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平均海拔造句 首页

  • 1、原来,雪乡平均海拔800多米,高于周围地区,形成了一定坡度。
  • 2、南北高,中间低,自西南向东北倾斜,平均海拔不足1200米,市区海拔为1138米。
  • 3、Standing atop the majestic mountain peak, I couldn't help but marvel at the average altitude that stretched out before my eyes, reminding me of the immense beauty and power of nature.
  • 4、Asan avid hiker, I eagerly collect data on the average altitude of different trails, allowing me to choose my next adventure and challenge myself to reach new heights.
  • 5、The average altitude of this city is a constant reminder of its geographical advantage, offering breathtaking views and a climate that perfectly balances the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze.
  • 6、With each step I take on this rigorous trek, I feel a sense of accomplishment and awe at the average elevation I have conquered, pushing my limits and discovering my own strength.
  • 7、Through my research, I have discovered the fascinating connection between the average altitude of a region and the flora and fauna that thrive there, showcasing nature's ability to adapt and evolve.
  • 8、The average elevation of this town's charming streets adds a unique character, offering residents and visitors alike a picturesque backdrop for walks, runs, and relaxed strolls.
  • 9、Lost in the tranquility of the rolling hills, I find solace in the average altitude of this countryside, a serene escape from the chaos of daily life, providing comfort and rejuvenation to my soul.
  • 10、Mountaineers brave the treacherous slopes, risking their lives to conquer the average height and leave their mark in the history of mountaineering, embodying the indomitable human spirit.
  • 11、The dramatic change in average altitude as I descended into the world's deepest canyon took my breath away, leaving me in awe of the power and impact of geological forces over thousands of years.
  • 12、The average elevation of the sea defines the coastline's character, shaping its flora, fauna, and the lives of the communities that call it home, inspiring a deep connection and respect for the ocean.
  • 13、Huddled around a bonfire, we share stories and laughter under the stars, comforted by the knowledge that every one of us is united by the average altitude we have conquered together.
  • 14、The average height of skyscrapers in this bustling metropolis is a testament to human ingenuity and ambition, as we strive to reach new heights both metaphorically and physically.
  • 15、The average elevation of this remote island surprised me, revealing a hidden paradise where crystal clear waters meet stunning cliffs, a pristine sanctuary untouched by human interference.
  • 16、The average height of this rock formation holds the secrets of millions of years of geological history, whispering stories of ancient landscapes and the forces that shaped our world.
  • 17、平均海拔5000米以上的仲巴县是雅鲁藏布江江源第一县,境内的马泉河是雅鲁藏布江的正源。
  • 18、“总*记给全村人带来了慰问品”2012年12月30日临近晌午,记者到达了平均海拔1500多米的阜平县龙泉关镇骆驼湾村。
  • 19、苏晓威的家,在平均海拔2733米的柴达木盆地西北边缘,青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州冷湖镇。
  • 20、当大多数大学毕业生都选择留在北京、上海、广州等大都市时,王碧妍义无反顾地背上了行囊,来到了这平均海拔在四千米以上的边疆地带。
  • 21、由于米亚罗平均海拔在3500米左右,因此行前要做细致的准备工作,带上雨衣、防寒衣物等。
  • 22、普玛江塘乡位于喜马拉雅山北麓,山南地区浪卡子县东南部,平均海拔5500米,乡**所在地萨藏村海拔5373米,素有“世界之巅”之称。
  • 23、第二级阶梯由内蒙古高原、黄土黄原、云贵高原和塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地、四川盆地构成,平均海拔1000米至2000米。
  • 24、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.
  • 25、香格里拉的海拔在3300米以上,稻城的平均海拔是3750米,亚丁的海拔基本在4000米以上,及时是有高原旅行的经验的朋友去稻城亚丁也要注意高反现象。
  • 26、崇光石二号:我来自神秘的青藏高原,生活在平均海拔四千多米的大山里。
  • 27、藏传佛教四大神山之一,10多座平均海拔6000米以上的雪山群在云南省德钦县境内延绵起伏,形成了世界上最为壮观稀有的、海拔和纬度最低的现代海洋性冰川。
  • 28、那曲的安多县是全国海拔最高的县份之一,其平均海拔为5200米。
  • 29、全县平均海拔1000米左右,整个地势由西北向东南倾斜下降,山地、丘陵、盆地交错分布。
  • 30、平均海拔87米,地貌为丘陵和平原,以灰化土为主,约一半多为可耕地。
  • 31、安化平均海拔在600米以上,海拔千米以上的山峰有157座,境内山脉绵延,群峰叠翠,森林茂密,云雾缭绕。
  • 32、位于孟买东南约140公里处的浦那,处在德干高原的西部边缘地带,平均海拔600米,是马哈拉施特拉邦仅次于孟买的第二大城市。
  • 33、由于她平均海拔在米以上,光影变幻,气象万千,使得这里的风光更为神奇。
  • 34、果洛州平均海拔四千多米,整个地区几乎没有什么工厂,是什么吸引着如此庞大的民工队伍?
  • 35、而位于隆格尔乡附近的一组,平均海拔5200多米,是这次“西征”最艰苦的地方。
  • 36、地势西高东低,呈阶梯状分布,山区、丘陵、平原各占三分之一,平均海拔773米。
  • 37、从瑶乡地理位置看,平均海拔1320米,降雨丰富,气候凉爽。
  • 38、境内山高路远,群峰叠翠,千米以上的山峰就有179座,平均海拔490余米。