- 1、包含你作品的幻灯片,彩色照片,彩打图片,甚至是影印或镭射打印的清晰图片,这些就足够了。
- 2、王庶华的族人还保留着这样一张彩色照片,相中人穿着深蓝色的西装,戴着老花镜,左腕挂着拐杖,站在老屋门前,双手举起一枝香,向前方虔诚致敬。
- 3、The old photo album is filled with vibrant and nostalgic memories, each page telling a unique story through its carefully preserved collection of colorful photographs.
- 4、AsI flipped through the glossy pages of the photography magazine, I couldn't help but be captivated by the breathtaking beauty captured in each and every colorful photo.
- 5、Looking at the vivid orange and red hues of the sunset in the panoramic color photograph, I couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility and awe wash over me.
- 6、The artist's use of vibrant colors in the portrait photography brought the subjects to life, evoking a range of emotions and capturing their essence in a way that black and white photos never could.
- 7、Holding the faded, dog-eared photograph of my grandparents' wedding day, I couldn't help but smile as I imagined the colorful joy and love that surrounded them on that special day.
- 8、The photo exhibit showcased a series of thought-provoking images that explored the complexities of human emotions through a fusion of black and white photography with strategically placed pops of vibrant colors.
- 9、The colorful photographs displayed on the walls of the art gallery were like windows into the souls of the subjects, revealing their hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities with every stroke of the artist's lens.
- 10、The vibrant colors in the landscape photographs seemed to transport me to the distant places captured in the images, allowing me to momentarily escape reality and immerse myself in their beauty.
- 11、The contrast of the vibrant red and blue hues in the photograph of the bustling marketplace perfectly conveyed the lively and dynamic atmosphere that filled the air during that moment in time.
- 12、The intricately framed color photographs adorning the walls of the art gallery were like windows into an alternate reality, each image inviting me to explore the emotions and stories hidden within.
- 13、The explosion of colors in the photograph of a field of wildflowers brought a sense of joy and hope, reminding me of the beauty that exists in the world even during the darkest of times.
- 14、In the midst of the black and white collection, a single colorful photo stood out like a beacon, drawing me closer and inviting me to uncover the secrets it held within its vivid hues.
- 15、The artist's use of vibrant colors in the still life photography breathed life into the mundane objects, turning them into captivating works of art that invited contemplation and wonder.
- 16、As I held the double-exposure color photograph in my hands, I marveled at how the blending of two distinct images created a mesmerizing composition that ignited my imagination.
- 17、The fading color photographs of distant places and long-forgotten faces in my grandmother's photo album carried a sense of longing and nostalgia, inviting me to dive into the stories of the past.
- 18、The bold and striking colors in the fashion photography evoked a sense of confidence and empowerment, encouraging viewers to embrace their own unique style and individuality.
- 19、这两张望远镜彩色照片拍到了两个宇宙级夜枭,两个行星状星云向行星地球反射强光形成了有趣的对比。
- 20、在休憩了片刻之后,王鹏便带领着程咬金,参照着他之前储存在记忆里面的益母草的彩色照片,按图索骥一般滴来搜寻益母草的下落。
- 21、比赛接受黑白照片、彩色照片、反转片和数码照片.
- 22、她详细的一步一步的做一个篮子介绍伴随着大量图表和全彩色照片,有助于解释详细细点。
- 23、两艘人造飞船有史以来第一次传回火星的彩色照片.
- 24、而只在美国宇航局官方网站上,公布了一张极小且分辩率非常低的勇气号全景照相机拍摄的彩色照片.
- 25、黑白照片中你是朴素大方的,彩色照片中你是娇艳迷人的,艺术照片中你是美丽脱俗的,总之你在我心中是最美的。亲爱的,相片情人节快乐。
- 26、卡西尼以前,2005年,近距离会合时的假彩色照片,也显示这种差异。
- 27、好心让你的简历,最新的1英寸彩色照片,原件和复制品,你湖口和ID来看待我们的人力资源团队成员参加面试的安排。
- 28、它们照不出彩色照片哪,永远都是黑白的.
- 29、914相片情人节,送你黑白照片,愿你做人黑白分明,幸福一生。送你彩色照片,愿你生活多姿多彩,锦上添花。更要相片情人节快乐。
- 30、这幅彩色照片同时还获得了一般新闻类组照二等奖.
- 31、有意者,请将个人简历、三证复印件及近期2寸免冠彩色照片发至本公司邮箱。
- 32、右边的彩色照片由日本业余天文学家立川正幸于2010年8月20日拍摄,火球出现在照片的右上角。
- 33、他还制造出了人类第一张彩色照片,拍的是一条格子呢缎带。
- 34、风火轮经典:时代的红线自豪地展示了500多壮观的彩色照片,这样本开创性的时候一些最优秀的汽车。
- 35、彩色照片显示衬衣比较干净,背部有一个绽裂的直角形口子,口子两端分别有5厘米左右,已用白线缝缀。
- 36、目前,较为先进的进口和国产的彩色照片放大机几乎都是电脑显示,硬件存储,手调校色,而不是自动校色。
- 37、彩色照片可以通过数码摄影的独特技术转换为黑白照片。
- 38、“我们的目的是要在七月初得到第一张灶神星地表的彩色照片,”纳逊博士说道。
- 39、在我小屋的墙上就贴着一张10寸大小的彩色照片。那是一张日出的照片。照片上一轮火红的太阳刚从大海上升起,把天空照得火红火红的,海面上映着一道金色的光芒。在粼粼的碧波中有四五条小渔船。在海边的礁石上还站着一些看日出的人。
- 40、后者为镀镍钢币,印有一张两人彩色照片。
- 41、芝加哥黑鹰队左边锋StuGrimson解释他为什么在他的衣柜上贴张自己的彩色照片:“这样的话当我忘记我名字怎么拼写时,我还是可以找到自己的衣服。”。
- 42、2011年5月27日,在新落成的秦怡艺术馆内,秦怡在毛*席接见金焰、周*来接见秦怡的两幅巨大的彩色照片前留影。