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  • 1、人莫强求,理莫强辩,酒莫强喝,事莫强为!
  • 2、语言少有诡诈,一斥破之,则愧汗而不敢强辩
  • 3、Inthe fierce debate over climate change, the passionate environmentalist presented a strong argument backed by scientific evidence, highlighting the urgent need for global action to protect our planet for future generations.
  • 4、The eloquent lawyer's strong argument in the courtroom not only persuaded the jury of his client's innocence, but also exposed the flaws in the prosecution's case, leaving no doubt of their client's innocence.
  • 5、Inthe heated discussion about education reform, the passionate teacher presented a strong argument, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to education that nurtures creativity and critical thinking.
  • 6、Inthe contentious debate on gun control, the survivor of a mass shooting presented a strong argument, sharing their personal story and advocating for stricter regulations to prevent future tragedies.
  • 7、The passionate historian presented a strong argument, dispelling historical inaccuracies and misconceptions, shedding light on the untold stories and perspectives often neglected in mainstream narratives.
  • 8、The dedicated advocate for accessible healthcare presented a strong argument, highlighting the stark disparities in healthcare access and urging the government to prioritize healthcare as a fundamental human right.
  • 9、In the heated debate over immigration policies, the empathetic humanitarian presented a strong argument, emphasizing the moral responsibility to provide safety and opportunities to those fleeing persecution and seeking a better life.
  • 10、The passionate artist presented a strong argument, challenging societal norms and traditional perceptions of art, pushing boundaries and inspiring others to embrace creativity and self-expression.
  • 11、In the debate on genetically modified organisms, the knowledgeable scientist presented a strong argument, discussing the potential benefits of GMOs in addressing global food security challenges and dispelling misconceptions.
  • 12、The passionate advocate for affordable housing presented a strong argument, exposing the housing crisis and its impact on vulnerable populations, urging policymakers to prioritize affordable housing initiatives.
  • 13、In the divisive debate on abortion rights, the empathetic advocate presented a strong argument, highlighting the importance of women's reproductive autonomy and emphasizing the need for safe and accessible healthcare options.
  • 14、鄙视你继续为假新闻无理强辩!贵州没有新闻记者,那是一个非常遥远的泛黄的回忆了!
  • 15、一个人不会听话,通常都不会讲话。一个人只会讲话不会听话,叫做强辩。一个人会听话才会讲话,叫做善于思考。
  • 16、他这个人巧舌如簧,经常是无理也要强辩三分。
  • 17、虽然一直强辩说,单恋也是一种爱情,但单用一边的手掌是拍不出声音的.
  • 18、不料妇女强辩之音未落,“犟头犟脑”的态度竟惹怒了男子。
  • 19、判决书早已公布于世,贵行竟然仍然死不改悔,无理强辩,这难道就是所谓国际银行的做法吗?这样的银行能让客户受益吗?
  • 20、那公主叉腰立在门前,嘴里说黄道黑,无非天下嫉妇之辞,自姜皇后一直数落到妲己身上,天喜星起初还强辩两句,终究气不过,拂袖出门而去。
  • 21、就算比赛结果出来,他也还是不甘示弱地强辩自己如何没有得到第一!
  • 22、强辩者饰非,谦恭者无争。林逋
  • 23、老土土一向强辩以为明代人没有避孕知识。
  • 24、处理拒绝,最忌讳与客户强辩,辩赢了,就失去了成交的机会。
  • 25、持相反的论点就是试图为站不住脚的事情强辩
  • 26、被告提出原告的肖像在网上公布任何人可以共享的辨解,因共享不是随意使用,所以被告的辩解属于无理强辩,法院不予采纳。
  • 27、无理强辩演绎了霸气外露,满不在乎背后是漠视民权。
  • 28、被自己所爱的人深爱着是什么样的感觉呢?会是什么样子呢?想要立刻回答的人,你要知道自己是多么幸福的人。虽然一直强辩说,单恋也是一种爱情,但单用一边的手掌是拍不出声音的。
  • 29、邝文杰听得脸上一阵讪然,而见丈夫受窘,莫瑶依旧强辩:“可这些他完全可以直接告诉大伙,干嘛非搞那么多花样,不是摆明看不起人吗?”。


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