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平淡无味造句 首页

  • 1、大道至简,节俭的婚礼并不代表平淡无味,而是一种人生的洗礼,在每一个环节都能让人体味到婚姻家庭责任的真意。
  • 2、说理是需要通过语言表述的,粗糙低劣的语言平淡无味,也无法讲清楚一个道理,只有经过修辞锤炼的语言,才是精致高雅的语言,才能有吸引力和说服力。
  • 3、Despite its stunning exterior, the grand mansion had a mundane and monotonous interior, lacking any vibrancy or character.
  • 4、Attending the seminar was a dull and uneventful experience, with the speaker failing to captivate the audience with his bland and uninspiring presentation.
  • 5、The once thriving city now appears to be a dreary and uninspiring place, with its streets lined with plain and unadorned buildings.
  • 6、The movie, despite its star-studded cast, failed to leave a lasting impression as the storyline was predictable and uninspired, leaving the audience feeling unfulfilled.
  • 7、The book, despite its promising premise, was ultimately a letdown as the writing style was mundane and failed to ignite any passion within the readers.
  • 8、The landscape, once breathtaking, now appeared mundane and uninteresting as the colors and textures faded over time.
  • 9、The music played on the radio was bland and tasteless, lacking any creativity or originality, leaving me feeling unenthusiastic about the current music industry.
  • 10、The clothes in the store were plain and unremarkable, reflecting a lack of creativity and style, leaving me unimpressed with the fashion trends of the season.
  • 11、The city skyline, once a breathtaking sight, now appeared mundane and ordinary against the grey backdrop of the cloudy sky.
  • 12、The exhibition, advertised as a display of groundbreaking art, turned out to be a collection of cliché and uninteresting pieces, leaving the visitors feeling underwhelmed.
  • 13、The speech given by the politician was devoid of substance and original ideas, sounding like a rehearsed and uninspired monologue.
  • 14、The vacation destination, once described as a paradise, turned out to be a lackluster and ordinary place with nothing unique or memorable about it.
  • 15、The TV show, with its repetitive and predictable plotline, struggled to keep the viewers engaged, becoming just another boring and forgettable program.
  • 16、没有任何修饰,也没有多少雕琢,叶正的叙述平铺直叙,甚至有些许平淡无味,可是听在般若心中却是如同春雷乍响般震动。
  • 17、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 18、平淡无味的文章是吸引不了读者的。
  • 19、有人喜欢风平浪静波澜不惊,其实他没有看到青春活力的作用和价值,没有体验过搏击风浪的快意。青春的魅力就在于壮怀激烈,没有动感世界就会死水一潭,人生也就平淡无味
  • 20、人生的真理,只是藏在平淡无味之中。
  • 21、犬儒主义们会嘲讽歌舞青春泡泡堂摇滚曲的平淡无味,但正是这一点让它红遍全球。
  • 22、爱情就像白开水,天天喝,平淡无味,但是没有它的话,你肯定会要死要活。
  • 23、人生如一盏茶,需要慢慢地品尝,刚开始可能平淡无味,可是到了最后,你会发现茶起了变化。不再是那平淡的清水,而变得时而苦涩,时而甘甜爽口,有着说不完道不尽的味道,就看你是如何的抉择。
  • 24、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。车尔尼雪夫斯基
  • 25、恋爱就像口香糖,时间长了会平淡无味,觉得平淡了就想放弃,而无论丢在什麽地方,都会留下难以抹去的痕迹。
  • 26、上等红茶滋味浓厚、强烈、鲜爽;低级红茶则平淡无味
  • 27、屠基达写的《超7史话》很含蓄,在平淡无味的章节里,有数处昙花一现的情节,将沈飞批判的体无完肤。
  • 28、对于“时尚”,不同的人有不同的看法,有人认为时尚即简单,与其奢华复杂,不如朴素干净;有人认为时尚是为了标新立异,与其平淡无味,何不与众不同。
  • 29、恋爱有建立信心的必要,友情有建立观察的必要。恋爱就像口香糖,时间长了会平淡无味,觉得平淡了就想放弃,而无论丢在什麽地方,都会留下难以抹去的痕迹。
  • 30、生活是一杯平淡无味白开水;生活是一篇悦耳动人的乐章;生活是汹涌澎湃的惊涛骇浪。
  • 31、没有观众会相信聂小倩会爱上这样一个平淡无味的人物…作为主体的浪漫故事失败了,这部影片还怎会赢?
  • 32、恋爱就像口香糖,时间长了会平淡无味,觉得平淡了就想放弃,而无论丢在什么地方,都会留下难以抹去的痕迹。
  • 33、我想做一百件事留住你,但其实我做一千件也留不住你。更让我难过的是,我连一件事也做不了,只能在平淡无味的生活的间隙里,想一想,你此时在做什么呢。
  • 34、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,不要将你理应承担的责任转嫁给他人,而要学着从中吸取教训。
  • 35、我不想做一个被别人证明过无数次的公式,一切都那么程序化,那么平淡无味
  • 36、中和之质,必平淡无味;故能调成五材,变化应节。
  • 37、婚后他把家里一切都托给了我,处处对我也很关心,但就是太平淡无味


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