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弄清问题造句 首页

  • 1、这是一个绝佳方法来帮助你弄清问题所在并解决它。
  • 2、也有的认为批判性思维就是提出质问、弄清问题、进行分析。
  • 3、After researching for hours, I finally managed to delve deep into the complex data and unravel the mysteries, thoroughly clarifying the problem that had been occupying my thoughts.
  • 4、The perplexing dilemma kept gnawing at my mind, relentlessly urging me to explore every possible angle and dig deeper, until I could eventually discover the truth and clear up the confusion surrounding the issue.
  • 5、Asthe fog of uncertainty slowly lifted, my relentless pursuit of knowledge and unwavering commitment to finding answers enabled me to establish a solid foundation and gain a deeper insight into the matter, ensuring that I could finally attain clarity and resolve the problem at hand.
  • 6、Itwas like assembling a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, gradually piecing together the scattered clues and gathering evidence, until the bigger picture emerged, enabling me to comprehend the intricacies and resolve the issue once and for all.
  • 7、The confusion that once shrouded my thoughts started to dissipate, replaced by a sense of clarity and understanding that allowed me to tackle the problem head-on and explore potential solutions with confidence and conviction.
  • 8、The process of untangling the problem resembled unraveling a tightly knit knot, requiring patience, persistence, and a methodical approach to ensure that no loose ends remained, paving the way for a comprehensive understanding to emerge.
  • 9、The more I delved into the intricacies of the issue, the more it became clear that multiple layers of complexity were at play, necessitating a thorough examination of each aspect in order to shed light on the underlying truth and bring about a breakthrough.
  • 10、The problem loomed over me like a dark cloud, casting doubt and uncertainty on every decision I made, prompting me to tirelessly seek answers and strive for a comprehensive understanding that would dispel the lingering shadows of confusion.
  • 11、Through open-mindedness and a willingness to challenge my own assumptions, I embarked on a journey of intellectual exploration, questioning conventional wisdom and seeking alternatives, in order to gain a more nuanced understanding of the problem at hand.
  • 12、Each step I took in my pursuit of clarity brought me closer to the heart of the matter, unearthing new facets and shedding light on the multifaceted nature of the problem, enabling me to devise comprehensive strategies for resolution.
  • 13、The process of unraveling the problem required me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace uncertainty, as I embraced the challenges that lay ahead, allowing me to broaden my perspective and gain fresh insights that ultimately facilitated a deeper understanding.
  • 14、“为了解决这个问题,我们制定了一个工程准则”多尔西说,“我们想知道,我们怎样才能弄清问题的原因?”。
  • 15、但是,我们首先应弄清问题是否存在,然后确定问题的大小。
  • 16、让我们没法弄清问题的背景是怎样的。
  • 17、我们不仅要尽力弄清问题,而且要找到帮助家长预防和解决孩子打游戏成瘾的办法。
  • 18、对于具体的用例,我们弄清问题、撰写用例、分析找出我们需要考虑的内容,并且做一些初步的设计。
  • 19、当我们进行实时会谈时,我们能够更好地弄清问题并交流意图。
  • 20、对男士来说,谈话是弄清问题,明辨是非,找出解决问题办法的方式。
  • 21、对男士来说,说话是弄清问题,明辨是非,找出处理问题方法的方式。