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心脏造句 首页

  • 1、冬季下雪天有九防:一防跌倒;二防中风;三防心脏病;四防消化道溃疡;五防呼吸道疾病;六防虚脱;七防晨练病;八防烫伤;九防不当御寒方式。
  • 2、心脏有两个心房;一个住着快乐,一个住着忧伤;笑得太狂放,会吵醒忧伤;哭得太悲凉,会影响快乐。所以,生活无论是踏上巅峰还是跌入谷,不轻狂,不凄凉。
  • 3、Every beat of my heart reminds me of the precious love that flows through my veins, connecting me to the people who mean the most to me.
  • 4、With every breath I take, my heart beats in synchrony, pumping life and vitality through my body, reminding me of the incredible power within me.
  • 5、Inthe depths of darkness and despair, it is the unwavering resilience of my heart that guides me towards the path of hope, reminding me that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
  • 6、The heart, the unspoken conductor of our emotions, holds the key to unlocking a world of compassion, kindness, and love that can bridge even the widest gaps between individuals.
  • 7、During moments of introspection, it is to my heart that I turn, seeking solace and understanding, for it holds the secrets to my true desires and aspirations.
  • 8、The heart, shaped by the trials and tribulations of life, is a testament to the strength and tenacity of the human spirit that can withstand even the harshest storms.
  • 9、Every scar etched upon my heart tells a story of love lost, lessons learned, and a soul that continues to grow and evolve through the trials of life.
  • 10、Asthe heart basks in the warmth of love and connection, it expands, embracing the world with open arms, fostering a sense of unity and belonging that transcends all boundaries.
  • 11、Inmoments of joy and celebration, the heart dances to its own rhythm, filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the beauty and wonder that life has to offer.
  • 12、The heart, an unwavering compass that guides our every decision, reminds us to trust our instincts and listen to the whispers of our true desires.
  • 13、The heart, a sanctuary of love, is a constant reminder that despite the hardships we face, there is always a space within us to heal, grow, and love again.
  • 14、As the heart beats in harmony with the world around us, it reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living beings, promoting empathy and understanding.
  • 15、In moments of loss and grief, it is the resilience of the heart that allows us to find solace and comfort amidst the pain, knowing that life's challenges are only temporary.
  • 16、The heart, a delicate yet powerful organ, is a symbol of our vulnerability and strength, reminding us to embrace our emotions and live authentically.
  • 17、Just as the heart pumps life-giving blood, it also nourishes our souls with love, compassion, and the capacity to forgive and heal.
  • 18、The heart serves as a constant reminder that time is precious and fleeting, urging us to seize every moment and live life to the fullest.
  • 19、Like a wellspring of hope, the heart blooms with resilience, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to overcome and thrive.
  • 20、The heart, a vessel of our deepest desires and dreams, guides us towards our true purpose, igniting a fire within us to chase after what sets our soul on fire.
  • 21、The heart, the keeper of memories, holds dear the moments of laughter, love, and shared experiences that shape who we are and bring meaning to our lives.
  • 22、此后长长的时光,与爱有关的辞藻和句子到了嘴边都化作了无声的叹息,有种微酸的小情绪像钢丝一样勒着我的心脏,留下一圈圈看不见却时常作痛的痕迹。
  • 23、心脏呈动脉型,主动脉曲屈延长。痰培养肺炎双球菌生长。
  • 24、考试就像得了病一样,考前是忧郁症,考时是健忘症,考后病情开始好转,拿回卷子时,心脏病就发作了.
  • 25、这种零热量的茶饮料对很多方面都有益:可以增进心脏的健康,预防多种癌症,坚固骨骼与牙齿,还可以修护肌肤。
  • 26、幸福就是能有一双灵巧的手,去做各种各样想做的事;幸福就是能有一双灵活的脚,去走遍广阔的世界;幸福就是能有一个鲜红的心脏,不停地跳动,维持我们的生命……
  • 27、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 28、许多更强烈的漂泊感受和思乡情绪是难于言表的,只能靠一颗小小的心脏去慢慢地体验,当这颗心脏停止跳动,这一切也就杳不可寻,也许失落在海涛间,也许掩埋在丛林里,也许凝练于异国他乡一栋陈旧楼房的窗户中。
  • 29、我永远得不到你的,躲在镜子里的身材,我进不去只能观赏,或打碎点燃,你坚硬华丽的伪装,常刺探进我的心脏,求得原谅,毒药蜜糖。阿悄
  • 30、心情是心田的庄稼。只要心脏在跳动,心情就在播种着,活跃着,生长着,更替着,强有力地制约着我们的生存状态。我们可能没有自由,没有健康,没有金钱,但我们必须拥有心情。
  • 31、心脏上像是瞬间破土而出一颗疯狂生长的巨大食人花,在几秒钟的时间内就用它肥硕的枝叶遮盖了所有的光线,巨大的黑暗里,无数带刺的藤蔓缠绕攫紧我的喉咙。
  • 32、例如,某甲知道某乙有心脏病,生气时有生命危险,为谋害某乙,故意在某乙面前指桑骂槐,导致某乙心脏病发作死亡。
  • 33、小蜜瓜激动得心脏扑腾扑腾乱跳,他冲到台上,像捧宝贝一样把那盒糖果捧在怀里,然后他就保持着这样的姿势,小心翼翼地走出教室,走出学校,一直走到家里。
  • 34、老婆,我爱你。你那甜甜的微笑总像丘比特的箭,深深的穿透我的脊梁,直达心脏。那是一种撕心裂肺的爱的体验,那是一种超越境界的幸福的感觉。
  • 35、心脏要跳出来了,直到今天我还是很激动。
  • 36、生活的目标是人类美德和人类幸福的心脏
  • 37、你的心脏载得住我的轮回,我的掌纹赎不会我的罪。
  • 38、各种各样的人以电波为介质,通过这个我们暴露在身体之外的心脏,寻找到我们链接上我们,轻易地摇撼着我们原本平静的世界。
  • 39、宣传风湿止痛药“西乐葆”的广告曾这样叫嚣,但后来我们却发现该药会增加心脏病的发病率。
  • 40、不过Thomas说,传说的埃及法老近亲通婚很可能和心脏病发病率没什么关系。
  • 41、当我害怕时,我会产生某种,湿冷的感觉,又或者,我的心脏猛跳。
  • 42、你们想打胜仗吗?你们想活着看到胜利的那一天吗?那么,你们就认真刻苦地投入训练吧!不要摆花架子,把你们的刺刀插向敌人的心脏。这是一种粗暴的训练方式,但它既可以打胜仗,又可以减少伤亡。
  • 43、如果你到得太晚,那么就要夺门而入,最后关头的匆忙已经让你的心脏开始怦怦跳了。
  • 44、做一个真诚的人很难;人与人之间的沟通不是简单的方程;你真诚的举动可能换来的是别人的冷嘲或者热讽;那颗安在自己胸中的心脏,常常为别人而无私地跳动。
  • 45、在医生将心脏电子起搏器植入他胸腔后9天,这位按捺不住的五角大楼头头,上周六又回复到他原来的生活。
  • 46、这里是我的心脏,但到处是我的精神。
  • 47、虽然在时光的溶液里被浸泡得失去了应该完整无缺的细节,可是却依然留下根深蒂固的某个部分,顽强地存活在心脏里。
  • 48、因为心脏病突发,猝不及防,他英年早逝。
  • 49、一个人只有一个心脏,却有两个心房。一个住着快乐;一个住着悲伤。不要笑得太大声,不然会吵醒旁边的悲伤。
  • 50、我觉得心脏快要蹦到嗓子眼了。