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平均工资造句 首页

  • 1、相关报道中出现频率最高的当属明年起调查分岗位的职工平均工资
  • 2、那么产业工人和零售业工人的平均工资应该涨多少呢?
  • 3、The average salary in our company has increased significantly over the past year, reflecting the hard work and dedication of our employees.
  • 4、Asthe cost of living continues to rise, many people are struggling to make ends meet with the average wage they earn.
  • 5、Achieving a higher average wage requires continuous skill development and adaptation to the changing demands of the job market.
  • 6、The gender pay gap remains a significant challenge, with women typically earning less than their male counterparts on average.
  • 7、Despite working overtime and taking on extra responsibilities, many individuals find their average salary barely covers their basic expenses.
  • 8、The average salary in the technology sector is often higher than in other industries, attracting top talent and fueling innovation.
  • 9、Improving the economy should not only focus on increasing the GDP, but also on raising the average income to ensure a better quality of life for all citizens.
  • 10、Investing in higher education and providing opportunities for vocational training can help individuals secure higher paying jobs and increase the average income level.
  • 11、The pandemic has had a profound impact on the average wage, with many industries experiencing salary cuts and layoffs.
  • 12、Inequality in the distribution of wealth is often reflected in the average salary, with a small percentage of the population earning exorbitant sums while others struggle to survive.
  • 13、The government plays a crucial role in setting policies that ensure fair wages and bridge the gap between the average salary and the rising cost of living.
  • 14、Innovation and entrepreneurship can contribute to higher average wages by creating new job opportunities and stimulating economic growth.
  • 15、Despite the challenges faced by the healthcare industry, workers in this sector often earn higher than average salaries due to the demanding nature of their work.
  • 16、Many individuals are willing to relocate to cities where the average salary is higher, in hopes of improving their financial situation.
  • 17、The average wage of skilled workers in the manufacturing industry has been declining due to automation and outsourcing, posing a challenge for this workforce.
  • 18、Unemployment rates have a significant impact on the average salary, as a surplus of job seekers leads to increased competition and lower wages.
  • 19、Astrong union can negotiate better working conditions and higher wages for its members, ultimately contributing to an increase in the average salary.
  • 20、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 21、如果你把这包菜垃圾扛进了汽车库,你将获得一份平均工资
  • 22、美国劳工统计局的数字显示,在美国有超过100万的教师,小学和中学教师的平均工资为55210美元。
  • 23、男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元.
  • 24、数据显示,中国平均工资最高的三个行业分别是金融业,信息传输、计算机服务和软件业,以及科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业。
  • 25、我国教师法早有规定,教师的平均工资水平应当不低于或者高于国家公务员的平均工资水平,并逐步提高。
  • 26、如果你把这橱柜包菜垃圾扛进了汽车库,你将获得一份平均工资.
  • 27、注:1998年以后为在岗职工平均工资及指数.
  • 28、在北京,一名外国员工的月平均工资为2万元人民币.
  • 29、劳工部说,注册护士上一年的平均工资为65,000美元.
  • 30、济南网站美工一月平均工资多少?
  • 31、自谋职业的可一次性付给安置费,标准不高于试点城市的企业职工上年平均工资收入的3倍。
  • 32、当时上海有句俗语:“成为万元户”。当时一年平均工资只有300元,但是在上海像刘益谦一样的街头小贩都能赚上万元。
  • 33、也许最重要的原因是,即使在公司状况纷纷反弹而开始增加盈利的情况下,近些年工人的平均工资水平也已缩水了不少。
  • 34、哪怕是薪水只有北京平均工资三分之一的电话支持工作,都很快就有一达厚厚的简历,而应聘者多是软件工程专业的应届生。
  • 35、非熟练工人的平均工资现今正在降低.
  • 36、尽管GM中国尽力保密人工成本,但据分析家保守估计,中国工人的平均工资福利比北美工人的十分之一还要少。
  • 37、中国的平均工资只有大约3000美元,是美国人挣的十四分之一。
  • 38、为反映单位内部不同岗位间的工资差距情况,2013年国家统计局对工资统计调查制度进行了改进,27日首次发布了分岗位平均工资数据。
  • 39、你们国家每人的平均工资是多少?
  • 40、近年来,国有企业经营者与职工收入差距呈逐渐拉大趋势。国企职工工资水平低、增幅小,与社会平均工资渐行渐远。
  • 41、为此国家统计局计划从明年起分岗位统计平均工资,以更好地体现个体收入差异。
  • 42、据新华社北京9月20日电国家统计局计划从明年起分岗位统计平均工资,以更好地体现个体收入差异。
  • 43、今年家庭平均工资税收减免额不是1000美元吗?


平均工资 píngjūngōngzī
