- 1、魔鬼也会引证圣经来替自己辩护。莎士比亚
- 2、一些博客充斥对他人博客学究式的引证,以此向读者表明至少其博客具有某种权威和可靠性。
- 3、"As Maya Angelou once said, 'Nothing will work unless you do.' It's a reminder that success is not achieved without hard work and dedication."
- 4、"In the words of Albert Einstein, 'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' This quote reminds us of the power of creativity and thinking outside the box."
- 5、"Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' These words emphasize the transformative power of education and knowledge."
- 6、"As Oscar Wilde wisely said, 'Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.' These words encourage us to embrace our individuality and uniqueness."
- 7、"In the famous words of Martin Luther King Jr., 'Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.' This quote serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of compassion and understanding."
- 8、"As Helen Keller once said, 'Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.' These words inspire us to take risks and embrace new experiences."
- 9、"In the words of Steve Jobs, 'Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.' This quote encourages us to follow our passions and pursue meaningful careers."
- 10、"In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world.' This quote reminds us that we have the power to make a difference in our communities and beyond."
- 11、"As J.K. Rowling once said, 'We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.' These words inspire us to tap into our own potential and make a difference."
- 12、"In the words of Helen Keller, 'The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.' This quote reminds us of the importance of having goals and a clear direction in life."
- 13、"In the words of Winston Churchill, 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.' This quote serves as a reminder to persevere in the face of challenges."
- 14、"As Mark Twain famously said, 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.' These words encourage us to take the first step towards our goals, knowing that it's the most important one."
- 15、"In the words of Oprah Winfrey, 'The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.' This quote inspires us to pursue our passions and live a fulfilling life."
- 16、"As Maya Angelou once said, 'You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.' These words remind us to stay resilient and not let setbacks define us."
- 17、这个例子显示了一个被美国最高法院拒绝发放调卷令的案例引证。
- 18、他常引证老子的一句话,“前识者,道之华而愚之始”。
- 19、考官看了认为言之成理,可又不晓得引证宰予昼寝是何用意,便叫那学生来询问。
- 20、通过引证人类和其它动物在大脑解剖学和脑化学构成领域内存在的相似之处,神经科学家西维提出:“如果你相信依靠物竞天择而实现了物种的进化,你又怎能认为感情是凭空突如其来地出现在人类中的呢?”。
- 21、引证了混凝土有效碱是影响碱集料反应的关键因素,介绍了溶出法测定混凝土有效碱试验方法,讨论了溶出法测定混凝土有效碱的研究进展。
- 22、他是我的灵感,我的良知,我的挚爱,也是我毕生追求‘义无反顾,至死不渝’爱情的引证者。
- 23、写论文一定要有问题意识;要提倡论证,避免简单引证;只有追求社会意义上的学术性才是真正的学术性;哲学最大的危险就是玄谈等。
- 24、可以量深浅的爱是贫乏的。魔鬼也会引证圣经来替自己的居心辩护。从敌人嘴里发出的赞美,才是真正的光荣。
- 25、文中附有形态描述、植物线条图、栖地、分布及引证标本等。
- 26、另外,他扩大了金石学的研究内容,涉及众多学科,引证渊博,剖析入微,富于创见,在全国也产生了较大的影响。
- 27、笔者不惮其烦地引证这个方案的内容,是因为这个似乎过于琐碎的计划,正是他思想倾向的反映。
- 28、他的引证根本站不住脚,因为他没有搞懂所引文章的基本主张,只不过断章取义地加以引用罢了。
- 29、尽管该至理名言常被用以引证权利限制权力之合理知之小工具,然而笔者认为其哲理内蕴于考究权力限制权利之正当同样适用。
- 30、吸烟被引证为导致死于肺炎、慢性气管炎或肺气肿的一种隐患。
- 31、该书对《易经》有关军旅修养的思想作了钩玄提要,对古代兵家、兵书中有关《易经》的精神也作了适度引证、引申和解读。
- 32、在最高法院公布每一案例前,我和我的下属必须仔细审查该案例的每一项法律意见,以保证引证和引文正确,文体适当,无打字与文法错误。
- 33、这种价值可以与文字历史互相引证,也可以修正文字记载之偏差与谬说。
- 34、容易引证的事实;铁证如山的偷盗案。