- 1、车桥战役采取“围点打援”的掏心战术,一部分兵力在车桥据点采取偷袭、强攻,另外两路纵队在援军可能到来的芦家滩一带阻击。
- 2、强攻不行,智瑶将晋阳重重围住,准备与赵氏打持久战,为了提高韩氏、魏氏剿灭赵氏的积极性,允诺灭亡赵氏后,将赵氏的封地拿来三家平分。
- 3、Despite the challenges and setbacks, she never gave up and continued to launch a strong attack on her fears, propelling herself towards her dreams with unwavering determination and resilience.
- 4、With their morale high and their spirits indomitable, the soldiers mounted a fierce assault on the enemy, vowing to protect their country at all costs.
- 5、The fearless boxer, fueled by his burning passion and unwavering discipline, unleashed a powerful onslaught of punches, leaving his opponent reeling and defeated.
- 6、Inthe face of adversity, the young entrepreneur launched a bold and audacious marketing campaign, taking the industry by storm and capturing the attention of millions.
- 7、The determined student, armed with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unwavering work ethic, embarked on a rigorous study routine, launching a relentless attack on her academic goals.
- 8、The innovative company, driven by its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, launched a strategic attack on the market, revolutionizing the industry with its groundbreaking products.
- 9、The charismatic leader, brimming with charisma and unwavering conviction, launched a powerful charm offensive, captivating the hearts and minds of his followers.
- 10、Fueled by their shared vision and unyielding commitment, the NGO launched a powerful initiative, mounting a united front against poverty and inequality.
- 11、The passionate teacher, driven by a deep love for education and an unwavering belief in the potential of her students, launched an innovative curriculum, igniting a spark of curiosity and creativity in her classroom.
- 12、The talented musician, armed with his extraordinary talent and boundless passion, launched a mesmerizing performance, captivating the audience and leaving them in awe.
- 13、The resilient survivor, armed with an unbreakable spirit and an unwavering faith, launched a powerful offensive against the darkest moments of her past, reclaiming her life and her identity.
- 14、The charismatic speaker, armed with persuasive rhetoric and an unwavering conviction, launched a passionate speech, inspiring the audience and inciting change.
- 15、The passionate chef, armed with culinary expertise and an unwavering commitment to perfection, launched a mouthwatering menu, delighting the taste buds of his patrons.
- 16、Faced with adversity and setbacks, the determined athlete launched a vigorous training regimen, relentlessly pushing her limits and launching a fierce attack on her personal records.
- 17、精神反而更加清敏,我仔细的观察塞亚人的拳路和破绽,默默隔挡着他急风暴雨般的强攻。
- 18、哈哈哈,令狐冲可是武功高强,若是不先用计捉着他,我们怎敢强攻黑木崖,哈哈哈。
- 19、张邈远道而来,鞍马劳顿,即便他再急于夺回城池,却也不会当即就发起强攻。
- 20、如果贸然强攻,一定会大败亏输。
- 21、是继续强攻长沙以卵击石,还是转向敌人力量薄弱地区保存实力?
- 22、通过对九运会女子排球决赛第二阶段12支队伍扣球进攻技术的数据统计,运用对比分析法对强攻、快攻和后排攻等三种进攻打法进行研究。
- 23、结合当今国际女排大赛的实际,论述了我国女排主攻手“强攻不强”的主要原因。
- 24、但是,这一周里,他们是真的被人类吓着了,那种悍不畏死,宛如战争机器一般的连续强攻,打得他们的心胆俱裂。
- 25、乌克兰军方19日宣布,**军当天在对乌东部城市卢甘斯克的强攻行动中,占领了该市部分城区。
- 26、孙策大军开拔,分军围住对面大山,令人猛攻,山上箭石巨木齐发,孙策大军死伤惨重,于是山下布阵,不在强攻。
- 27、党政人士指出,吴敦义在此刻辞党职拼“立委”,似有维持党务中立、强攻“立法院”龙头的意味。
- 28、强攻的时候,劫匪的火力一定集中在这两道门上,所以从门攻进去的念头就放弃吧。
- 29、这天碑本就是一元万法演化而出,是陆羽现在最强攻击之一。
- 30、菲律宾警方突击队强攻了这辆巴士,车上有15名香港游客被劫为人质.
- 31、原本计划是里应外合,避免强攻澄城县,而这厮却不听,被城门守卫牵制住了主力。
- 32、定法出身富贵人家,天赋出众,其修炼玄白之气已经达到第四层,以气助血,行走畅旺以达冲开血脉穴位之阻滞,能于瞬间让躯体增强扩大,加强攻击力。
- 33、事急矣!强攻北寺狱!先救出郑飒!
- 34、以军在过去四天强攻宾特朱拜勒,数千以军地面部队部署在该镇附近。
- 35、在强攻们孟买犹太人中心的过程中,一名印度突击队员受伤.
- 36、大战在即,风雨既然无心强攻呼兰,那么把自己从战火涂炭的印月调离,如果仅仅为了掩人耳目,对自己来说未免太投闲置散了,也不符合风雨一贯的用人韬略。
- 37、当时对凭借坚固工事顽强死守日军强攻,想一举歼灭,诚非易事,乃抱定寸土必争之决心,攻到那里,占到那里,就地挖坑,夜间对壕作业。
- 38、跟随着贺若敦南讨信州,到了白帝城,为百姓着想,不采取强攻的方式,而是抚慰百姓。
- 39、宋军还像强攻太原一样,使用的武器是重砲重弩,同时还使用了垒土山,挖地道等战术,但是幽州城十分坚固耐攻,破城之事绝非花费一日之功就能一蹴而就的。
- 40、看着手机上陈天宇的回复,王安国有些犹豫,强攻这个方法他不是没有考虑过,但是危险系数太高,如果逼急了劫匪可能会狗急跳墙伤害人质。
- 41、此役执黑的吕钦开局未几就率先发难,发炮轰掉红方七路巡河兵,并顺势挺起“两头蛇”,摆出一副强攻的架势。
- 42、诸葛亮不顾战略上的失策,以一州之地强攻中原之魏,纵使竭忠尽智,终因实力悬殊而难以实现其战略目的。
- 43、郎岱城墙很高,陡险坚固,历史上没有强攻破城的先例,只有利用夜间偷袭的办法,打它个措手不及。
- 44、昨天决赛的最后,球迷见到了冯坤的妙传,见到了赵蕊蕊的强攻,见到了周苏红的重扣……最后由完成重扣。
- 45、果然又过数日,俺答率兵强攻古北口,又从黄榆沟毁了边墙,挥师直入。
- 46、哈哈,你们就全部给我下地狱去吧!战斗泳将,加强攻击!
- 47、而小说的作者——高大魁梧的徐贵祥,以其雕心镂骨的英雄情结和卓荦不羁的战争思考,被称为“正面强攻派的战争小说家”。
- 48、李定国强攻肇庆不果,原寄希望的郑成功等军又杳无消息,他审时度势,决定主动撤回广西。
- 49、到了黎明时分,黄天智发动最后一波强攻,彻底击溃剩下的一万多人,亲自生擒活捉了宗天英明。
- 50、此处城墙,临近北门,地势平坦,最宜强攻,成败在此一举,当奋勇争先,以身报国!