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引人入胜造句 首页

  • 1、阳春白雪固然不错,但往往曲高和寡,倒不如下里巴人雅俗共赏来得好,平民音乐虽不比天籁绝音那般高雅脱俗,却也能引人入胜,与人们灵魂共鸣。
  • 2、张老师绘声绘色地讲着美丽的桂林山水的景色,听的同学们引人入胜
  • 3、The movie's intricate plot and stunning visual effects created an enchanting and captivating experience that kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
  • 4、The suspenseful novel, filled with unexpected twists and turns, had readers hooked from the very first page, unable to put it down until they reached the thrilling conclusion.
  • 5、The mesmerizing melody of the symphony orchestra, accompanied by the skilled musicians, transported the audience to a world of pure enchantment and held them in its spell for the entire performance.
  • 6、The charismatic speaker's eloquent words and passionate delivery held the audience in rapt attention, leaving them inspired and eager to take action.
  • 7、The breath-taking beauty of the natural landscape, with its majestic mountains and crystal-clear lakes, captivated every visitor and left them awestruck by its splendor.
  • 8、The captivating dance performance, with its graceful movements and expressive storytelling, held the audience mesmerized, their eyes fixed on the stage.
  • 9、The gripping crime novel, with its complex characters and suspenseful plot, had readers engrossed from beginning to end, unable to guess the outcome until the final page.
  • 10、The fascinating documentary, with its in-depth exploration of a subject rarely discussed, opened the eyes of viewers to a new perspective and left them hungering for more knowledge.
  • 11、The mesmerizing display of fireworks, with their vivid colors and synchronized explosions, drew gasps of awe from the crowd and left them spellbound by the spectacle.
  • 12、The thrilling sports match, with its nail-biting moments and unexpected twists, had spectators on the edge of their seats, cheering loudly for their favorite team.
  • 13、The enthralling historical novel, with its richly detailed descriptions and well-developed characters, transported readers back in time and immersed them in a vivid world of intrigue and romance.
  • 14、The captivating art exhibition, with its thought-provoking pieces and innovative techniques, held visitors spellbound, their minds brimming with inspiration and new perspectives.
  • 15、The exhilarating adventure movie, with its heart-pounding action sequences and breathtaking scenery, kept audiences glued to the screen, eager to see what would happen next.
  • 16、The engrossing puzzle game, with its challenging levels and clever designs, captivated players for hours on end, their minds fully immersed in solving each intricate puzzle.
  • 17、The enchanting ballet performance, with its fluid movements and emotive storytelling, held the audience in a trance-like state, their hearts fully engaged with the dancers' every step.
  • 18、The fascinating science documentary, with its groundbreaking discoveries and captivating explanations, left viewers in awe of the wonders of the universe, sparking a thirst for knowledge.
  • 19、The enthralling fantasy novel, with its intricate world-building and complex characters, transported readers to a realm of magic and adventure, inviting them to lose themselves in its pages.
  • 20、引人入胜的桂林山水,让人百看不厌。
  • 21、曲径邃远引人入胜,溪水悠长撩人如醉,如恍如梦,仿佛身处世外仙境。
  • 22、有了这么多的疑惑,迫使读者产生追究起源的想法,情不自禁、迫不及待地读下去,这样的文章达到引人入胜的效果,读者想不说好也难。
  • 23、我告诉他,尽管我对这个文章的中心思想不相苟同,但我觉得这个文章引人入胜,也发人深省。
  • 24、例如,设想我们看到了非常引人入胜的风景,但缺少具有优美几何结构的被摄主体,这样拍出来的照片只会是一个空洞泛味的场景,那该如何处理呢?
  • 25、由官场回到仙界,陈风笑给你展示仙界的林林总总!依然引人入胜,精彩依旧!领略不同的世界的精彩,且看风笑!——海河求抱抱。
  • 26、一本好书开卷引人入胜,掩卷使人获益.
  • 27、《西游记》的故事情节生动曲折,引人入胜
  • 28、《西游记》神奇的故事情节真引人入胜
  • 29、这篇帖子构思新颖,题材独具匠心,段落清晰,情节诡异,跌宕起伏,主线分明,引人入胜,平淡中显示出不凡的文学功底,可谓是字字珠玑,句句经典,是我辈应当学习之典范。
  • 30、竭尽全力忠于职守,是这个人的生命线。世上有各种各样的生命线,有的更活跃,更愉快,更引人入胜,但没有一种会比他的更好。狄更斯
  • 31、这篇童话故事主要写两只小松鼠植树造林维护生态平衡的故事,文章语言轻新明快,情节生动引人入胜,深受儿童喜爱。
  • 32、您可以从酒店风景迷人的屋顶露台上欣赏到这些真正引人入胜的景点。该露台上还设有一家餐厅和酒吧。
  • 33、人生必有风险,所以引人入胜亦在于此。
  • 34、在人们心里,稳定不如动乱热闹;心想事成也不如曲折离奇来的动人,更不如抵抗诱惑或是为了抗拒激情和怀疑来的引人入胜。幸福从来就不会显得伟大。赫胥黎
  • 35、但是对于要编写一部史纲的人来说,希罗多德是个过于引人入胜的同行.
  • 36、在庞德的设想中,某些时代特别引人入胜,他便让这些时代在他的诗里一一重现。
  • 37、但这贯常的模式到了阿嘉莎笔下,却由于其巧妙构思的情节,步步紧逼的悬疑而变得引人入胜
  • 38、到底要展现建筑面积,还是引人入胜的美景呢。
  • 39、这篇文章描写的景色非常美丽,令人仿佛身如其境,十分引人入胜
  • 40、每当演出一场非常引人入胜的戏剧,众目所瞩的主角脸上一出现特别强烈的表情,观众马上会不自觉地加以模仿。狄更斯
  • 41、中国的民族歌剧,尽管不像西洋歌剧那样阳春白雪,但她同样引人入胜,而且能够雅俗共赏。
  • 42、一会儿是交响乐,一会儿是四重奏,一会儿是小夜曲,一会儿是诙谐曲,将荷花画得千姿百态,美不胜收,每幅都具备着精湛的技艺和诗意,引人入胜
  • 43、妈妈讲的故事精彩分层,我太入迷了,真是引人入胜呀!
  • 44、这本小说的情节引人入胜,但语言却很平常。
  • 45、今晚的歌剧演出华丽瑰异,引人入胜.
  • 46、幻明幻灭中,不时有片片流光溢彩的蝶翼金花飘然而过,紧接着又有阵阵动人心弦的纶音仙乐缓缓响起,飘飘渺渺,引人入胜,着实让人分不清虚幻还是现实。
  • 47、‘圣’字代表高成就;万圣节到了;我祝你智慧超凡入圣,事业出奇制胜圣,光彩引人入胜圣,财富不可胜圣数,万事百战百胜圣;美了吧你?祝你万圣节快乐无比!
  • 48、桂林山水,引人入胜,说它“甲天下”我觉得并不过分。
  • 49、我的家乡在农村,而尤其令我喜爱且魂系梦牵的是那红墙小院。且不提农村那古朴的小桥流水,也不提那引人入胜的青松苍柏,也不提那黑油油的广阔的土地,以及常见的一年四季富于变化的荷塘,单是这红墙小院,就极富诗情画意。
  • 50、他对我们说的这些话,不仅说的非常精采和引人入胜,而且在一定程度上也说得很愉快,很坦白。


引人入胜 yǐn rén rù shèng

南朝宋 刘义庆《世说新语 任诞》:“王卫军云,酒正自引人着胜地。”
