- 1、这本书的作者一定是位博闻强识的学者。
- 2、哈哈,戴老师久在江湖,博闻强识,日后你我可以与他多走动走动,想必大有裨益。
- 3、Inthe face of adversity, her strong determination to succeed served as an unwavering anchor, empowering her to overcome every obstacle and achieve her goals.
- 4、The couple's strong bond was evident in their unwavering support for each other, even in the darkest of times, reminding us all of the power of love.
- 5、After years of intensive training, the athlete's strong body and mental resilience shone through as she effortlessly surpassed all expectations and claimed victory.
- 6、His strong appetite for knowledge and thirst for learning inspired those around him, fostering a love for education and personal growth.
- 7、Despite facing numerous setbacks and challenges, her strong faith in herself and her abilities propelled her forward, illuminating the path to success.
- 8、The powerful speech delivered by the humanitarian touched the hearts of millions, igniting a wave of compassion and driving positive change.
- 9、Asthe storm raged on and chaos ensued, her strong leadership skills emerged, guiding her team to safety and restoring order amidst the chaos.
- 10、The strong sense of community within the neighborhood was evident during times of crisis, as everyone rallied together to support and uplift one another.
- 11、The strong sense of responsibility that the firefighter possessed led him to risk his life to save others, showcasing the true heroes among us.
- 12、Despite facing countless rejections, her unwavering determination and strong self-belief propelled her to keep chasing her dreams until she finally achieved success.
- 13、The strong bond between the mother and child was evident in the way they laughed and played together, creating cherished memories that would last a lifetime.
- 14、The strong sense of empathy displayed by the nurse touched the lives of her patients, offering solace and reassurance during their time of need.
- 15、In the face of adversity, her strong willpower and resilience allowed her to overcome her fears and transform her life into one filled with hope and success.
- 16、As the team faced defeat after defeat, his strong leadership and motivational skills inspired them to rise above their failures and eventually emerge victorious.
- 17、The strong connection between the musician and her instrument was evident in the way she played with passion and emotion, captivating the audience's hearts.
- 18、The strong support network of friends and family helped her overcome the challenges of mental illness, reminding her that she was never alone in her struggle.
- 19、他是几个人中年纪最小的,从那时候起,不管是家学渊源也好,天资聪颖也好,一提起陈振濂就和“聪明”“博文强识”这类词连在了一起。
- 20、李教授是个博闻强识的人。
- 21、奥斯卡:主食部分,热情友好又博闻强识的服务生为我推荐了扒三文鱼配土豆泥和香葱柠檬黄油汁。
- 22、而朱氏更有轻财贵义的朱桓,桓字休穆,以强识名,与人一面,数年不忘,往遇疫疠,必隐亲医药,餮粥相继,士民感戴之。
- 23、他博闻强识,是一位难得的人才。
- 24、潜虽学不沾洽,然卓荦强识,祖宗制度之仪,丧纪五服之数,皆指掌画地,举手可采。
- 25、清代颜元,是一位博闻强识的学者。
- 26、换上心后才发现,原来此心博闻强识、还有通天彻地之能。
- 27、没想到在14号硬卧车厢1号下铺还来得及躺下休息,就被乘警曲国强识破。
- 28、沙玉藏的父亲沙上月是一位郁郁不得志的刀客,他没有超众的刀法,却见多识广,在闯荡江湖的几十年中,他博闻强识,暗暗记下了很多成名刀客的刀法。
- 29、他也时常跟人争执神仙的境界,圣人究竟有几位等等看似虚无缥缈的问题,对这些杂七杂八的东西博闻强识了若指掌。
- 30、他是一个博闻强识的人,可以胜任这份工作.
- 31、闻强识的人,可以胜任这份工作。
- 32、据说这位蒋大人精敏强识,与人见一面谈一言,数十年后仍然记忆得丝毫不差。
- 33、太傅不但一身武学修为高深,而且博闻强识,见识广博,或许太傅会知道的。
- 34、‘博文强识而让,敦善行而不怠,谓之君子。
- 35、李逸虽然博闻强识,博览古今,但是,还无法解释这一现象,好的是,这一切都是在空间戒指当中发生的,别人并不知道。
- 36、作家、文学研究家、翻译家钱钟书先生向来以博闻强识的能力为人所钦佩,然而这也不是与生俱来的天赋,而是笔头上记出来的本事。
- 37、同时,国家中医药局提醒广大群众在网上求医问药时务必提高警惕,加强识别能力,避免上当受骗。
- 38、诸葛亮胸藏百汇,博闻强识,善于筹划,善于分析,见微知著,在隆中就已经定下了三分天下之计。
- 39、在299班班刊中,同学们生动描绘:历史老师博闻强识,纵横捭阖;政治老师经世致用,注重实际;数学老师思维理性,脚踏实地;英语老师洋文飘洒,青春激扬……
- 40、长衫少女眼光犀利,东方世家本来就以武学渊博著称,她又自幼便博闻强识,是以丘平一出手便知是衡山剑法,见丘平存心逗乐,便以言附之。
- 41、他见识通神,博览强识,见多识广,天地之事,几乎无所不知,无所不晓,表面看来他外表鹤骨仙风却酷爱钱财,整日行骗,是一个荒诞不经的算卦小老头。
- 42、那孔林也算是满腹经纶,博闻强识,两人相谈甚欢,大有相见恨晚之意,促膝而谈,直至深夜,方才歇息。
- 43、博闻强识4级智力4可学看技巧书能获得额吐矣闽技巧点,看杂志的效不雅观持续时刻加倍。
- 44、征博闻强识,士和钩深致远,吾弗逮已。
- 45、老汉博闻强识,这一番话,也让吴飞大概了解到这个世界的概况。
- 46、屈平博闻强识,明于治乱,娴于辞令。