工作被做完了。工作即是德行的想法造成很多的伤害,在现在的工业国家中,不应该再倡导和以前一样的观念。
  • 46、戈登.布朗在今天晚上号召世界上实力最强的工业国家立即同意一项步调一致的减税计划以防止世界经济陷入进一步的衰退。