- 1、用准静态分析法分析了铌酸锂光强度调制器的电极结构参数.
- 2、但是,在接连输给佛罗伦萨、切尔西、桑德兰和里昂之后,球队强度的脆弱也暴露无遗。
- 3、The intensity of his passion for her could be felt in every word he spoke, his eyes never leaving her face.
- 4、The storm raged with such intensity that even the strongest trees were torn from their roots and houses reduced to rubble.
- 5、The intensity of their friendship was evident in the way they stood by each other through thick and thin, never wavering in their support.
- 6、Asthe climax of the movie approached, the intensity in the theater was palpable, everyone on the edge of their seats, waiting with bated breath.
- 7、The intensity of her grief after losing her beloved pet was overwhelming, tears streaming down her face as she held onto the empty collar.
- 8、The intensity of her focus while practicing the piano was awe-inspiring, her delicate fingers dancing across the keys with precision and passion.
- 9、The intensity of their love for each other was evident in the way they couldn't keep their hands off each other, the longing in their eyes speaking volumes.
- 10、The intensity of the colors in the sunset painted the sky in breathtaking shades of orange, pink, and purple, creating a scene that took their breath away.
- 11、The intensity of the pain in his injured leg was unbearable, every step feeling like daggers shooting up through his body.
- 12、The intensity of the competition in the sports arena was fierce, each athlete giving their all, pushing themselves to the limits.
- 13、The intensity of her fear when she found herself alone in the dark forest was paralyzing, as every rustle of leaves made her heart race.
- 14、The intensity of her determination to succeed was unbreakable, pushing her to work day and night, sacrificing sleep and social life to achieve her goals.
- 15、The intensity of the pain in her broken heart was crushing, every memory of their love now laced with sorrow and longing.
- 16、The intensity of her disappointment when she didn't get the job she had worked so hard for was devastating, leaving her questioning her worth and abilities.
- 17、前向散射能见度仪测量前向散射光强度,确定大气的消光系数,进而获得大气的能见度值。
- 18、但是在2008年,公司发现内部机身结构与机翼结合处的787的碳素纤维“翼盒”,强度不够并且需要金属翼梁的加固。
- 19、当所有颜色可见光波达到反射强度时,物体表面就呈现白色;当最红的光线被吸收时,反射的影像就带有青色的色调。
- 20、等震线图是以地震强度相等的轮廓线描绘地震强度分布的地图。
- 21、然后你可以在两次强度训练之间安排一天恢复性跑步,而不是全休。不过恢复性跑步应当是用很轻松的速度进行的,一般来说就是让你的腿在移动就可以了。
- 22、研究发现,铁磁性纳米线阵列的长度的混乱度越高,其磁滞回线的饱和磁场强度随着升高,剩余磁化强度则有所降低。
- 23、环渤海地区;资源环境承载力;资源环境压力强度;物质流;生态足迹。
- 24、采用ANSYS5.4有限元程序对多臂机C形杆进行静态应力应变分析,从而达到校核C形杆零件强度、进一步优化其结构形状的目的。
- 25、我无法复述我们所听取的那些一波三折的证词,也无法描述我们在隔离中为作出裁决而进行的高强度的审议。
- 26、在广东省翁源县江尾镇低丘赤红壤上,对7年生火炬松人工林的抚育强度、季节和次数进行了研究。
- 27、格雷斯在飞机前面的滑轨上安装了一部价值30,000美元的极限强度设计广播级摄像机。他和两名助手乘坐贝尔202直升机追拍,最终目的是将两组镜头剪辑在一起。
- 28、来自南昆士兰大学的天文学家Brad博士表示,这篇论文正确地预言了从月岩石样本中得到的磁场强度等级。
- 29、由磨削力确定夹紧环所需的夹紧力,以此计算夹紧环的刚度和尺寸,并校核其强度和张紧砂布时的扳手力矩。
- 30、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.
- 31、通过化学成分设计和冶炼、热轧及冷轧工艺的控制,研制出铌钛微合金化高屈服强度IF钢。
- 32、知识的保持和复现,在很大程度上依赖于有关的心理活动第一次出现时注意和兴趣的强度。
- 33、下料工艺中存在材料多变性、V形槽参数多变性,这导致棒料的强度差别很大.
- 34、结合近49年的旱灾和水灾受灾面积,分析了不同强度降水对水旱灾害的影响。
- 35、整体外壳采用高强度工程塑料制造,可承受强力撞击.
- 36、方法通过不同浓度柠檬酸溶液,检测全口发现阈值、强度比较能力和菌状*头形态和数量。
- 37、随着配料中陶瓷纤维含量的增加,陶瓷纤维过渡层和分离膜层气孔率、孔径有不同程度的提高,而材料的抗弯强度则明显下降。
- 38、结构紧凑,磁感应强度高,线圈使用寿命长.
- 39、结果表明,本钢X70管线钢具有高强度、高抗动态撕裂能力、高低温冲击韧性以及低韧脆转变温度。
- 40、内聚强度大,剥离强度低的压敏胶粘接剂制造技术.
- 41、书壳的材料应有一定的强度和耐磨性,并具有装饰的作用.
- 42、越接近线圈,抵消越明显,总磁场强度越小.
- 43、腾冲火山区的微震活动分布、地震强度、及震源深度特征所表现的现象可能与地下岩浆体活动相关,显示了与火山热物质孕震机理有关的明显特征。
- 44、利用废胶粉制备出一种高强度、高模量热固性塑料.
- 45、多孔砖砌体抗压强度随着孔洞率的增加而减少。
- 46、棉织物的断裂强度降低,断裂延伸度提高。
- 47、最后所得聚合物是非导电体,能耐大多数化学品,不可燃,具有高强度和高耐久性。
- 48、超声功率是影响粗铝丝引线键合强度的最主要因素之一。
- 49、在动强度试验中,取得了黄土地基的动粘聚力和动内摩擦角等强度参数。
- 50、中国从2007年以来就一直没有升过息,这一举动可以说是中国经济强度的象征。