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  • 1、要有脚踏实地锲而不舍的坚强毅力,要有埋头苦干、励精图治艰苦创业的拼搏精神。
  • 2、守笃实,戒机巧,守强毅,戒刚愎。曾国藩
  • 3、Inthe face of countless challenges and setbacks, she demonstrated her unwavering determination, proving that her strong-willed spirit could overcome any obstacle in her path to success.
  • 4、When confronted with adversity, he summoned his inner strength and displayed an indomitable spirit, refusing to be defeated and inspiring those around him with his strong-willed character.
  • 5、Her fierce determination and unwavering resolve propelled her through the darkest moments of her life, allowing her to emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.
  • 6、With an iron will and unyielding determination, he overcame all odds, proving that nothing could deter him from achieving his dreams.
  • 7、Despite facing constant setbacks and failures, she remained steadfast and unshakable in her belief that success was within her reach, demonstrating her strong-willed nature.
  • 8、Inthe face of tremendous adversity, she showed extraordinary fortitude and strength of character, proving that she was capable of facing any challenge head-on with her strong-willed spirit.
  • 9、With an unwavering belief in her abilities and an unbreakable determination, she transformed her dreams into reality, becoming a shining example of what it means to be strong-willed.
  • 10、Despite being faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, he never lost sight of his goals, always pushing forward with a tenacity that demonstrated his strong-willed nature.
  • 11、Her unstoppable drive and perseverance allowed her to overcome seemingly impossible hurdles, proving that her strong-willed spirit knew no bounds.
  • 12、In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, his unwavering determination served as a guiding light, allowing him to navigate through the darkness and emerge stronger than ever before.
  • 13、Her unwavering commitment to her principles and values showcased her strong-willed nature, inspiring others to follow in her footsteps and stand up for what they believe in.
  • 14、Despite facing countless rejections, he refused to give up and maintained an unwavering belief in his abilities, eventually achieving the success he had worked so hard for.
  • 15、Through his sheer determination and perseverance, he defied all expectations, proving that his strong-willed spirit could conquer even the most formidable challenges.
  • 16、In the face of overwhelming adversity, she remained undeterred and resolute, proving that her strong-willed nature was unbreakable.
  • 17、His relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering dedication to his craft set him apart from others, proving that his strong-willed spirit was the driving force behind his success.
  • 18、Despite the weight of the world on her shoulders, she carried on with unwavering strength and resilience, showcasing her strong-willed character and determination to overcome any obstacle.
  • 19、永没没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。
  • 20、智术之士,必远见而明察,不明察不能烛私;能法之士,必强毅而劲直,不劲直不能矫奸。
  • 21、面对这一群有着百折不挠的顽强毅力的人,而且能够一代一代传下来,自始至终矢志不移,任何人都没有资格嘲笑他们。
  • 22、幸福的路上慢慢跑,遇到烦恼跳一跳,跨越困难剩逍遥,冲刺人生夺美好,祝愿笑容坚强毅力永不倒,温馨甜蜜每一秒,八一来临,愿亲爱的战友平安到老!
  • 23、老师,你是辛勤的园丁,培育着我们茁壮成长;你是灵魂的工程师,塑造着我们高尚心灵;你是威严的父亲,打造着我们刚强毅力。
  • 24、奋斗目标+艰辛努力+坚强毅力+百折不挠=我的2011年,愿:2011年+开心+幸福+好运=我的2012年,愿2012年我能笑得更灿烂,好事一连又一连。
  • 25、远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。
  • 26、这一下他可成了名,而在巴黎的成名是轰动一时的,如醉如狂的,要强毅笃厚之士才担当得起;不少才华早显的人都是给盛名压倒的.
  • 27、阿里已是一名老将,速度也不比往昔,但不论怎样,他仍然坚持留在拳台上。他的比赛仿佛是充满了伎俩、技巧和顽强毅力的一场表演。
  • 28、要发财,不容易,莫懈怠,要坚持,要忍耐,要和气,要人脉,要人气;巧买卖,慧财理,不怕败,强毅力;发大财,要理智,勿忘爱,行善慈。1118要要要发,发条短信祝你发财有方,。
  • 29、正史上,此战发生于七亘村,陈再道团仓促遇敌,凭借顽强毅力先获小胜,随后却因为指挥部被鬼子精兵夜袭,大败。
  • 30、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。
  • 31、能法之士,必强毅而劲直,不劲直,不能矫奸。
  • 32、一个男子汉哭泣是无碍于一个人的强毅
  • 33、祝福长假归来的你:用远途旅游跋山涉水的坚强毅力,逛街购物不眠不休的疯狂热情,宅在家里衣来伸手饭来张口的享受态度对待全新工作日,朋友加油!
  • 34、永远没有人力可以击退一个果断强毅的但愿。
  • 35、永远都是没有人力去可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。查理·金斯莱


强毅 qiángyì

强毅 (中汽认证中心主任) 研究员,博士研究生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。毕业于合肥工业大学机械工程专业。 强毅 (汉语词汇) 强毅,汉语词汇。 拼音:qiáng yì 释义:1、刚强坚定,有毅力。2、威猛。3、犹顽固。