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平均主义造句 首页

  • 1、昨天涅波将足协的“国脚资格限制”斥责为“搞平均主义”。
  • 2、也就是说,两者相比,人们更易容忍平均主义.
  • 3、Ina society that promotes meritocracy, the concept of "平均主义" seems alien, as it emphasizes equality at the expense of excellence, hindering individual progress and stifling innovation.
  • 4、While advocating for a fair distribution of resources, "平均主义" fails to acknowledge the different talents and abilities people possess, leading to mediocrity instead of fostering excellence and growth.
  • 5、The pursuit of equality through "平均主义" neglects the fact that diversity and individual differences are what make a society vibrant and dynamic, as it treats everyone as mere average entities, disregarding their unique contributions.
  • 6、Embracing "平均主义" means accepting the status quo, settling for mediocrity, and denying the possibility of progress and innovation.
  • 7、While "平均主义" claims to promote fairness, it inadvertently suppresses individual talents and discourages people from pursuing their passions and dreams, leading to a society devoid of creative minds.
  • 8、Byfocusing solely on uniformity, "平均主义" overlooks the fact that the most successful societies are those that encourage diversity and provide opportunities for individuals to excel in their respective fields.
  • 9、The essence of human nature is not to conform to an average, homogenous existence, but to strive for excellence and personal fulfillment, something that "平均主义" fails to recognize.
  • 10、"平均主义" places disproportionate importance on external factors such as wealth and status, while downplaying the importance of personal effort, perseverance, and individual character in achieving success.
  • 11、The pursuit of equality should not be equated with "平均主义," as true equality lies in providing equal opportunities for all, while recognizing and nurturing individual talents and potential.
  • 12、Asociety that embraces "平均主义" risks becoming stagnant and unambitious, as there is no incentive for individuals to push their boundaries and strive for greatness.
  • 13、"平均主义" undermines the value of hard work, dedication, and personal growth, as it promotes the notion that everyone should be content with reaching an arbitrary average level of achievement.
  • 14、The true potential of a society lies in fostering an environment that values and supports individual talents, rather than adhering blindly to the principles of "平均主义."
  • 15、In a society where "平均主义" prevails, people become complacent and content with mediocrity, as there is no motivation or reward for exceptional achievements.
  • 16、The pursuit of excellence should not be hindered by "平均主义," as it narrows the range of possibilities and discourages people from reaching their full potential.
  • 17、By neglecting individual strengths and weaknesses, "平均主义" perpetuates a one-size-fits-all approach, disregarding the uniqueness and diversity of human capabilities.
  • 18、"平均主义" fails to recognize that true progress comes from the exceptional efforts and achievements of individuals, rather than from a collective mediocrity.
  • 19、Embracing the principles of "平均主义" leads to a society where talented individuals are held back, while mediocrity is celebrated and rewarded.
  • 20、归根到底,偏见来自对财富的敌意,财富打破了平均主义的梦想,招来了恶意的揣想。
  • 21、统筹协调是着力于起点的平等,而不是回到过去“一平二调”的平均主义
  • 22、不能搞平均主义平均主义惩罚表现好的,鼓励表现差的,得来的只是一支坏的职工队伍。
  • 23、这种观点存在的最大误区是不认可国内近些年的改革成果,仍然希望搞过去那种大锅饭的平均主义,不希望各类职业间存在收入差距。
  • 24、6万多个村庄,平均主义撒“芝麻盐”,雨过地皮湿,但是不解渴。
  • 25、打破分配中的平均主义,打破职级界限,“奖勤罚懒”、“优教优酬”、“按劳计酬”,有效地推动了学校工作的开展。
  • 26、要让一部分地方先富裕起来,搞平均主义不行.
  • 27、这是视觉的平均主义
  • 28、1统筹兼顾追求社会公平,但不是回到过去“一平二调”的平均主义
  • 29、中国改革的目的,本身是实现人们的共同致富,而不是持续不断地打破平均主义
  • 30、可以让一部分地方先富裕起来,搞平均主义不行。
  • 31、在计划经济体制下,我国是平均主义分配和低效率增长并存.
  • 32、为什么地球上的平均主义实验会滋生压迫性的政权呢?
  • 33、分析了企业人事考评工作中存在的偏见、平均主义、以点代面、多重标准等错误倾向,提出了纠正措施.
  • 34、全线出击的口号,是伴随军事冒险主义而来的军事平均主义.
  • 35、现在工资规定低一点也可以,但不能太低,不能搞平均主义,不能吃大锅饭。
  • 36、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 37、谁要是提倡绝对的平均主义,那就是错误的.
  • 38、这种文献倡导普遍的禁欲主义和粗陋的平均主义.
  • 39、网友“纵酒昏酣遗落世事”因此质疑:“难道连这个也要搞平均主义?”。
  • 40、他强调要尊重价值规律、发展商品经济的正确主张,提出要贯彻各尽所能、按劳分配的社会主义分配原则,克服平均主义
